A Kiss For a Tribal Rose Tattoo

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

The tribal flower tattoos have sub-categories within it and tribal rose tattoos are one of the most popular.

The versatility of the tribal pattern has made it popular among tattoo enthusiasts. It can be done as a standalone or as a background for another design. It can have edges or curves and still serve the same purpose. The color can vary as well. It can work well with a wide range of multi-color designs and still manage to stand out. In fact, all popular tattoo designs always have a tribal pattern with them. Like tribal tiger tattoos, tribal cross tattoos and tribal flower tattoos.

Ancient mythology uses rose as a dedication to goddess of love. It is mysterious and sacred.

Nowadays, a rose tattoo is mostly commissioned to show devotion to a significant other. It is often regarded as romantic to have this inked on your skin. The purpose of choosing a rose tattoo sometimes borders on the poetic, because a rose represents positive feelings and emotions.

The rose's numerous colours are enough to draw admiration within tattoo loving community. The white rose, for instance, is associated with Marian devotion. Making a white rose the tattoo design of choice by the religious. Red rose is an ultimate symbol of romantic love and pale pink rose connotes gentleness and gratitude. Combining the colours also alters its significance. Combining white and yellow roses is a symbol of harmony, while red and yellow roses signify happiness.

A rose tattoo is usually done as a single image. However, it could be done in numbers as well. The number of roses and how they are tattooed are also relevant. Two entwined roses represent commitment. The number of roses a father would have tattooed on him is sometimes based on the number of offspring he has.

Tribal rose tattoos are usually done at a smaller scale than the other tribal designs, most often, by women. It is commonly placed on the wrist, ankle and bosom. There are men who choose this design as well, but still for reasons relating to women. They have it done on them to honour and pay tribute to the women of their lives.

Choosing a tribal rose tattoo is not as easy as one might think. Research needs to be done to ensure that what you really want to convey is what will be tattooed on you. What makes it even more complicated is combining it with a tribal design. But the beauty of the tribal rose tattoos is on the simplicity of the rose and the intricacy of a tribal pattern. How the contrasting images make the art work is beautiful to look at.

Tribal rose tattoos may just be a sub-category of tribal flower design, but its significance and aesthetic purpose are equally valuable to the tattoo enthusiasts. Additional research is necessary in capturing the exact concept you have in mind. Although a rose is generally a positive symbol, you still would be nice to have what you really want eternally etched on your skin.

Tribal Dragon Tattoos Always Cause a Sensation

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Tribal dragon tattoos always cause a sensation, thanks to dragons' impressive power. Their fluid, serpentine shape and impressive physical attributes gives the wearer of a dragon tattoo an edge over a more mundane tattoo design.

Tribal dragon tattoos are a blend of the East and West

It may surprise you to know that dragons are not all the same.

In Eastern cultures, dragons are still seen as honourable and benevolent creatures with powers to heal and protect the weak.

Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Korean legends all feature likable dragons with similar physical characteristics. Tribal dragon tattoos of these often smiling Asian dragons are normally inked in both black and color and are very intricate and ornate.

Western dragons, however, are not as likable. Myths depict them as vicious, with reptilian features, sharp claws and teeth. To say these dragons had a negative image would be correct.

Tribal Dragon tattoos are a dream to design

The unusual and striking appearance of dragons has meant that designing a tattoo of a dragon will be an enjoyable experience for anybody wanting to design unique tribal dragon tattoos.

All myths depict dragons in exceptional detail with sharp spikes, flowing manes, glistening scales, rippling muscles, flashing eyes and sharp fangs. This all provides great detail to include in the new design.

Tattoos of dragons look good on guys and girls

Men tend to choose large, bold dragon designs, often in only black ink. The writhing body of a powerful dragon draped across a well muscled torso looks particularly good. The meaning behind a dragon reflects wisdom, courage, strength and a desire to protect loved ones - all commendable male attributes.

Women tend to choose smaller, feminine dragon designs. These are also found in black ink but also with touches of colored ink. The symbolism attached to a feminine dragon design depicts the girl as the creator and protector of life. These smaller tattoos suit a smaller female form.

As with any tattoo it is vital that you wear the tattoo and not the other way round. Try to pay attention to your body size when you decide on the dimensions of your tattoo. Large, oversized tattoos can overwhelm a smaller torso and not create the right impact.

Lastly, take your time deciding on your new tattoo design. Look at as many images of tribal dragon tattoos as possible. Let your imagination run free. With plenty of design material at your disposal you will be able to create a truly unique and impressive tattoo which you can display with pride for many years.

Cross Tattoos - What Do Cross Tattoo Designs Symbolise?

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos
Cross tattoos are a very popular type of tattoo design with both men and women nowadays. They convey a very strong message and have great meaning to the person who wears the tattoo. So what are the different types of cross tattoo and what do they represent?
Well cross tattoos are mainly associated with religion, as you might expect, and are very closely associated with the Christian religion in particular. Many Christians are deeply proud and passionate about their religion and a cross tattoo for many is the perfect way to convey their strong belief in the Christian religion, and their love and respect for Jesus Christ and God because the Christian cross symbolises Jesus Christ returning from the dead.
There are various different types of Christian cross. There is the basic latin cross which just consists of two intersecting lines, then there is the crucifix which depicts Jesus Christ on a wooden cross. In addition other variations of the Christian cross include ones covered in thorns or nails.
Away from the traditional Christian cross, you've got the very popular Celtic cross. This tattoo design combines the latin cross with a circle to create an attractive looking design. These tattoos are also very popular with Christians but are also very popular with many people who have deep Celtic connections in their family history, as they are a great way to honour their Celtic heritage.
Another form of cross tattoo and one that is growing in popularity is the memorial cross. Memorial cross tattoos are very popular with those people who have lost loved ones and want to have a permanent memorial of them with them at all times. Made in the shape of a gravestone, these tattoos are very poignant and deeply moving, and with suitable words added to the tattoo are an excellent way to remember those who have sadly passed away.
Finally the other common type of cross tattoo is the Gothic cross. Goth people are not necessarily religious people but they do still like to use religious imagery in their tattoo designs. These designs are German in style and are often deep-set tattoos that consist of a cross together with barbed wire and daggers.
So overall there are many different types of cross tattoo available. These tattoos have always been popular, and will probably remain so in the future, largely due to their powerful symbolism and striking imagery. They have deep religious meaning but they also convey a respect of spirituality for non-religious people so cross tattoos are a very versatile type of tattoo design.

Tattoo Designs - Kanji Strength Tattoos And The Samurai Code

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

A samurai warrior lived by Bushido, The Way Of the Warrior. It was not only a way of fighting and dying, it was a way of living. It became his moral code. This code was passed onto his sons so that it was ingrained in young men from childhood. While at its base was the essential warrior quality of courage, there were other character traits a man was expected to develop and practice.

He was expected to live frugally and to act with loyalty, honesty, compassion and honor - rather like the Western notion of chivalry. Some of the virtues he practiced and continually aspired to follow are everlasting. Kanji strength tattoos can connect us to these time-tested and time-honored virtues and strengths.

Courage - A samurai's courage was deeper than the courage needed in battle. It was the mental and moral courage to face the day-to-day challenges of living and the constant struggle to master emotions and feelings. It was the courage to deal with life full on - to face the difficult situations and make the hard decisions. The kanji symbol for courage can be a strength tattoo.

Loyalty - A samurai was expected to be totally loyal to his emperor or lord. It was unquestioned loyalty that impelled him to follow his lord's commands and to be willing to die for him. It was total commitment. Generally, we are not called on to have that kind of loyalty today but we do have country, family, friends or causes that require our loyalty. A kanji tattoo can remind us of our commitments to the people and beliefs that are important to us.

Honesty - This means to be honest with oneself and to be honest with others. This is not being honest from fear of being caught out but, rather, practicing honesty because it is the right thing to do. It means being honest enough to face our own faults and admit when we are wrong.

Compassion - This can be the true test of a person. Are we strong enough in ourselves to show real compassion to others? Are we generous enough to overlook a fault, forgive a mistake or give something of ourselves? A samurai was expected to show kindness to others, particularly those who were weaker.

Honor - The samurai's code of honor overrode everything else. Above all, he was expected to act with honor at all times. Practicing the other virtues helped him to act in an honorable way. His great failure would be to act dishonorably, which would not only reflect on himself but on his family. Sometimes the only way he could redeem himself was by seppuku or ritual suicide, which is more commonly known as hara-kiri.

The code of the samurai was about taking control over oneself by self-denial. The ultimate struggle was always the struggle over his fears, desires and gratification. He knew if he could control these he would be truly strong and would be in control of his life. A kanji strength tattoo can connect us to this same strength.

Dallas Tattoo Removal - The Ten Most Common Tattoos that are Removed

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Tattoo removal is an increasingly common aesthetic medical procedure in Dallas, Houston, and other Texas cities. Current laser technology is able to safely and effectively remove tattoos with a minimum of side effects - primarily swelling and redness for a few days after the removal procedure. Most tattoos need 3 to 10 procedures to remove the tattoo completely, with more treatments generally required for newer and brighter tattoos, and fewer treatments needed for older and more dull tattoos.

But why would a patient wish to have a tattoo removed? Dallas tattoo removal clinics remove a wide range of tattoo designs - here are ten of the most common tattoos removed

1) Cursive name tattoos - these tattoos are written in the black/dark green tattoo ink and range in size from 1 inch by 1 inch to as large an across the entire torso. These tattoos are removed when a relationship is over, patient no longer wishes to have the name of their partner displayed on their body, or the tattoo no longer looks as desirable as it did in the past.

2) Tattooed names written in block letters - similar to cursive names, but these tattoos are generally larger, with independent letters either filled in with shaded ink or empty. These tattoos are generally larger than cursive tattoos.

3) Rose tattoos - these tattoos incorporate red ink with green leaves and a stem. The red ink is relatively easy to remove with a Q-switched Nd:YAG medical laser, but the green ink is significantly more difficult. These tattoos are easiest to remove when they are older (5-10 years old+) and on a part of the body that has received significant sun exposure.

4) Star tattoos - a very common tattoo that is either filled in or left empty. Some of these tattoos are black and some multi-colored.

5) Barbed wire tattoos - most common among male patients, these tattoos are often found on the upper arm in black or dark green ink. These tattoos are slightly more difficult to remove due to the challenge in maneuvering the patient's arm to completely remove the entire band.

6) Tribal tattoos - there are thousands of varieties, often with high ink density and contrasting colors.

7) Dragons tattoos - popular among male patients, these tattoos are often on the lower leg, lower arm, and back. Some dragon tattoos can cover the entire back and may take hours for a single removal session. Black ink is the most common color, but multi-colored tattoos that are quite beautiful may also be presented for removal.

8) Butterflies tattoos - women often present these tattoos, to be removed because the ink has faded and is no longer attractive, the body has changed shape and stretched the tattoo, or because that patient no longer feels the tattoo is part of their desired lifestyle.

9) Japanese/Chinese character tattoos - presented less frequently than commonly thought - these tattoos represent some message of wise saying, personal motto, or unknown but attractively-designed character. These thick and dark letters can be difficult to remove given than they tend to be newer tattoos with high pigment density.

10) Tear drop tattoos - these tattoos are associated with the death of another person. They are controversial because while some tear drop tattoos are meant to indicate the death of a loved one, others represent or purport to represent that the tattooed patient has killed another individual. Tear drop tattoos are placed immediately below and to the side of the eye and are removed with caution due to the proximity to the sensitive eyes.

How to Find Best Cross Tattoo Designs Using These Ideas

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

Tattoos can be compared to love that means everlasting. If in case you decided to get tattooed somewhere in your body, always expect that it will last forever. And no matter how desperate you are in removing it, the scars will still remain. Among tattoos, cross tattoo designs are widely chosen by both men and women. It's because cross symbolizes many things. It doesn't matter whether you are a member of Christian religion or not, you still have these so-called body accessories.

There are several kinds of cross tattoo designs. Some are just simple while others are filled with different designs like curves and circles. And to make it more realistic, designers used to mix cross designs with unusual things such as thorns, nails and leaves. Christians have wide faith and cross are being portrayed for the reason that Jesus Christ will return from the dead.

Cross tattoo designs are not just meant for Christian members. Any one ca get a cross tattoo and there are many selections to choose from. Just in case you want to get a cross design tattoo, here are fours of the best ideas that you can opt to have:

Crucifix (wood cross tattoos)
This is the standard design used by tattoo artists. Usually, people get a crucifix tattoo to commemorate Jesus Christ's death. Although, this design is simple, wooden cross can be also mixed with different styles and blends of colors.

Celtic cross tattoos
Celtic cross involves a combination of cross and rings. This design is made and surrounded by intersections. Celtic crosses are not just created for Christians by also to honor the family's history associated with Celtic. In most cases, getting a Celtic cross design tattoos means you're a member of an exclusive family.

Tribal cross tattoos
These designs us the same as Celtic crosses. However, the boarders are usually created with a strong blend of bold black color. In some cases, tribal cross design is made with sharper ends or pointed edges. Tribal cross design tattoos have nothing to do with religion. These are awesome designs often used by people who want to remember someone they love.

Tattoos are available in many different designs. Mentioned above are only a few of them. Cross tattoo designs have been popular over the years. And even teenagers today are still fond of getting cross design tattoos. In spite of being a religious symbol, these tattoos are used to showcase one's fashion above all.

Skull Tattoos - Meanings and Variations of Skull Tattoo Designs

Skull Tattoos - Meanings and Variations of Skull Tattoo Designs

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

Skull tattoos may appear gruesome or scary to others but those who patronized this type of tat theme actually have special meanings attached to it. They are not just tattooed on them in order to appear tough or to appear funny. In this article, we will be looking at the several variations of skull tattoo designs and the symbolism attached to them.

The very plain skull tat is originally an old school art. It was even once an insignia for groups like bikers, prisoners or gang members during the early days. However, as body art evolves, modifications and alterations for skull tattoo also came into play. Originally, its image was scary but now you can find humorous ones as well as whimsical and colorful styles. Before, they were usually combined with symbols like dagger, crossbones, flames and rose. Nowadays, anything goes as long as it would look good on one's body or as long as it can deliver the message it wants to portray. Artists seem to be having a lot of fun portraying this symbol;from cartoon skulls to terrifying Grim Reaper to realistic skull drawings. Of course, don't forget the poison sign and the pirate symbol. It can also be noticed that this tat them is not only for the male population. The female tat enthusiasts are seem to be giving it a lot of attention and thoughts too through the portrayal of colorful sugar skulls or corpse bride tattoo.

Those who have skull tattoos look upon it as their protection from death or their talisman. It can also be a symbol of near death experience or one's survival from a fatal accident or illness. Other's even consider it as a lucky charm. Whatever meaning the wearer wants to attached to it, the important thing it the personal connection and symbolism it has to them.

Learn in Detail About Sleeve Tattoos Designs Before You Get One

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

Tattoos have become the fashion icons of the modern world. One in every five children who walk into a college have a tattoo on their body. This shows the craze that youth have on tattoos. One of the tattoo designs that most people prefer is the sleeve tattoo design. Sleeve designs can be understood as large tattoos that are made on the arm or the leg of a person. Generally it is done not as a large tattoo, but a collection of small tattoos connected creatively that covers up the entire sleeve. It requires a lot of time and money to have sleeve tattoo design on the body. Depending on the design and the expertise of the tattoo artist, it may take days, weeks or sometimes even months to finish a sleeve design.

Here are some key points that you will have to keep in mind before opting for a sleeve tattoo design.

First, ensure to select the design idea that suits your body. If you decide to have it on your arms, it is suggested that you have this type of tattoo on your dominant arm. Another thing to remember is to make sure to pick a good theme because you will be looking at it for the rest of your life. So pick a theme that will bring you good memories. Lastly, once you have selected a theme, you can add your own innovation to make it look unique and beautiful.

The next step is to find a tattoo artist who can do the sleeve tat design correctly for you. The tattoo artist should be an experienced expert in this field and can provide feedback on the design and location. To gather more information about the person doing your tattoo, do not hesitate to ask questions about the years of experience, references, and maybe prior client experiences. Also, do forget to establish good communication and rapport with the tattoo artist. This will help you feel at ease and help him understand the best type of sleeve tattoo for you.

Once you decided on a design and picked a date with the tattoo artist, you should plan to bring a friend or family member to calm your nerves and provide moral support. If this is your first tattoo, the process may seem overwhelming at first, but once the design takes shape, you will feel more confident you have made the right decision.

After your tattoo is done, it is important that you follow some basic maintenance steps. Once you remove the bandage of your sleeve tattoo designs, gently wash it with warm water. Do not use any ointments over it. Once you wash it, dress it up with cotton for few hours. You should apply some lotion on the tattoo before you dress up. Please consult your tattoo designer as to which lotion need to be used. Until your sleeve designs are totally healed, do not go swimming and avoid long showers. Lastly, make sure that you stay away from the direct sun exposure for a few days, do not scratch the sleeve tattoos, and try not to shave the skin over it.

Japanese Tattoo Design - Is There Good Artwork On The Web?

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

A Japanese tattoo design can be a very particular taste for many people. It is not the biggest niche in the world, but the artwork can look like some of the best stuff out there. That's the problem, though, because locating the quality design online can be such a pain and even impossible at times. Here is what you must know about so much of the content on the web, as well as how to find the great material.

I am sure you know how good a quality Japanese tattoo design can look on a person. While this takes a good artist to do great work, it also takes top notch artwork. If you are like so many other people out there looking for tattoos online, then you know just how insanely draining it can be to find what you want. You know what? Because of this, there are even some people who are settling for designs they don't even 100% like. They just "settle" for something that they don't necessary care for, just because they want something on their body. Please, don't let this happen to you, because most people end up regretting their decision. This will hold especially true when it comes to something as detailed as a Japanese tattoo design.

Here is a sure fire way to avoid running into every single generic Japanese tattoo designs on the web...

You see, the problem lies with the actual tools you are using to locate the artwork for that Japanese tattoo design you want. What am I talking about? I am talking about search engines. We all use them for just about anything. For most things, they take you right to where you need to go. This doesn't hold true for finding quality artwork online, though. Search engines lead you and your browser straight to the thousands and thousands of cookie-cutter websites that litter the web. Each and every one of them is loaded with generic artwork that is well over six/seven yeas old in most cases. The real kicker is that the stuff they do have is already plastered on every other cookie-cutter websites out there. You are seeing the same exact generic content over and over again, even for a Japanese tattoo design.

You way around that kind of crud is very easy, so finding a great Japanese tattoo design is right around the corner...

To keep it simple and sweet, you will want to use the power of internet forums to find a quality Japanese tattoo design. Forums work about 100 times better than search engines for locating great artwork and I mean artwork that was truly drawn to be implementing into real tattoos. Those cookie-cutter places mostly have designs that won't look even half as good on your skin as it looked on paper or your computer screen. A generic Japanese tattoo design might leave you disappointed. Forums are your easy way around that, because they get you right to the top notch places that feature mostly top of the line stuff. There are so many huge forums on the web and each one is loaded with its own unique insider knowledge, so you can find just about anything there.

When looking for your ultimate Japanese tattoo design online these days, you don't have to settle on designs that you aren't totally happy with.

Chinese and Japanese Tribal Dragon Tattoos

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Dragon tattoos are one of the most popular designs all over the world. It can go in any category, whether abstraction, naturalistic, dedication, stylized or combination tattoos.

Throughout history, dragon tattoos have never been out of fashion and had been used as a symbol in some parts of the world. It can be drawn as menacing or regal depending on your choice of design.

Dragon tattoos come in two popular forms: the Chinese or Japanese dragon of the east with its long, snake-like body and the European dragon of the west with its powerful wings and long neck. The European dragon usually symbolizes power and fear, a depiction of evil where as the Chinese dragon usually symbolizes unity and conformity, a depiction of good.

You can find many different designs of dragon tattoos in different forms and colors. Some of these dragon designs have additional background scenery where they are depicted flying in the clouds, swimming in the ocean, crawling on top of mountains or ravaging small villages. But the most common depiction of a dragon is being done as tribal dragon tattoos due to both its simplicity (the majority color being in either black or gray with the additional color to highlight the dragon) and its complexity.

Most often, the eastern dragons are the ones being used as a basis for the designs for the tribal dragon tattoos. Chinese and Japanese designs are the ones most common to be created into tattoos. Both have similar features: long, snake-like body, wingless and have horns. The only difference between these two dragons is their claws. Japanese dragons have only three claws where as the Chinese dragons have five. Their long, wingless bodies are less complicated to draw and since tribal tattoos are mostly being done in one color (two at the most), the outcome of these dragon are more elegant looking and sophisticated.

Though, some in today's society, eastern dragons that are being created into tribal dragon tattoos is being depicted as a symbol of fear and power; a contrast to the real symbolism of the eastern dragons.

Some people today would ask for a tribal dragon tattoo when they want to look tough or powerful. They would look for the best dragon design and ask to have it done. But there are still those who see the eastern dragon as a symbol of wisdom and would ask for a dragon as a sign of respect. And still, others would just like a tribal dragon tattoo because the artistry is very well made and it looks good in the body.

The most common place to find a tribal dragon would be on the whole arm length or at the back.

There are still some parts of the world where dragon tattoos are still used as a symbol in society. Whether they are being used as a status symbol in an organization or a clan, they are a mark of respect and power to the people who still value them.

Japanese Tattoo Design - Finding the Top Notch Artwork

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Most people don't end up choosing the Japanese tattoo design that they truly want. The reason this happens is because the internet is so overcrowded with generic, low end artwork and people end up settling for it. They are either in a rush to get tattooed (which his never a good idea) or they think they can't find anything better. Well, here are simple techniques to you to the galleries that will have a great Japanese tattoo design.

Men and women are not having an issue locating tattoos on the net. It's just that the slew of generic artwork is overwhelming most of the time. If you are trying to use a search engine (like 95% of people do) to find your Japanese tattoo design, this is where you are going wrong. It's not your fault, though. It's just that search engines are very bad at pulling up top notch galleries of tattoos. It's usually the bottom of the barrel places that come up and people go to them without hesitation.

Not only will you find one generic Japanese tattoo design after another, but this holds true for any style of tattoos you are searching for. It's a never ending database of bland, out dated images. The truth is that there "is" great artwork out there and you can use another method of searching to uncover them.

It can be done by using internet forums to find the Japanese tattoo design you want. You don't even have to like forums to accomplish this. There are even whole forums solely dedicated to tattoos if you want to go that route. I am sure you can find a ton of topics where people are asking where the great galleries of tattoos are. If you peek inside, you will be able to find all of the hidden galleries that other men and women have found. It's an easy way to the Japanese tattoo design that you might have never seen. You can actually find hundreds of fresh Japanese tattoo design pieces this way.

It sure beats going blindly into the search engine results and coming away with generic images that you aren't thrilled about. No matter what Japanese tattoo design you end up liking, you will want to make sure you are 100% happy with it before going to get it tattooed.

Help With Deciding On The Right Tattoo

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

When you have decided that you really want a tattoo and you know of a tattoo artist you are going to use then the next step is deciding on a particular tattoo design that you want. From this point on is where the hard work starts. Finding the tattoo artist is the easy part but deciding on what tattoo you want will take work. There are so many different kinds of tattoos to choose from it actually makes it harder to determine which tattoo to go with. It's also a lot of fun looking at tons of different possible tattoo designs. The type of artwork that you choose will be a personal preference but there are some designs that are more common than others. For example, an angel tattoo design is more popular with men than a rose or butterfly tattoo which is popular with women.

The colors to choose for a tattoo vary widely and all depend on personal preference. Rose tattoos do not have to necessarily be red, but can also be black or white as there are many different meanings with rose colors. Styles of the different tattoos will vary also depending on they type of tattoo.

The angel or devil tattoo will tend to be in larger format with bold dark colors, while a tribal tattoo will have many pieces and black color. A butterfly can be any different colors, sizes and shapes.

Choosing the location of the tattoo is also part of the process. You can have a tattoo put anywhere on the human body and some people will go overboard and place a tattoo in odd places such as the top of the head, under the neck, on fingers, feet and many other places you can think of. What is popular for women might not be as popular for men, such as women love to have tattoos placed on the lower back, upper back or on the ankle, while men tend to have tattoos placed on the upper arm, shoulder or back. It is all a matter of style and what the person likes best. There really is not a wrong place to put a tattoo as long as you like it.

As you can see, the choice of tattoo designs are endless and finding the right tattoo for you may seem like a huge task but of course there are many resources you can use to find the right tattoo.

Using the Internet to start your research may be a good idea as there are many different websites related to tattoo designs. There are many galleries and pictures that you can look through to get an idea of the kinds of tattoos out there. Most sites will try to sell you templates of tattoos, which might be of good use since you can take those templates to your tattoo artist, which in the long run will save you money from having a tattoo artist design a fresh tattoo. This does not mean you cannot have the template modified. The cost will depend on the size and complexity of the tattoo design that you decide to go with. So if you wish for a small tattoo, it might be worth the extra cost for a tattoo artist to create a unique design.

If you do not find any tattoo designs on the internet that you like, you can always go to your tattoo artist and ask for a sketch of a tattoo that you may be thinking about. This of course will cost extra but may be worth it in the long run as once a tattoo is put on the body it's very difficult to get rid of it. Be sure to spend time researching your tattoo and look through as many pictures and designs as possible as it will help you decide what you want.

Skull Tattoo Designs - Dare to Compare!

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

In the past, skull tattoo designs have been associated with biker gangs and other rough members of society; partly due to the motion picture industry and the given reputation surrounding these individuals. Times have changed, as this style of tattoo has.

This design and its symbolic meaning have evolved over the years. Following are some interpretations.

Grim Reaper

What does the grim reaper convey to you? It is not associated with Satan as some believe, nor does it represent simple death. These hooded skull tattoo designs are a reminder from medieval times that life is infinite and it suggests that there is life after death.

Skull And Crossbones

This design is known universally as the sign for poison and is seen on household cleaners and other substances. The image is white placed upon a black flag. This design has other meanings as well, depending on the views of its recipient.

Men choose it for its representation of masculinity and the stigma surrounding it, while others choose this design to mean change, such as those recovering from addictions who wish to remind themselves of where they have been and the changes they have undergone in life.

Bull And Dear

These skull tattoo designs are often associated with western areas or tribal art. An avid hunter may choose a dear and a set of trophy horns to display. A bull skull is often displayed in a dessert scene along with predatory birds such as the vulture. Add a few cactus and one is reminded of our beautiful state Arizona.

Sugar Skull

This type of design is used as a memoriam to honor a loved one who has passed on. A name is engraved and the colors are richly blended together. It can also be construed as a symbol of life. Often you will see flowers in the mix with a sugar skull design.

Birds, snakes and insects can be integrated to offer a story line to the design. The phases of life and nature can be seen in some full back tattoos. The skull is the center piece with other depictions surrounding it.

Skull design tattoos can be richly ornate or simplistic. They can be dramatic or cartoon-like, small or large. There endless possibilities that are only limited by the imagination. Their true meaning lies with the one who wears them. The rest of the world is free to offer its own interpretation.. Part of the beauty of body art is the canvas itself.

By choosing a design that represents a part of yourself, a tattoo becomes more than an image.

Tattoo Mistakes - How To Avoid Them

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Every day, thousands of new tattoos are completed, but unfortunately for many people their tattoo does not meet their expectations. And while it's possible to make a tattoo fade using laser removal technology, it's time consuming, costly and painful. So here's how to avoid the most common mistakes that people make with tattoos.

1) Never Agree To Get A Tattoo When You're In The Wrong State Of Mind

Getting a tattoo when you're in the wrong frame of mind is a shortcut to disaster.

So don't even think about getting tattooed when you're drunk, depressed or under pressure (it's not a good enough reason just because all your friends are getting one, or have got one). And don't get a tattoo done on a whim.

You know it's a whim when you find yourself in a tattoo studio and you hadn't even considered getting a tattoo the night before!

It's good to be spontaneous, but not with something that will last you the rest of your life. So before you get a tattoo, always ask yourself "Do I want to get this tattoo?"

And keep asking yourself that question every day for a fortnight. And only after you genuinely answer yes every day, do you go anywhere near a tattoo parlour.

2) Choose The Right Design

Choosing the right design is absolutely vital to the amount of pleasure you get from your tattoo.

Let's face it, if you want a dragon, you won't be happy with a flower design. And if you want a large tattoo, you won't be happy with a small design.

So don't compromise on what you want. The final choice of tatoo design must be yours and not that of your friends, partner of tattoo artist. After all, you're the one who'll have to live with it.

It should be a piece of artwork that you absolutely love. And something that you're certain you'll continue to love for years into the future.

Another mistake that many people make is believing the they have to select a design offered by their chosen tattoo studio. If you choose a reputable artist, they'll be able to create a tattoo from any design that you take along with you.

In fact, this is one of the best ways to get the right tattoo.

Browse the internet where you can find thousands of high quality tattoo designs to choose from. Most cost less than $20. Take time from the comfort of your own home to decide which design you want. Take a few days to think about the designs that you like. Then, once you've made up your mind, print out both the color reference guide and the tattoo stencil and take them to your chosen artist.

This option is much more relaxed, and you're much more likely to select the right design. It certainly beats picking a design on the spot when you're waiting in the tattoo studio.

3) Cheap Isn't Always Best

Whatever happens, make sure that you select a high quality stencil for your tattoo design.

All high quality tattoo designs consist of two parts, the main tattoo design which includes the color reference, and a matching stencil of the design.

What many people don't realise, is that the stencil is applied directly to your skin by the tattooist using a machine caller a "liner".

So don't be tempted to do things on the cheap. Buy a quality tattoo stencil (most cost less than $20). Trying to create a tattoo from the color reference design or trying to trace a stencil is a shortcut to a tattoo disaster.

A poor stencil will always lead to a poor tattoo. Traced stencils are not accurate and will translate into a shaky looking design. Regardless of how good they are, a tattoo artist can only quality work from a quality stencil.

4) Test Your Tattoo First

Okay, you've found the tattoo design that you want, but you're not sure where to place it and what size to go for. Do you take a risk?

No. There are millions of people around the world who wish they'd chosen a slightly different tattoo design, gone slightly bigger, or placed it further to the left etc.

So if you want to avoid adding to these regrets, it's important to test your tattoo before you take the plunge.

It's now possible to get special tattoo test paper that will allow you to turn your design into a temporary test tattoo. Just print your chosen design onto the test paper and apply it to your skin.

Then it just a case of living with it for a day to two and forming your own opinion. How does it make you feel? Are you happy with the size and the position that you've selected? Does it catch your eyeline when you're not looking at it? Is it distracting? And then comes the big question; ask yourself, "could I live with this for the rest of my life?"

Testing your intended tattoo is the only way to confirm whether you've made the right decision.

5) The Tattoo And Aftercare

On the day your tattoo is created, a better overall affect will be achieved if you are well slept (it will help to keep you relaxed and to sit still) and well fed (an empty stomach can lead to feeling faint). If you are tense, full of stress or restless, it will take longer and the tattoo won't be as perfect.

Once completed, most tattoos will take up to a month to heal properly. During the first five days, the area may be uncomfortable, irritated and slightly swollen. Make sure that you keep the area clean during this time. If possible, wash the area gently with an antibacterial soap four or five times a day. Gently pat the area dry with a clean cloth or piece of tissue.

It's also suggested that you apply a thin skin of antibiotic ointment after every wash. A good quality aftercare product will help to reduce scabbing and protect your skin from infections which can cause scarring and make your tattoo appear blemished. They will also help to reduce irritation and redness and keep your skin supple.

The second stage of the healing process (weeks 2-4) will have the biggest influence over the look and lifespan of your tattoo. Taking care of the affected skin during this stage will ensure your tattoo stays bright and clear for as long as possible.

Just make sure that you use aftercare products that are specifically recommended for use with tattooed areas, as these won't contain any artificial colors or fragrances which might irritate your skin.

Different artists will recommend different aftercare techniques, but the vast majority agree on three things.

Number One: Keep your tattoo clean

Number Two: As your tattoo heals, the skin will naturally dry out, so it's vital to keep the area moist.

Number Three: Keep your tattoo away from direct sunlight.

Back of Neck Tattoos - Pin Pointing Superb Tattoo Designs For Your Neck

Back of Neck Tattoos - Pin Pointing Superb Tattoo Designs For Your Neck

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

Now might be the perfect time to rethink how you will look for great back of neck tattoos. Why do I say that? I say it because over 90% of the people who look for them will end up looking at nothing besides generic junk and the same cookie cutter designs. Nobody is finding the quality drawn tattoo art. Here's what you can do about it, so you can finally see the quality back of neck tattoos that are out there.

It's such a sad state of affairs. Such a large percentage of people are seeing nothing but old, generic junk when looking for tattoo artwork. Now, back of neck tattoos are not usually very detailed pieces, but that still doesn't mean you should be settling on some random, generic piece. That's a sure way to regret ever getting tattooed to begin with. That's what happens to people who simply "settle" on a tattoo. They wind up hitting themselves for not looking or something more original and better quality.

Do you know why most of this stuff happens? It happens because 9 out of 10 people still rely only on a specific search engine to look for tattoo art. Long story short, this isn't working. It is the reason why so many people are seeing nothing but generic junk in the first place. Everyone gets the same stagnant list of worthless galleries and each of them are packed to the brim with cookie cutter junk. That's all you get for back of neck tattoos, or any other styles you may be thinking about.

This isn't to say that all tattoo galleries are like that. Not all of them have page after page of generic images. That's just what search engine are showing you. What you need is a way to find the galleries that have fresh, quality drawn back of neck tattoos. The best way to do this is by using forums to your advantage. I have helped so many people find the amazing artwork they wee after, simply by showing them this method.

The bigger the forum you head over to, the more topics they are going to have on tattoo related subjects. This is the key. Many f those topics are filled with valuable info, such as where other folks have found amazing artwork for their tattoos. You can find so many hidden, underground type websites like this. Those are the galleries that will usually takes pride in having the best back of neck tattoos they can possibly get a hold of. That's what it boils down to. You want places that take pride in featuring top notch art.

There are so many people out there with generic back of neck tattoos already and there is a good chance that you don't want to be another one of them.

Choosing a Rose Tattoo Design

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Roses are red, violets are blue... Here's a quick guide, for choosing your tattoo!

Although most people associate flowers with women, the rose tattoo is one that's transcended the gender barriers and can be found almost equally on men and women. For most people, roses signify love, passion and emotion - so this design can be used in a number of different contexts.

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a rose tattoo design is whether you want the flower to be the main theme of your design, or simply an accent image in a much larger design. While the rose is beautiful on its own, you can also incorporate it into another image to change the feel of the design. For example, adding a small rose image to a skull image can soften the design and even make a comment on the duality of life and death.

You'll also want to consider what color your rose tattoo will be. Of course, if the rose is standing on its own in your tattoo design, this is much more important than if it will be part of a larger, more colorful image. If you're choosing to feature the rose, you'll want to choose a color that's compatible with your skin tone, and that creates the type of feeling you're going for. Many people automatically assume that rose tattoos should be red, but using yellows, oranges and even purples can be just as pleasing in design - and may even look better and last longer.

To get a better feel for some of the rose tattoo designs that are available, look around the internet to see how other people have used this image. There's actually a huge range of styles, from a single rose flower, to several roses bunched together, to rose images that incorporate the leaves and stems of the flower. It's important to think carefully about which style suits you best before you head to the tattoo parlor.

Scorpion Tattoos - Scorpion Tattoo Designs

Scorpion Tattoos - Scorpion Tattoo Designs

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpions bring about a various array of emotions such as feelings of fear, awe or other strong emotions in people and due to this reason, they are chosen as powerful representations in the form of body tattoos. Being considered by many in a negative and positive light, they make up for controversial yet interesting body tattoos. A scorpion tattoo may be partial, complete, realistic or may have spiritual relations also. So thererfore they are pretty diverse in their applications which is why they are so popularly used in the tattoo business.

Tribal Scorpion: These are normally the popular choices for tattoos. They are represented by curvy lines or sharp points. An interesting feature of theirs is that they are able to represent the scorpion spiritually but refrain from arousing any fear that people normally associate with them.

Scorpion Parts: These sort of tattoos are drawn like a costume or a uniform with the various details of the anatomy of the arachnid tattooed all over the body. It could be the sharp claw drawn on the arm, the exoskeleton of the scorpion on the underbelly or the tail running right up to the back.

Scorpio: These are representative of the astrological importance and meaning of the arachnid. In these the symbol of the scorpion as they are represented in the horoscope can be drawn or it is sometimes also done by fusing the scorpion with the symbol of the Scorpio that is usually the symbol M. The personal traits of the scorpio as well as of the people born under this sign can also be written down in English or some foreign language.

Realistic: Realistic Tattoos are represented as line drawings or shading.The tattoo can also have colour too but it must have a shocking effect taking in consideration its entomological aspects.

Sleeve: This is represented by intricate yet beautiful designs on the arm or forearm where the scorpion is represented as interacting with the other elements one would like to have on their sleeves. The elements could be something related to the individuals or it could just complement the tattoo.It could be the scorpion fighting or standing on these elements.

What to Consider Before Having a Skull Tattoo Inked on You

What to Consider Before Having a Skull Tattoo Inked on You

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

With tattoos growing in popularity, it comes as no surprise as demand increases, so does the variety of tattoos one has to choose from. One of those tattoo themes resonating with users are skull tattoos.

Skull tattoos can go from the whimsical to very dark and evil representations. For that reason, users need take care before they jump into the genre, as the permanence of ink leaves a lasting impression; both on the body and on those viewing them.

I know that you can have tattoos removed, but the cost is very high, and there is still an impression of where it was left over that never goes away.

So with that in mind, it may be better in the beginning to find a temporary tattoo similar to the one you would eventually like to have, and try it out for a short time to see if it's what you thought it would be. If it is, there's nothing lost except peace of mind that you made the right choice.

Probably the most notorious and well known skull tattoo out there is the one worn by the man known as 'zombie.' His entire face, along with much of his upper body is inked in the form of a skull, but a skull that includes the man's real face as part of the canvass.

In other words, his face and the tattoo look literally like a skull. It's very bizarre to say the least.

Some of my favorite tattoos in general include the 3-D look, and skulls, with those deep-socket eyes are made to order for 3-D. Those done by good artists really have a fascinating look, and give you that feeling of foreboding, that I think is part of the purpose some people want that type of tattoo.

Taken all this into account, having skull tattoos inked on your body are one of those decisions that will last a lifetime. Make sure it's what you want and what you want to represent before you do it.

Tribal Sleeve Tattoo - Finding The Perfect Tribal Art Design

Tribal Sleeve Tattoo - Finding The Perfect Tribal Art Design

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

Locating and finding the perfect tribal sleeve tattoo can be a real pain, mostly because most of the stuff you find through Google and generic websites has been plastered all over the place. Here is what you will need to know and look for when trying to find a tribal sleeve tattoo that will impress you and everyone you show it to. Remember, you never have to settle for all of the generic tattoo art that you have seen parlor walls or low end websites.

The tribal tattoo has become mainstream, as you may have known. While this does not mean that you shouldn't get one, it does mean that you will need to find original work that will stand the test of time. You also need to take your time while looking and it helps if you get your art for experienced flash artist or pencil artists. While this does not mean that it is a great tattoo to consider, it means that you need to take your time when trying to find the prefect tribal sleeve tattoo.

Most of the generic tribal sleeve tattoo art that you run across on the web has already been plastered all over the place. Who knows how many other people got those designs inked on their skin? Yu want original artwork anyway, right?

You can also have you favorite tattoo artist render any design that you choose. You should always do this, especially when it comes to a tribal sleeve tattoo. A sleeve is a very big art piece and you want it to look its best. You also need to do this because most of the flash art you see on generic websites and a Google search aren't necessarily drawn to be implemented as a tattoo. The artist that drew them most likely don't have any knowledge about how to drawn a tattoo that will look good once it is put on someone's body.

The reason behind this is that much of the best tribal artwork is copywrited by their artist and not released all over the internet. Why would they want their hard work spread all over the web with seeing a dime for their time? Most of the top of the line tribal artists have stencil work that comes with their tattoo, also. This is especially needed when it comes to a tribal sleeve tattoo. There are many complicated designs when it comes to the sleeve and stencils are needed.

If you truly want a state of the art, original tribal sleeve tattoo, you should not settle for a Google search to find your art. Hopefully, you will spend some quality time looking for the tribal sleeve tattoo that you have always dreamed of and get the art design you have always wanted.

Japanese Tattoo Designs - How to Avoid Mistakes in Interpreting the Designs

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Choosing Japanese tattoo designs is a hard task due to the countless varieties to choose from. It is ideal to understand all the choices before you pick one. Japanese character and Japanese symbols are among the popular tattoo designs. It is up to you which design you will select after you learn its meaning and significance.

Popular Japanese Character Designs

1. Kanji

Kanji is one of the most popular designs that are commonly used. What makes this popular is because it is very artistic and expressive. Specific idea and meaning is represented by each Kanji symbol. In this sense, if you want to create a unique and stylish tattoo you can combine other different Kanji symbols that present different ideas and messages.

2. Hiragana

You can also use Hiragana for your Japanese tattoo that are much easier to translate than the Kanji. Unlike Kanji, Hiragana is used in Japanese everyday life. Likewise, the art of making the character is different because the design is done as cursive tattoo.

3. Katakana

This design is similar to Hiragana and is based on Kanji symbols. Katakana is used as Japanese tattoo that symbolizes words of non-Japanese origin. Likewise, Katakana is angular in appearance while the Hiragana is more rounded in appearance.

How To Avoid Mistakes

Whatever option you may select, it is important to keep in mind to take necessary precautions before you begin inking the design in your body. As much as possible, you should seek service of professional tattoo artist who understands Japanese characters because the system is complicated and subtle. In addition, it is also necessary that you know the accurate translation of the design especially if you are not a Japanese native speaker. Otherwise, it would be a bad joke if you walk around with tattoo designs that you do not know what it meant.

Another consideration that you should take to avoid mistake in using Japanese tattoo designs is to use an online translation tool. This would greatly help especially if both you and the tattoo artist are not familiar with the Japanese characters. However, you need to be careful because sometimes error arises even using the translation tool. On the other hand, the best thing that you can do is to seek help from a native speaker for you to gain the accurate translation of the design you have chosen.

Moreover, as long as the tattoo artist is familiar with the basic Japanese characters there would be less chance to commit mistake in inking the Japanese tattoo designs in your body.

Half Sleeve Tattoos - General Things You Should Know

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

As a part of arm tattoos category, half sleeve tattoos are very popular in tattoos market. Not just because they cover a large place on arm which makes them very powerful, but because they offer a great deal of creativity to its future wearer. Its size is a real ground for that matter.

Most of the time, people tend to think that half sleeve tattoos are only those tattoos that are wrapped around upper arm - from shoulder to the elbow. But, believe it or not, we have another half piece of arm below this area, also called lower arm! Tattoos that cover this place are also considered to be half sleeve tattoos. So, when talking about them, we should not forget this lower arm area between elbows and a wrist.

People who really like sleeve tattoo designs but who work at the places where work ethic doesn't approve tattoos - most of the time they use their upper arm for placing their half sleeve design. The reason for that is really simple. Such tattoo is much easier to hide than the one on lower arm. Interesting thing here is that for this reason people tend to choose softer designs for lower arm and more aggressive designs for upper arm. When deciding which half of arm to ink with a half sleeve design, consideration of various factors like a nature of their job, might be a crucial thing in making that decision.

Usually, these tattoos can be made in two ways. First, person can made a whole project from the scratch by having a big design wrapped around their upper or lower arm. Second, they can try to gather all small designs on arm from the past to one big unique half sleeve tattoo - either by adding additional designs or by implementing a few smooth artistic moves so that all those designs would really look like a one whole. Latter way of gathering many small tattoos to one whole is usually taken when person is not satisfied with how designs from the past look on their arm.

One important thing considering getting tattoos in general is money. But getting a half sleeve tattoo is everything but cheap. In dependency on design complexity it could get from one thousand to two thousand dollars, or even more than that. So, the budget is definitely one thing which can direct person's decision in this, or that way, when it comes to having or not having a half sleeve tattoo.

A future wearer of this tattoo kind should be aware that the inking process itself is not a one day job, after which they can go home happy knowing they got a great new tattoo on their half arm. Since it covers a large skin area on person's arm and due to amount of pain person can hold on at one time, around fifteen sessions in average are predicted for this kind of work. One per week is preferable. Yes, getting half sleeve tattoos is not easy to do.

Japanese Tattoo Designs - The Only Comprehensive Guide!

Japanese Tattoo Designs - The Only Comprehensive Guide!

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Did you know that the ancient Japanese were intricately tattooed? Relics of discovered art such as statues and pottery revealed this. And the more interesting fact is that Japanese tattoo designs were first inked on the skin of Japanese who were in the upper strata of the society then. Many Japanese history scholars formed the conclusion that Japanese tattoo designs were used in ceremonies that define the ancient Japanese standings in society and to ward off bad spirits.

In contrast to the reasons of ancient China's practice of tattooing which had the primary purpose of labeling criminals and society misfits, the Japanese did it to elevate those worthy to be up there in society, thus, it was more of something that brought honor.

Apart from honor, Japanese tattoos were also made to inspire. The courtesans, geishas and artists wore tattoos that labeled who they were, what religions they believed and whom they loved. Well-practiced and kept values like religion and love were the common themes that were reflected on the skins of ancient Japanese people.

Some might find this odd, but do you know that the geishas had the names of their lovers' names tattooed on their arms to prove their love of eternity?This is what they called vow tattoo. But of course, in present day Japan, tattoos have become more of an expression of art rather than showcasing promises.

At certain stages of time, Japanese tattoo designs were characterized with elaborate details. However, there was also a time that the tattoos looked like small markings that looked like a mole. This was during the time when the tattoo served as the reminder of of cherished romantic moments like what part of the body had been touched by a partner.

Interestingly, at a particular time of Japanese history, tattoos were used to express political and social sentiments. Regardless of their place in society, almost everyone in Japan wore tattoos to make their sentiments regarding the political status of Japan from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century known.

On the whole, Japanese tattoo designs are closely related to the values, thinking and sentiments of its people. Prior to the existence and acceptance of full of body tattoos, the place where tattoo designs could be inked was the back of a person. But over time, a full body tattoo bearing symbols of folk lores and folk tales became rampant. These days, another part of Japanese culture and belief are reflected by the tattoos that they have, such as carp and other elements associated with water. Amidst all these changes in the purpose of having a tattoo in Japan---from classifying social status, vow of never-ending love, reminder of romantic moments to political protest---there's no denying that Japanese tattoos echo values, sentiments and art itself. Many of the Japanese tattoo designs that are popular today are very distinct to Japanese tattoo artists and are not only used on Japanese skin but on those who have been smitten by and in awe of the creative Japanese designs.

Recognize Cross Tattoos You Come Across With

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

The cross, with the rich history and the mystery surrounding it, is one of the most common symbols known to man. Legends as to its origin are highly talked about and, to this date, no one knows exactly how, when and where it originated.

Right now, all we have are a few clues and lots of speculations. In addition to the mystery that shrouds the cross, this symbol has come to represent the Christ's martyrdom and mankind's deliverance from sins and is a highly regarded symbol for Christianity.

Religion could be the reason behind the popularity of cross tattoos in our society since Christianity is the world's number 1 religion today in terms of number of adherents. Wearing of cross tattoos may be one person's way of professing his faith or as a way of regaining his faith. Or it could also be that the wearer was drawn to the mysterious aura of the symbol, hence, the tattoo.

But whatever the reasons are, cross tattoos would remain one of the world's most requested tattoo designs. And finding the right design is sometimes a problem for newbies wishing to get cross tattoos for themselves. Confusion sets in when there are thousands of them to choose from. And we have to take note that they don't always mean the same thing. You wouldn't want to pick out a design that does not reflect your views or describe how you are actually feeling.

Here is an overview of several cross tattoo designs to help you differentiate one from the other:

Christian cross tattoos - These are simple, non-elaborate versions of the cross, often accompanied with religious inscriptions, or the Sacred Heart, and sometimes with the body of the Christ nailed to it. This is also known as the Latin cross.

Gothic cross tattoos - These resemble the Gothic iron design with its beveled edges and is often heavily adorned. They induce dark imagery and often represent feelings of anger and pain. A cross that doubles as a dagger and a cross entwined with barbed wire are common examples of gothic cross designs.

Tribal cross tattoos - These are basically crosses combined with ethnic flavor and flowing strokes distinctive of tribal designs.

Celtic cross tattoos - These are, by far, the most popular cross tattoo design to date. It mainly originated from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. With the history and the intriguing legends behind it, not to mention its profound representation, it is not unusual that this tattoo design is one of the most sought after. They often have elaborate designs with intricate loops and knot work that seems to go on and on around the cross itself. This represents the never ending cycle of life.

Sporting around a cross tattoo could be for religious reasons for some. But for the others out there, cross tattoos are ways of self-expression. It could be anger, it could be depression, or it could be his love for his heritage. For some, it is simply the love of this art that dictates whether he wants to be inked or not.

Rose Tattoos - What Color Should They Be?

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

As far as popularity is concerned, the rose tattoo is right up at the top of the list. People have inked roses of all sorts on their bodies for a long time. The reason for this varies but mostly, the rose is synonymous with love. From early times, roses have been given to the significant other as a sign of affection. They also have been used to express apology, happiness, congratulations and the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries. They can be inked in the fully bloomed state or even as a budding flower. But what color should be used? Below is a brief list of the colors of the rose and their meanings.

Red. Obviously this is the color of love and affection. It can also depict courage or respect. Many times the red rose is used to express sincere love and passion. The most popular color for a tattoo.

Yellow. The yellow rose is given when someone wishes to express friendship or happiness. It coincides with delight and joy. Sometimes the yellow rose is used to show caring or nurturing. A stunning tattoo color.

Peach. This color is very pretty and subtle. The peach rose is given to someone to say thanks and show gratitude. It may be used when one wants to express sincerity and appreciation for an accomplishment. Very subtle.

White. Most people associate the white rose with weddings and marriage. It is a symbol of innocence and purity. It can also express intimacy and secrecy. Difficult to make look natural.

Blue. When someone uses the blue rose they can be expressing the impossible or unattainable. It is used for displaying the unreachable goal or dream. This is a very striking tattoo color.

Pink. Very many times pink roses will be used to show sympathy or sorrow. They also can symbolize grace, gentleness and admiration. Not used much but should be.

Orange. When someone is enthusiastic or wants to display fascination and desire they generally turn to the orange rose. It is a symbol of wants and achievement. Also a beautiful tattoo color.

Sterling or Lavender. This is a beautiful color of rose. It is meant to display infatuation or love at first sight. It can be use to express enchantment or fantasy as well. Works well with dragons and fantasy tats.

Black. This is the rose that means death and despair. When this rose is used it means goodbye or farewell to those who have passed on. Use carefully.

The above colors and their definitions are just guidelines. You can ink whatever color rose you would like. It really is up to the individual but keep in mind the color so that you don't use the incorrect meaning.

I wish you well in your search for the perfect tattoo design.

Japanese Tattoo Design - Finding the Superb Artwork

Japanese Tattoo Design - Finding the Superb Artwork

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

A Japanese tattoo design is not a very hard thing to locate on the internet. I bet that you can spend fifteen minutes and find a bunch of them. That's not the problem, though. The issue most men and women have is that all they seem to run into are generic, low end images that are not worth anyone's time. Here is an easy solution to this, especially if you are using a search-engine to find your tattoos.

I don't want to get too down on search engines. They are absolutely fine for finding just about anything you want on the net. It's just that they really suck when you are looking for anything like a good Japanese tattoo design. I even tried it myself. No matter which styles of tattoos you are looking for, it is the same generic, low end galleries that rear their head. The yare packed with nothing but cookie cutter designs that aren't worth anything.

That's not the worst of it, though...

When you look for a Japanese tattoo design at these galleries, most of the images they have were not even meant to be used as real tattoos! It's crazy that they would post this kind of artwork on their pages, but they do. They don't care if that Japanese tattoo design was not truly drawn in the way tattoo-art needs to be drawn. As long as it looks half way good, they are always willing to throw it up on their website. It's sad, because men and women send up picking images like this and go to get them tattooed. They have no clue that it won't look anywhere near as great on their skin as it looked on the paper they printed it on. That's not the type of Japanese tattoo design worth settling for. In fact, they aren't even real "tattoos"!

Ok, enough of that mess. So, how can you find a great Japanese tattoo design without rummaging through so much generic, low-end stuff?

It's actually pretty easy and will change the way you search for many things, including a Japanese tattoo design. Everything you need when t comes to locating tons of galleries of tattoos is an internet forum. Actually, you should use as many as you wish. They are the perfect place for finding out where the hidden galleries are. You see, there are a lot of topics revolving around tattoos inside of forums. This is why it is a good idea to look there, because these topics usually have tons of links that people have found. They are usually to the hidden galleries that have so much of the great artwork you've been missing out on. It's an efficient and different way to find the Japanese tattoo design you want. It doesn't; take long to use them and it beats the heck out of seeing the same old artwork all the time.

No matter which Japanese tattoo design you choose, just make certain that you are 100% happy with it before getting it tattooed.

Small Cross Tattoos

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

So you've decided on your choice of a tattoo, you settled on women's small cross tattoos but where do you go from that choice? There are mainly two different categories of cross tattoos. These two categories are Christian Inspired and Popular Non-Christian small cross tattoos. There are over twenty different kinds of these from both categories.

Under the Christian inspired small cross tattoos are the Latin Cross, the Cross of Triumph Tattoo, the Graded Cross/3-Step Cross, the Crucifix Tattoo, the Tau Cross and the Celtic Cross. I will only elaborate on four of these Christian inspired tattoo designs.

The Latin cross looks like a vertical line which is intersected one third of its way up by a smaller horizontal line. It is the most popular cross tattoo design currently.

The Cross of Triumph tattoo is very similar to the Latin cross but has a large circle at the base of the cross with an outline of an upside down T in the circle.

The Graded cross, also known as the 3-step cross is also very similar to the Latin cross but is different because it has 3 steps added to the bottom of the cross. The steps symbolize truth, hope and love.

The Tau cross is also known to be the founder of the Latin cross. It is in the form of a capital T. Tau is however a Greek word also meaning the letter T.

Under the popular non-Christian small cross tattoos are the Greek cross, the Chinese cross and the Gothic cross.

The Greek cross, which is also known as an equilateral cross symbolizes the god Amu and the sky. It is associated with sun worship.

The Chinese cross symbolizes the earth because there is a Chinese saying that goes like "God fashioned the earth in the form of a cross."

Tattoo After Care

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

So, you need to know about tattoo after care because you are ready to get a new tattoo!

It may be your first time, or it may be your tenth time, but in every case, you should review your tattoo after care instructions prior to getting your new tattoo. You might wonder about the logic about looking at the instructions before getting your new tattoo, but it is like baking a cake, you just don't want to make any mistakes with these instructions because new tattoos are open wounds and susceptible to infection.

You must be attentive to your new tattoo, and keep it as clean as possible to ensure that it heals as cleanly as possible so you prevent infection and end up with the nicest looking tattoo possible.

While the healing stages of a tattoo will be as unique to each individual as there are people in this world, the tattoo healing process does follow a general pattern. The specifics of each tattoo's healing process will depend on the different skin type of the individual, the location of the tattoo on the body, an the techniques of the tattoo artist. These factors can all cause a variance in the healing process from individual to individual.

You will be given aftercare instructions by your tattoo artist. These aftercare instructions differ from artist to artist. My recommendation to you is if in doubt about anything, always go back to your tattoo artist before seeking the help of a doctor. Your tattoo artist can take a look at your tattoo and tell what to do if their is a problem to correct any healing problems.

If your tattoo artist cannot help, they should send you for medical attention from a doctor. If they do not, then of course, you must go yourself to make certain that your health is not at risk. This is your responsibility.

Many times doctors don't know much about tattoos and will prescribe unnecessary medications that may harm your tattoo's healing process. Some doctors may even be biased against tattoos. That is why I suggest that you go to the tattoo artist first if you suspect their is a healing problem with your new tattoo. The artist works with tattoos day in and day out and is familiar with the best way to heal their work.

When you leave the tattoo studio, you will have a bandage on your new tattoo to protect it from outside contact. This bandage should be removed 2- 3 hours after getting your tattoo. Your tattoo may bleed a little for the first 24 hours, remember, your new tattoo is akin to an open wound.

Before you remove your bandage, make sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water, in between the fingers, and under the fingernails. Then dry your hands with a clean paper towel. Do not use any old towel that is laying there, or even a clean towel as lint may be transferred to your hands.

Make sure you have not let a large amount of blood dry on your bandage so that it sticks. Be very, very gentle as you remove your bandage so as not to start the tattoo bleeding again. If you just rip off your bandage, you can mess up the appearance of your new tattoo, and you don't want to do that, now do you?

Wash your tattoo gently, very gently with anti-bacterial soap and water to clean it. Do not scrub your tattoo, do not use a washcloth, or anything else other than your fingers or hand to clean the tattoo. Do not rub, but "pat" the tattoo as you wash it. Then, when you are finished, pat the tattoo dry with a clean dry paper towel. Or, use clean toilet paper even, if you don't have any paper towels on hand.

Let your tattoo air dry for 15 minutes or so. This will promote healing.

After your tattoo has dried, apply a few drops of Emu Oil to your tattoo. The presence of essential fatty acids along with the hyper-oxygenation of Emu Oil naturally increases the circulation to the applied area which is why Emu Oil works so well and so quickly to heal.

Even though it is an oil, it has been proved that Emu Oil does not clog pores (unlike most commercially made tattoo aftercare products that are petroleum based), therefore allowing the skin to breathe during the healing process. Emu Oil penetrates through all seven layers of the skin and is rich in nutrients (essential fatty acids) that feed the skin to aid in new cell development that can hasten the healing process. Emu Oil is also a natural emollient keeping the skin moist and pliable.

The application of the Emu Oil immediately after the tattoo has been cleaned will also relieve the discomfort and reduce the inflammation and redness of the new tattoo. Emu Oil will help set the new colors due to its deep penetrating properties and will help reduce plasma oozing.

Using Emu Oil 2-3 times a day after repeating the cleaning process while the tattoo heals will keep the area moist reducing or eliminating the flaking or scabbing that often occurs as new tattoos heal. Emu Oil can prevent the need for touch ups which saves the artist time and money, and makes for a happy tattoo customer.

New tattoos will look red and swollen immediately following the tattoo procedure. The tattoo will continue to appear this way for a few days throughout the tattoo healing process. Within a week to ten days the skin surrounding the tattoo should be more back to normal - most tattoos are completely healed in three weeks time.

While it is healing it is important not to do the following things or you may damage your tattoo:

- Do Not scratch your new tattoo

- Do Not pick at your new tattoo

- Do Not expose your tattoo to sunlight or tanning beds under any circumstances

- No swimming, hot tubs or baths the first two weeks after getting your new tattoo

- Do Not shave the tattooed area for at least 30 days following the tattoo procedure

- Only touch your tattoo with clean hands, do not let others touch your tattoo

Not only is Emu Oil good for healing new tattoos, it is good for restoring older, aged, sun damaged tattoos as well. This is due to the natural hyper-oxygenation of Emu Oil which brings blood and oxygen to the surface of the skin. This, coupled with Emu Oil's ability to moisturize through all seven layers of the skin, allows users to see quick results when the oil is applied to older tattoos.

With the proper care of your tattoo from the start, there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy the beauty of your tattoo for a lifetime.

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