Popular Sleeve Tattoo Ideas and Tips

Popular Sleeve Tattoo Ideas and Tips

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

One of the most popular types of tattoo is the sleeve tattoo. These tattoos are not just arm tattoos, like what most people know. They are tattoos that look like sleeves because they cover a large area of one part of the body (e.g. an arm or leg) with little or no skin showing.

The designs of sleeve tattoos are very intricate and complicated. Usually, they are colourful and depict several images with some unusual designs or patterns. These are popular among boys, especially those who belong in a rock band. But these days, you will see many girls sporting sleeve tattoos on their arms or legs.

If you are also planning to get a sleeve tattoo for yourself, here are some popular sleeve tattoo ideas.

If you are into Japanese culture, you can combine different popular Japanese tattoos for your sleeve tattoo such as cherry blossoms, kanji or Japanese characters, koi fish, and samurai designs. Old Japanese culture includes ancient tattooing. And what better way to bring that culture back to life than by using Japanese designs for your tattoo.

For females who want to have sleeve tattoos, floral design is a great sleeve tattoo idea. Different styles and patterns of flowers interwoven with leaves and twines can be a very interesting sleeve tattoo design. Flower sleeve tattoos also give you a chance to use bright colors for the flowers. Some nice flower tattoos that you can use for your sleeve tattoos are hibiscus and roses. For the rose tattoo, this can be both feminine and masculine, depending on how it was drawn.

Celtic tattoos usually feature knotworks that are very intricate and detailed. This knotwork covers one whole arm or leg. Some artists can draw animal tattoos using these knotworks. Celtic tattoos usually come in one color but it is up to you if you like to have a colourful celtic tattoo.

One of the most popular sleeve tattoo ideas, especially among young men, is the tribal tattoo. Heavy black lines are one of the most obvious features of a tribal tattoo. The color of the tattoo is black and if you used a colored ink instead, it might seem a little different.

As you probably know, these tattoos are large and their designs or patterns are very complicated. You have to know that the larger and more complicated the tattoo is, the more expensive it will be. You also have to know that a popular artist will more likely ask you for a higher payment.

Do not rush the tattoo artist in finishing his or her job. You should know that drawing a sleeve tattoo is a difficult task to make and may even take several days to finish. You need to go back to the tattoo shop for several sessions.

Sleeve tattoos are nice to have especially if you like the big kind of tattoos that cover one big portion of your arms or legs. However, you should choose carefully which design you want to have for your sleeve tattoo because it cannot be easily hidden if for some reasons you do not like it.

101 Tattoo Facts

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

1: An Ohio restaurant specializing in cheeseburgers offers a lifetime 25% discount for anyone who has a tattoo of a cheeseburger and at an unrelated tattoo studio in a nearby town, they're offering a 25% discount on cheeseburger tattoos- Sounds suspicious.
2: Tattoos are rarely done in ink, what is commonly called inks, are actually suspended solid color particles, mostly metal salts and plastics, but not vegetable dyes as commonly believed.
3: There are no reported cases of HIV infection from a tattoo in the U.S., but there are three from dentist's offices.
4: More women than men are getting tattooed today.
5: Tattoos are considered a minor medical procedure.
6. Until 2006 it was illegal to get a tattoo in Oklahoma
7: Lucky Diamond Rich of New Zealand is the most tattooed person in the world, and after running out of space, has started putting lighter tattoos on top of the darker ones, and vice versa.
8: Robbie "the coon" Koch recently broke the world's record by inking 577 tattoos in 24 hrs. The old record was held by Kat Von D of the television show, "LA Ink." Update- Hollis Cantrell actually owns the record as of 2009 (801 tattoos) but Robbie the coon sounded better. Hollis's final tattoo was on his thigh.
9: The first recorded tattoo is believed to have been found on a mummified iceman in 3300 BC. He had 58 tattoos, mostly dots and lines.
10: In 1876 Thomas Edison invented a machine that ultimately became the tattoo machine, but it took modifications by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891 to adapt the device for tattooing.

11: The record for the longest tattoo session is 43 hours and 50 minutes and was completed by the very observant and talented artist Melanie Grieveson, of Australia. The tattooed was Stephen Grady.
12: In 2005 Kimberly Smith was paid $10,000 to have Golden Palace.Com tattooed on her forehead by the casino, to help pay for her daughter's education. The casino is noted for its outlandish promotions.
13: Thomas Edison had five dots tattooed on his left forearm, similar to the dots on dice.
14: Lip tattoos only last 1 to 5 years and need to be frequently retouched, the most common a cosmetic lip liner.
15: The second most common reason for tattoo removal is mistranslation.
16: In 2010 Channel will unveil its new line of fashionable temporary tattoos. The set of 55 tattoos sells for $75.
17: Most Tattoo machines hold between 1 and 10 needles and some ancient methods using rakes hold up to 27.
18: Anil Gupta is considered NYC's most expensive tattoo artist at over $350 per hour.
19: In the majority of cases, the outline of a tattoo shouldn't bleed at all, and the shading for only a few minutes.
20: As of 2006, 1 in 4 women aged 18 to 50 have at least one tattoo.

21: U.S. President James Polk is said to be the first white man to have a Chinese character as a tattoo.
22: A brothel in Cologne, Germany is offering any patron who gets a tattoo of the businesses logo, by their in house artist, free entrance for life ($6.25 US) and discounts on lap dances ($25.00 US. ea)
25: The word "tattoo" has been in the top ten searched terms since Lycos started tracking search engines.
26: Democrats are more likely to have a tattoo then republicans, 18% to 14%.
27: January 23, 2010. A new US Marine Corp directive prohibits anyone with a full sleeve tattoo from becoming an officer. It also prohibits tattoos on the hands, wrists, fingers, and the inside of the mouth.
28: July 17th, 2009. 18 year old Kimberly Vlaminck sues a Romanian tattoo artist over the 56 stars that she awoke to, scattered across her face, 53 more than see asked for. She later admitted that she lied in the lawsuit and had asked for all fifty six.
29: Blues singer Janis Joplin had a wristlet tattoo and a small heart on her left breast.
30: In Oregon, it is a felony to practice tattooing without a license or in an unlicensed shop.

31: Heiress and socialite Paris Hilton had one tattoo to her credit, the name of then boyfriend Nick Carter on her right butt cheek. It has since been removed by laser.
32: The traditional Samoan tattoo, pe'a, covering the body from mid torso to the knees, takes 3 months to complete and up to 1 year to fully heal. A typical session lasts from dawn till dusk, or until the pain becomes too great, and resumes the next day unless the skin needs a few days to heal.
33: In a 2002 survey, 8 of the top 10 voted, "most beautiful people in the world" had tattoos.
34: Tattoos done today don't turn blue when they age, unless they were originally blue, the inks are much more stable.
35: The first occurrence of the word tattoo in the Oxford English Dictionary came in 1769 and is credited to Captain John Cook.
36: A rooster tattooed on one leg and a pig on the other is said to protect a sailor from drowning. Neither animal can swim.
37: Queen Kamamalu of Hawaii (1808-1824) was the first woman to have her tongue tattooed.
38: Most tattoo artists will not tattoo a pregnant woman.
39: Some tattoo artists claim that if you shield a new tattoo from sunlight for the first two years it will remain brighter and clearer for decades.
40: Over 40 million people in the U.S. have tattoos.

41: 26% of Americans with a tattoo say they make them feel more attractive, with women voting that way almost 2 to 1 over men.
42: Tommy Lee of Motley Crue holds the record for highest altitude tattoo, having been inked in 2008 at 45,000 feet. The tattoo was said to cost $150,000 dollars.
43: 73 year old Isobel Valley, the world's most tattooed women, has every square inch of her body tattooed, except her face, and also has fifty piercings, 15 of which are visible. The majority of the piercings are below the belt because she wants to jingle when she walks, she says.
44: An increasing number of people are having medical alerts tattooed to aid doctors in case of an emergency.
45: 43 year old former soldier Shawn Clark has the names of all 232 British soldiers killed in Afghanistan tattooed on his back.
46: At one time red ink was known to fade; not so with today' inks.
47: The title of The "Hardy Boys" #47 is "The Mystery of the Whale Tattoo."
48: When Cortez landed on the Mexican coast in 1519 he was horrified to find the natives practicing devil worshiping and had somehow permanently marked images of their idols on their skin. He called it the work of the devil.
49: A tattoo of an anchor on a sailor indicates they have sailed across the Atlantic.
50: One third of Americans with tattoos say they make them feel sexier.

51: Tattoo ink is injected into the second layer of the skin, the dermis, and become encapsulate by the body as a defense mechanism, leaving the image stable and intact.
52: Gabrial Carbona, an American teenage hit man for a Mexican cartel, has his eyelids tattooed so they never look closed. His idea is not working as well for him in prison.
53: Jimmy Buffet sings about tattoos in this song of the same name, "It's a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling."
54: In the 1920's, American circuses employed more than 300 people with full body tattoos and paid them up to $200 a week, a lot of money during those times.
55: The percentage of males and females with tattoos is now statistically equal.
56: Tattoo equipment is sterilized in an autoclave, a high pressure steam machine, similar to a pressure cooker and how hospitals do theirs.
57: 57% of people without a tattoo feel that those with them are more rebellious and threatening.
58: 35 0f the first 43 U.S. Presidents reportedly have tattoos.
59: Tattoo inks are not regulated by the by any government agencies so there is no way of knowing exactly what's in them.

60: Winston Churchill's mother, Lady Randolph Churchill, had a tattoo of a snake on her wrist. They were popular for rich aristocrats during that period. She chose a snake because it could be easily covered by a bracelet.
61: U.S. President Andrew Jackson had a giant tattoo of a tomahawk that ran down the length of the inside of his thigh. No one knows exactly why.
62: Almost all U.S. corporations have some form of restrictions or policy regarding tattoos on the job.
63: As of Sept. 29th 2009, the 19 year old ban on tattooing was lifted in DeKalb, Illinois.
64: Actress Halle Berry has a tattoo of a sunflower on her rear end covering up the name of her ex, baseball player David Justice.
65: The popularity of tattooing during the latter part of the nineteenth century and first part of the twentieth century owed much to the circus sideshow.
66: People with antisocial personality disorder are more likely to have a higher number of tattoos in more visible locations, and covering a larger percentage of their bodies.
67: Ancient Egyptians used tattoos to differentiate between slaves and peasants.
68: During the late 18th century in Europe, collecting the tattooed heads of Maori people became so popular that many were murdered to meet the demand. The heads were commonly paid for in guns.
69: In the 1870s the Japanese government outlawed tattoos forcing the practice underground where it flourished.
70: 3% of Americans say having a tattoo makes them feel more athletic.

71: The world's most tattooed women, Isobel Varley got her first tattoo, a flower, at age 49.
72: 4% of consumers spend over $1000 on a tattoo.
73: When you see someone's tattoo you are viewing it through the first layer of the skin, the epidermis.
74: 50% of all tattoos are not covered up by clothing and are openly visible.
75: Tattoo machines can make upwards of 200 hits per second, that's up to 12,000 times a minute and 720,000 an hour.
76: In ancient Greece and Rome, tattoos were considered barbaric and were only used to mark slaves and criminals.
77: 52% of those in prison are tattooed.
78: In recent studies, memorial tattoos have been shown to overwhelmingly turn grief into joy and morning into celebration by creating a lasting memory.
79: A 2009 study conducted at Liverpool Hope University found that people with three or more tattoos had significantly lower levels of self esteem.
80: 4% of Americans say that their tattoos make them feel healthier.

81: It is untrue that white or lighter colored inks are more painful to use.
82: A tattoo is art, only, if the person doing the tattoo is an artist and a skilled technician.
83: President James Buchanon had a tattoo of a scantily clad woman on his chest with the initials BFL (bachelor for life).
84: In 2002, 18 year old hair dresser Lee Becks was shocked to find out the tattoo he thought said, "Love, honor, and obey" actually translated to, "at the end of the day, this is an ugly boy."
85: New York City outlawed tattoos from 1961 to 1997 because of a tattoo related outbreak of hepatitis "C".
86: In a 2002 study a group of male high school and college students viewed pictures of models with and without tattoos, and graded them in 13 categories. The models with tattoos scored much lower in 9 of the 13 ratings.
87: Some people experience pain or a burning during sensation during an MRI because of the metallic particles in some inks.
88: The US Navy prohibited tattoos of naked women during World War II, so many future sailors had to get their tattoos reworked to include cloths.
89: The first recorded instance of death following tattooing was reported in 1837 in France. The young woman, a prostitute, was covering up another unwanted tattoo and died from the infection that followed.
90: Apr. 30, 2009. To celebrate Barbie's 50th birthday Mattel comes out with the new "Totally Stlylin' Barbie, complete with a set of place able tattoos, one a lower back tattoo featuring the name Ken.

91: 35% of all NBA players have tattoos. Michael Jordan has none and teammate Dennis Rodman has at least 22.
92: Lorette Fulkerson was the last woman to work the circus sideshows, retiring in 1995 at the age of 80.
93: Eyeball tattoos are not done with a machine, but rather, the ink is directly injected into the eye with a syringe.
94: Urine was sometimes used in early ink mixtures.
95: 5% of Americans with a tattoo say they make them feel smarter.
96: The first case of a syphilis being transmitted by a tattoo came in 1853. The artists ink was drying up so he spit in it, transferring the disease.
97: Never go back to the person who gave you a bad tattoo to have it fixed, it will not get better.
98: The time to ask questions is before you get a tattoo.
99: Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good.
100: Women are more than twice as likely to have a tattoo removed as men.

101: Over 50% of the tattoos created today will be removed by laser at great expense, intense pain and permanent minor scaring. Think before you ink.

Tribal Rose Tattoos - Find Great Tribal Designs

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Are you thinking about getting one of the many designs of tribal rose tattoos? These designs combines two of the most popular themes in tattoos today: flowers and tribal. Do you know how to get a unique design? Your tattoo is special to you and it should be something that you will cherish for life. You want to make it a one of a kind tattoo design.

Finding the right place to look for designs is key. There are so many different variations of tribal rose tattoos. Since it's so popular, you want to make sure no one else has your design. You do this by designing your own tattoo. You can take parts of different tattoos that you like and put them together to form your unique tattoo.

Tribal tattoos used to distinguish social status or rank in a tribe. They are widely used in the Polynesian cultures of Samoa and Borneo and are appealing for their bold designs and thick intertwining lines. Tribal rose tattoos would take a delicate flower and make a bold statement of it.

Women like to get tribal rose tattoos on their ankles or lower back. You can have the thick tribal lines radiating out from the black flower along your lower back. On men you usually find tribal tattoos for armbands or along the shoulders. Just because a flower is normally a female tattoo, tribal rose tattoos can be used on men or women.

An online tattoo gallery is the best place to look for great designs of tribal rose tattoos. Did you know that with a membership to an online gallery you can have unlimited access and unlimited downloads of designs for no additional charge. The cost of a membership is usually less than two design downloads at other tattoo sites. The good membership tattoo galleries have the largest, and most professional designs on the web.

Popular Japanese Tattoo Meanings, Symbolism and Designs

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

There has been a phenomenal growth of traditional Japanese tattoo designs in the past few years. It used to be that tattoos were relegated to the Yakuza or Japanese gangs and the criminals in the society. Just the site of a tattoo used to and still can strike fear into people. However, Japan is a rapidly changing country and they are starting to see the value in tattoos and more and more people have a deep respect for them. For most tattoo artists and tattoo enthusiasts alike Japanese designs have always been sought after. Here are some Japanese tattoo meanings and design ideas to help give you a guide of some possibilities if you are interested in getting such a design.

Cherry Blossom Tattoos

For the Japanese the cherry blossom is seen to represent life itself. The flower is a thing of great beauty. It is strong in that is pushes itself and blooms in harsh conditions and climates and often comes out when the snow is first melting. Yet it is paradoxically fragile at the same time. It is fragile because it will only last a few days and then it will fall from the tree and land in the snow. The Japanese view this as a representation of life itself. Life should be lived to extreme beauty and everyday should be lived to it's fullest. Yet one must always be aware of the possibility of death and therefore with the eventuality of death live life even more fully. This is a great tattoo and a symbol that is laden with powerful reminders and a great guide to how each individual should live their life.

Koi Fish Tattoos

Koi fish are probably the second most powerful symbol in tattoo designs in general but also fro the Japanese. Koi fish can been seen in front of almost every temple throughout Japan. The myth states that the Koi fish swim back up stream against the current to eventually read a bridge or a gate. If they can make it to the gate they are turned into dragons and magically fly away to start a new life. The symbolism behind this design is one of perseverance which is a very deep and important concept for the Japanese. In fact they have many more words to describe perseverance, effort and sticking with something in the language then we do in English.

Hannya Masks

Hannya masks are scary looking and demonic masks. The mask comes from the famous Kabuki plays in Japan and it depicts a women who has been consumed with rage over a lover or someone that has not returned her love. There are different variations as each Kabuki play has a different interpretation. At any rate these masks represent a jealous women. However, they have been widely used in Japanese tattoos and also here in the west. When they are used in tattoo in it is believed that they will ward of evil spirits and bring good luck to the person wearing it. Japanese will also sometimes but these up for display high in the room of their house to ward off evil spirits.


Samurai of course lived by the code of Bushido. There is not enough room here to full explain the code of Bushido but it deals with living life to the fullest, being prepared to die in service and being loyal and strong. The concepts of Bushido are pretty much at the heart of all Japanese values and morals and also what is taught to most young kids over and over again through stories. You could say the code of Bushido is the heart of the Japanese culture and beliefs. Samurai's and samurai tattoos of course are the best symbol of these beliefs.

Scorpion Tattoos - Time to Have the Symbol Defined

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

So you have decided to get a tattoo. You understand that getting a tattoo is a onetime big time, for keeps kind of deal and you have accepted the consequences of changing your mind and having it removed. So you go out and decide to get Scorpion Tattoo designs. But before you do that, here is some information on what exactly do Scorpion tattoos mean:

* We all know that scorpions are nasty little buggers that have equally nasty stingers. One of the reasons perhaps, why people always opt or a scorpion tattoo design is to show to others that they can put up a good fight if they are forced to regardless if they look puny.

* Tattoo artists have always opted for an all black color design when it comes to scorpion tattoos as it looks tougher and nastier. Although colored scorpion tattoos look god as well; as it gives the design a softer more feminine feel and look.

* There are a lot of varying reasons why people always opt for scorpion tattoos. There are people who go out to a tattoo artist and request a scorpion design simply because their zodiac signs are Scorpio. There are people who get it because of the fact that scorpions are fierce and brave creatures and they look really tough. Since the main purpose of getting a tattoo is to represent a person's inner personality, and another reason is that scorpions can arouse a lot of your artists' creativity.

* There are people who go for this specific tattoo design who would want to let the world know that they are the type of person who always mean business. But having scorpion tattoos do not always connote a tough and dangerous side. It is a known fact, that scorpions, by nature also have a soft side which is why this design is also popular among women.

Women who prefer having a Scorpio design tattooed would most commonly have it done on their ankles or on their belly button area, which send out a message that they are tough but they do posses a softer and more feminine side. Men, on the other hand would most often prefer to have the scorpion design tattooed on their arm or leg which allows them to send a message of strength to other people. Men would always most probably go for a larger design to show off their masculinity.

* It is well known that scorpions are almost always living and can be found in desert areas so the image of a scorpion tattooed in a person's body would give the message that they can live through tough times in their lives and will always come out stronger and a survivor. This sends out a statement that they can live through tough moments and they are perfectly capable of coming through difficult situations and remain strong. The scorpion also symbolizes power and an unstoppable force that send a clear message that size never matters to them.

Rose Tattoos for Men - History and Their Symbolism

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Roses have long being associated with various emotions and relationships, red roses symbolize love, yellow roses symbolize friendship, pink ones stand for admiration and the fictional black rose stands for hatred, sadness and tragic romances and blue ones for the unattainable and impossible. Now it is not necessary that a rose tattoo is only for females, an increasing number of men opt to get one done and they look beautiful and masculine at the same time. There have been various interpretations throughout history for what a rose stands for and the variations in its hues.

In the ancient times, Christians associated roses with the Virgin Mary. The ancient Romans and Greeks, roses represented love and beauty and also associated it with their goddess Aphrodite. Ancient Egyptians used roses to worship their goddess Isis - the perfect wife and mother. A red rose now present at funerals represent the blood of Jesus Christ. Since a red rose is associated with Jesus Christ as well as Mary, you will often see Celtic crosses with a red English rose entwined across it with thorns. A red one can also represent martyrdom, spiritual growth and unconscious beauty.

Men can get their rose designs done on their shoulders, upper arms, sides, etc. They can be combined with guns, tribal designs, skulls, daggers, crosses and in combination with your beloved's name. Celebrities love getting them done up and some of them are Ricky Martin, Mary J Blige, Lady Gaga, Slash, Cher and Heather Locklear amongst others. Even the number of roses is significant - one means complete devotion, two roses entwined mean "marry me", six represent a need to be loved, eleven is an assurance that the recipient is loved as well as cherished and thirteen indicate a secret admirer. A rose with eight petals signify regeneration, a rose without any thorns indicates love at first site, a thorny rose can represent masculinity and also the balance between nature. Hence, they are quite apt for men. The leaves on a rose represent hope and a full blown rose on top of two rose buds is a combination that means is a sign of secrecy.

So as described above, a rose can have various interpretations and colours and that is why it is such a popular tattoo design. They are beautiful to look at, and when done by a good artist can look completely real on the skin. Men don't necessarily have to get a rose design to show the world they have a softer side, they combined with other wicked designs like thorns, skulls and weapons ooze sex appeal. Men with these tattoos are completely confidant of their sexuality.

Japanese Tattoo Art

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Some question the artistic factor of Japanese tattoo art, but it is because they are looking at simple pieces such as symbols. Japanese tattoo art consists of so much more. As a matter of fact, there are some amazing designs that celebrities and other high profile individuals have paid a lot of money for.


Japanese tattoo art has been around for centuries. It is thought that facial tattoos graced the faces of early Japanese settlers. Throughout the years, the art evolved and it was a custom to be tattooed with very detailed images. For instance, in 1827 Kuniyoshi Utagawa created 6 very intricate designs that were part of the 108 Heroes of the Suikoden. These heroes were like a bunch of Robin Hoods. Each tattoo told a piece of the story.

There is Japanese art that depicts their warriors as heavily tattooed. In today's Japan, it is not common to find someone who is heavily tattooed. As it stands, the Japanese people consider people who are tattooed to be a part of an underworld of gangsters. They believe it to be a habit of the low class. Young tattooed people in Japan have them placed where people cannot see. That way they do not have to encounter judgment by their peers or older individuals in Japan.

But the Japanese tattoo designs are quite amazing when you look at them. They depict parts of Japanese history, contain many fine lines that make the design, and the colors are so vivid and unique. Some people may even have their entire back tattooed because some tattoos are only good when they are large and a message is to be relayed.


Flowers and dragons tend to be the most common, aside from Japanese symbols with significant meaning to the tattooed individual. Extensive Japanese tattoo art can take a while to finish. Because of the amount of detail put into some designs, it can take several sittings to finish. Having one done in one sitting could be quite daunting to the tattoo artist and to the recipient. It is also necessary to allow some healing to take place before continuing some parts of the journey.

It is also common to see Japanese tattoo art of Japanese warriors with weapons and of serpents. The best way to know what your options are is to explore online or consult with your Japanese tattoo artist on what it is that can be done for you.

Japanese Tattoo Symbols - What You Need to Know to Pick the Right One For You

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

If you are looking for a tattoo design, you may be thinking of using a Japanese tattoo symbol. If you are thinking about a Japanese tattoo you can choose from a traditional tattoo design, which is more like a picture or you could choose a tattoo symbol that represents a name or a particular word that has a special meaning to you.

Japanese tattoos are called 'Irezumi' in Japanese. There is a long history of tattoo art in Japan. The traditional kind of tattoo designs can be very extensive and cover the arms, shoulders and back or even the whole body. The designs tend to be elaborate and include snakes, dragons, koi fish or even flowers. As the designs can cover a large part of the body, it can often take many sessions to complete the art and cost a large amount of money. In Japanese these kinds of designs can be associated with the Yakuza (Japanese mafia) and so they are not favoured by most people.

An alternative to a traditional Japanese tattoo design is to use a symbol used in Japanese writing. The first thing to know if you are considering a symbol tattoo is that there are three writing systems in Japan, hiragana, katakana and kanji. Hiragana are used for parts of speech, word endings and words that can not be represented in Kanji. Katakana is used for foreign words and foreign names. Kanji are adapted originally from Chinese characters and is the most complicated of all the writing systems.

If you are thinking of using a Japanese symbol for your tattoo design, you can either use one of the writing systems to represent a name, or you could choose one of kanji characters. Some of the most popular kanji characters that are used are those that represent the meanings of Love, Family members, Happiness, Luck, Samurai, Wisdom and even Zen.

The History of The Dragons and why Dragon Tattoos Are So Popular

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

According to the Webster-Merriam Dictionary, the word dragon is Middle English, from Anglo-French dragun, from Latin dracon.

The definition of dragon is:

· A mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent with a crested head and enormous claws.

· Or someone who is formidable

The many depictions of dragons are incredibly diverse and complex. No other creature in mythology has appeared in so many cultures from such remote parts of the world!

Many of us think of dragons as a terrifying beast. However, the Eastern dragons are portrayed as good, kind, ancient and intelligent. The Asian Dragons have the most recorded history in the world, especially in China going back thousands of years.

The Difference between the Eastern Dragons:

Chinese dragons have all five toes. The Chinese believe that all dragons began from China. They believed that as the dragons flew south, they began to lose their toes. The farther the dragons flew, the more toes they lost. So, Korean dragons have four toes, and Japanese dragons have three.

Korean dragons have four toes. The Koreans believe that when the dragons leave Korea and go north to China, they begin to gain toes. When the dragons leave Korea and go north to Japan, they begin to lose toes.

Japanese dragons have three toes. The Japanese though all dragons originated from Japan. They also believed that when the dragons leave Japan and head north, they gain toes. The farther the dragons went, the more toes they gained. This is why the other dragons have more toes. The Japanese believed the breath of dragons could turn into clouds, which could produce rain.

But here's the kicker, unlike most types of dragon, most of the Eastern Dragons have no wings!

The Western Dragon

The Western dragons or medieval dragons have a more ferocious and primitive appearance. They often look like giant lizards with long tails and a pair of wings. While the dragons are thought of as calculating and thoughtful monsters, they have also been viewed as mindless beasts. We think of dragons as having talons, fangs, breathing fire, scaly skins, and red eyes in our drawings and paintings. The Western Dragons were also known to have huge hoards of gold and jewels hidden in their lairs.

Early Christianity condemned the ancient, benevolent and malevolent serpent deities. As a matter of fact, in Christian art, the dragon is a symbol of the pagan religion and was often drawn as overpowered by the spirit of the holy figures of Christianity.

The Vikings had figures of dragons on the prow of their boats. The dragons on the ships were believed to bestow sharp eyesight and craftiness to the Viking warriors. The Welsh flag has a red dragon on it and the dragon is their national symbol.

Why are Dragon Tattoos so popular today?

Dragons are a classic choice for a tattoo design and they are one of the more popular mythological creatures picked for inking.

Dragons are depicted as powerful, wise and free. Their legend is always cloaked in magic and mythical realm. They come from the tops of sacred Japanese mountains and the bottom of the deepest seas around Greece.

Dragons have been drawn in a wide variety of forms because of their popular appeal. Today's tattoo designers have taken the art of the dragon to amazing new levels. Whether you want a traditional dragon tattoo or one with a cutting-edge, modern look you will find an incredible gallery of amazing images to choose from.

Tattoo artists have paid extra attention to creating images of dragons because they look great on the skin. They can be in color, or black & white. Dragon tattoos can wrap around the body and flatter the contours of the body. Dragon tattoos can be designed as tribal, Celtic or jade designs. The dragon tattoo may appear with wings or fire breathing or not.

Ancient Dragon lore and illustrations have inspired many of us to select a dragon tattoo because that design represents how we feel about ourselves -- powerful, ferocious, and free...

Scorpion Tattoos Make Their Own Statement

Scorpion Tattoos Make Their Own Statement

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

If ever there was a most popular male design category for body art, surely scorpion tattoos would rank in the top ten. The reason why scorpion designs are so popular is probably due to a myriad of different factors, but one fact may be that they are such an effective design. They certainly stand out and that has got to be one of the best reasons to get your own inked on you. Traditional scorpion tattoos focused mostly on the scorpion being monochrome and in strike mode. Not a huge amount has changed except for the depth of detail that is now given to these all time favorites.

Scorpion tattoos are predominantly a male design. Certainly, there are definite male and female only art work that encompasses the tattoo world. However, scorpion tatts can be seen on some of the more edgier females as well as the males. Great artwork shouldn't be gender defined, therefore having a top tattoo artist ink you with a scorpion design should be easily carried off regardless of your gender.

I'm guessing that it wouldn't be top of the list with those who would prefer a Disney character tattoo on their body, as scorpion tattoos tend to be reserved for those who are wanting to make a statement about their personality. Many times a subject like a spider, scorpion or snake is depicted in tattoos as being the baddest of the bad and those who have them tattooed on their bodies are wanting to depict that.

Remembering that you are going to have this tattoo for the rest of your life in most cases, you then should choose scorpion tattoos that wont date and age. Because of the subject you can be sure that they will most likely be a popular choice fro many more generations to come.

Dragon Tattoos - Hints and Tips When Looking For the Best Dragon Tattoo

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Reasons why People like Dragon Tattoo designs

Dragon tattoo designs are found on individuals all around the globe, via almost all different communities and backgrounds. Even though quite a few are quite similar they're quite hardly ever identical because everyone has there very own idea of exactly what the great mystical creature truly looks like. An extremely strong defensive kind figure, the dragon is actually believed to possess super natural powers as well as safeguard people with them displayed on their skin. Lots of dragon tattoo designs are generally observed on the back and upper biceps nevertheless you'll also very likely witness dragon tattoo designs just about anyplace on a individual. Lots of women of all ages have decided to feature dragon tattoo designs to their own continuously growing quantity of body prints and they are growing to be increasingly well-known. Dragon Tattoo designs have vastly increased in attractiveness over the last a number of years as several more patterns come to be obtainable.

The several misconceptions surrounding mythical beasts has attributed to the growing interest in dragon tattoo designs. The emblematic mark of victory is one of various beliefs of the legendary creatures, the combat of St George slaying the wicked dragon has its own position etched straight into folklore whilst in other countries the dragon is usually considered to be the defender and guardian connected with sacred treasures. Nevertheless noticed as the most valiant defender, they are also referred to as representational satanic creatures who terrorized people. As a result of beating the powerful and evil dragon, a person will show to own selfless bravery in addition to fearlessness. There's a well-known saying that individuals who have dragon tattoos are usually old enough to have them but certainly not old enough to recognise the true significance.

Dragons are seen as reptilian type creatures who have a forked tongue and also lizard like qualities. Individuals invest considerable time and money on their dragon tattoo designs expressing a detailed outline of exactly what they consider a dragon looks like. Various dragon tattoos have the dragon which has a tale along with enormous bright colored wings which might be typical elements of how the dragon is looked at. Dragons are generally understood by several to regulate water, rainfall along with floods.

One more reason why individuals decide to obtain dragon tattoos is due to the fact they may be very easily individualized. People can create a really wonderful design of a dragon using a basic example and making the design to suit there own tastes. If you ever go for a standard style and design and take it to your tattoo specialist, they can easily transform it to make the style and design far more unique to you personally. You should go over and acknowledge the changes ahead of proceeding ahead and obtaining the tattoo. The tattoo artist should be able to create a revised sample of your design. Be sure you mention styles and fine detail and any improvements to be made ahead of starting the tattoo.

Dragon Tattoo designs are available in lots of different styles and you can tell a whole lot about somebody based on their unique style and design. Various individuals have taken the time to think about just what unique design to have ahead of committing to them. Dragons which present some sort of mischievous personality and sneaky facial expressions indicate the traits of a lively individual. Although numerous people who are generally naughty, sweet or perhaps come across as sensible tend to have a dragon characterized to what they're portraying. Dragon Tattoo designs are usually a self portrait of a person's sprit or perhaps precisely how they feel they may be identified.

The Dragon Tattoo

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

The most well known and most popular mythical creature depicted in tattoos is the Japanese dragon. It is more popular than any of the other mythical creatures, such as the phoenix, mermaid or gryphon. This may be due to its shape because the long and flexible dragon that descends from Japanese tattoo traditions practically fits on every part of the body - covering full backs, winding himself around arms or coiling up on the chest of the carrier.

The Japanese dragon is usually depicted as a wingless, heavily scaled snake-like creature with small, clawed legs and a camel shaped head with horns. It is associated with sea, clouds or the heavens. It has whiskers and a beard, and it is deaf. In the West we think of dragons as terrifying beasts, but in Japan the dragon symbolises wealth, good fortune, good luck, kindness, power and freedom.

The good luck stems from the fact that the Japanese dragon is a "water symbol", living either in the clouds, climbing down during thunderstorms, or in rivers and lakes. Water is an element of enormous importance for the cultivation of rice in both China and Japan so, because of its ability to bring down the rain, it was revered. Thus dragons are highly respected and admired in both China and Japan. In the Western Culture however, because of the association with the snake, the dragon symbolises evil and they were routinely hunted down, fought and killed.

It is important to keep the dragon happy because, after all, it could easily cause a seaquake or thunderstorm if annoyed. One of the most famous and most tattooed dragon legends, apart from the display of the Buddhist gods of wind and thunder (Fu-jin and Rai-jin) who are riding the dragons, is the Tamatori Hime. According to legend, Japanese dragons are believed to take up the shape of humans and are even considered capable of mating with humans. The age-old enemy of the dragon is the phoenix and sometimes a bird-man creature called Karura.

At birth to around five hundred years (or so) of the dragon's life, they are a "water snake". They are not dragons in the sense that we think them to be. From five hundred (or so) to around one thousand (or so) they become Chiao, or scaled creatures. They are said to begin as a fish, and, at a considerably old age, turn into a scaled dragon.

After the Chiao stage, from about one thousand years to one thousand five hundred years old, the dragon grows rapidly. This is when the dragon becomes a Lung dragon. This takes place over the five hundred year period. Unlike some dragons, they are hornless and symbolize the scholar. These dragons can gain horns, but only after about five hundred years.

When the dragon is between the ages of one thousand five hundred and two thousand, he or she will become a Horned Dragon. They will gain horns and thus look much wiser in the process. After the dragon is two thousand years old, they become a Ying-Lung. They are winged dragons that are also scale-less. They gain wings only after they have been around for about one thousand years, and they never have scales.

The Japanese dragon (referred to as Ryugu in Japanese mythology) has three toes whereas the Korean has four and the Chinese five. It is said in Chinese Mythology that all dragons originated from China and the ones that left lost their toes, but the Japanese Culture believes that all dragons came from Japan and when they left Japan they gained toes. The farther the dragons went, the more toes they gained (or lost). The Koreans believe that all eastern dragons originated from Korea so that when the dragons leave Korea and go towards China they gain toes and when they go towards Japan they lose toes.

Another difference is that Japanese dragons tend to be much more slender and fly less frequently than their Chinese counterparts which suggests they either lose or gain weight depending on where they originate from. In Japanese society (as in Chinese society) dragons are depicted in paintings on temple walls and carvings. Most of the temples with dragon carvings usually belong to the Zen Buddhism religion. The Japanese dragon had originally come into existence as a guardian creature that was in charge of guarding all the four cosmic regions. Traditionally the dragon is identified with the season of spring throughout Asia.

The Dragon King is really four dragons, and these dragons keep watch over the four main seas. They are believed to live underwater in the Ryuku islands area in Okinawa. Japanese dragons are of various types: there are the Tatsu dragons that are a representation of spirituality and imperial power and tend to live in lakes or springs. The Sui-Riu dragons are held responsible for bringing rains into the islands of Japan. The Han-Riu dragon is the tallest of the dragons measuring up to almost 40 feet in length and can reach the heavens. The Ri-Riu dragon is most popular for its unusual eye-sight which is believed to be the best. The Ka-Riu dragon which is the smallest possesses a frightening red color. The Fuku Riu is the dragon which brings luck to people. The Hai-riyo dragon is actually a dragon which possesses a bird-like shape and is the most evolved of all the dragons.

Other interesting things to note are the differences between the dragons in pictures. For example, males usually have clubs in their tails while females hold fans. These dragons can also be depicted as descending from the sky or inside clouds. Male horns are thinner near the base of the head and thicker and stronger towards the outside. Females have "nicer" manes, they are rounder, and thus are seen as more balanced than the rigid mane of the males. The females' noses are usually straighter, their scales thinner, and have a thicker tail.

Modern Japanese tattoo artists have taken the art of the Japanese dragon to amazing new levels. Whether you want a full back or a half sleeve design, you will find an incredible gallery of amazing tattoo designs to choose from. They can be in colour, or black and white. The Japanese dragon tattoo may appear with sea waves, clouds or pearls. Sometimes the dragon holds an enormous magical pearl in its claw, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches, the "pearl" symbolized the most precious treasure: Wisdom (hence "pearls of wisdom"). Ancient Dragon lore and illustrations have inspired many of us to select a Japanese dragon tattoo because that design represents how we feel about ourselves -- strength, wisdom and freedom...

Japanese dragon tattoos can wrap around the body and flatter the contours of the body. Full body and full back dragon tattoos are very common in Japan, but the most popular location is half sleeve, the body of the dragon wraps around the upper arm and the dragon's head extends across the chest just above the heart. Because of the long shape of the dragon, it is also well suited for inking on arms and legs.

Multiple Interpretations and Varied Symbolism Of Cross Tattoos

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

The cross is one of the most iconic and broadly relevant symbols known to man. It is unclear where this figure originated from and what particular period in human history it was devised. Despite this, almost every culture attaches a meaning to it. It is also favored as a pattern, or part of a work of art. In fact, it is also among the most popular in this regard. There are many individuals who have cross tattoos. Brochures of tattoo artists are filed with variation and endless styles of these designs. This establishes it as a popular design for body art.

These designs are used many times. The general concept may be repeatedly used. However, each time a design or a variation is used it is unique in itself. They are entirely different icons. This is due to the various historical narratives, and traditions attached to each form of this symbol. Each cross variant has a unique story behind it.

For example, the Christian cross alone has a multitude of variations with each one having a specific meaning or name. A Celtic cross pattern and Florian cross are both cross designs but are completely distinct in their cultural roots and origins The Celtic cross is a popular British pattern, including in tattoos. The Florian cross is common in Austria and is also used as a body art design. This emphasizes that as each cross is different from other so too are cross tattoos.

Different individuals who opt to have a cross tattoo would pick a design that appeals to them most, or they are familiar with. A person who is a deeply Catholic may have a common cross tattoo. Others may want to have cross tattoos that are born from different cultures like the ankh which comes from Egypt, or the Sun cross. This is a simple cross enclosed by a circle which is from prominent in pagan cultures like in that of American Indians and Bulgarians.

It may not be apparent to many but crosses are also political symbols. They can be found as part of or by themselves as political icons. This also means that these tattoos can and often serve as indications of a person's beliefs. Having a tattoo of a flag that has a cross in it can be a manifestation of their allegiance to that country flag represents. Another example which is provocative is the swastika as a tattoo. It is still a cross tattoo which can mean adherence to certain nationalist ideas.

Cross tats are popular since they appeal and reflect individual human distinctiveness. They can embody different meaning and ideals. This is one of the few tattoo patterns that is universal and yet can be radically unique and specific to the persons they are inscribed on. Cross tattoos are versatile body art patterns in this sense. The variations and meanings of these widely known icons are reflective of man's diversity. This also means that tattoos of the same are prime examples of diversity and creativity.

Koi Sleeve Tattoos - The Real McKoi?

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Japanese tattoo art is more correctly known as "irezumi". The irezumi, or Japanese tattooing, have had mostly spiritual significance in the realm of Japanese art. Hence, common Japanese art include mythic beings like dragons, among other beasts and monsters. Other images includes flower designs, characters from Japanese folklore, samurais and geishas, Buddha and other deities, Shinto deities, backgrounds or nature, and even animals. One of the more common animal symbols is the koi tattoo design.

A koi sleeve tattoo is simply a fish art design, as koi is the Japanese term for a carp. The koi fish has been more than just a symbol of prosperity for the Japanese people, but also a symbol of love and friendship.

Wanting a koi sleeve tattoo? Then read on and understand one of the age old meanings of a koi tattoo art. It has been both Japanese and Chinese legend about the wondrous transformation a koi may undergo. It has been according to these legends, that there will come a strong koi who will brave the waters and climb the falls, which is aptly called Dragon Gate, as that very koi will transform into a majestic Dragon. However, if the koi is caught, he faces death in the chopping board, much like a samurai. Hence, the koi has been a symbol of aspiration and advancement.

In Buddhist symbolism, a koi sleeve tattoo is much explained as a koi running through waters. This koi, symbolizes the human race, bracing the "oceans of suffering". When a koi swims upstream, it just simply means that the koi is still struggling. If it swims downstream, this simply means that the wearer has overcome all difficulty.

I do hope that this has helped you in choosing which koi sleeve tattoo you will be choosing from here on.

The Hottest and Most Popular Japanese Half Sleeve Tattoos For Both Men and Women - Part 1

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

We all know that half sleeve tattoos are hot these days. Really to be honest any type of sleeve tattoo design is very popular right now. For many years the trend among tattoo enthusiasts has been to continually up the ante and getting bigger and bigger tattoos done on their body. With a broadening social norm and acceptance of tattoos in general it is not a surprise that so many people want to get sleeve designs.

Of the possibilities out there for sleeve tattoos there are the tribal, skulls, flowers and other such designs. However, one set of designs seems to be far above and beyond popular and those are Japanese sleeve tattoo designs be it half, full or even quarter designs. Not only do guys love these traditional Japanese designs but women are also starting to get designs themselves also.
Why Are They So Great
Some might wonder what has made these designs so popular and what is so great about them anyway. Well first and foremost is the history behind them. The Japanese have been practicing the art of tattoo design for centuries and have probably developed the art form more then almost any other culture. However, for a long time the designs were done on the Yakuza or gang members. Since these were used to mark men in the gang they were often done as tests of courage and a demonstration of strength and power for these men. That of course leads to people wanting to get bigger and bigger designs and eventually very early in the Japanese history people were getting full body tattoo designs. Thus lead to a great deal of incredible beautiful full body and rather large scale tattoo designs and an incredible art form. As with many things the Japanese tattoo artists poured their hearts, souls and full body into the development and refinement of the art which has lead to some of the best designs ever. They have been widely adopted and have mass appeal to more western audiences because of their rich and deep symbolism and foreign feeling they portray.

Themes For Guys

There are so many different designs out there that the Japanese have developed over time. Like many things these often fall into sets or categories of designs. Some of the most popular designs for men are list below.

Samurai - Of course Samurai were the warrior class in feudal Japan and seen as the ultimate fighter and also a great example of morality that every Japanese citizen should ascribe to. Here in the west we often identify with the raw power and strength of the Samurai.

Gods - Another very common design that is used in Japanese tattooing arts are the gods. These could be and often are angry gods and spirits. These are seen as good luck symbols as they will scare away the evil spirits.

Dragons - Of course we have our own sets of dragons and mythological beats here in the west but there is something mysterious, unique and very original about many of the Japanese dragon designs. Thus has lead to many here in the west wanting to get a Japanese dragon tattoo.

Geisha - Yes there was a connection between sexy and the women of the water world called Geisha. However they were not mere prostitutes. They were highly trained and skilled artisans and incredible entertainers. Many a men love the beauty, power and mystery that a geisha carries. It is the Japanese equivalent of the pinup girl tattoo.

This is a two part article for information on top designs for women check out part 2

Japanese Sleeve Tattoos - Your Ultimate Guide

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Japanese Sleeve Tattoos come in different forms and designs depending on one's personality and what he wants to be represented by. Because of the popularity of tattoos, people who want to get one now are more particular in the originality and uniqueness of their designs. There are hundreds of possible tattoo designs to choose from. But since Japan has been in the tattoo business for a very long time, they have developed designs that people have shown more interest in, nowadays, than any other. Japanese sleeve tattoos is what they are called.

Examples these sleeve tattoos are koi fish tattoos, dragons, samurai and hannya masks. Koi fish designs are very popular because of it represent power and strength and they form an illusion of a swimming fish when tattooed on the arm.

Dragon designs are also very popular, next to koi fish designs, because of the masculinity it creates for men who have them. They are either red or black. This design is also a symbol of power and strength as this mythical creature can breathe out fire and is just ready to kill and take an enemy down when needed.

The samurai is a symbol of heroism and great courage. This is one of the reasons why it has become so popular among all sleeve tattoos.

Hannya masks were used before in some plays in Tokyo. But because of its beauty, it has become a piece of art itself. This is believed to have the power to ward of evil. With its beauty and reputation, hannya masks have become another popular tattoo designs, not only in Japan but all over the world.

Want a Tattoo?

Want a Tattoo?

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Before taking the step to have a permanent tattoo affixed to your body, you must first do some thorough thinking. Take into consideration that any tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life and is VERY expensive and painful to remove. Choose the location of the tattoo on your body very carefully. It may be a good idea to wear a non-permanent tattoo for a while to make sure that the tattoo you're getting is exactly the right size and design you want.

Tattoos are reasonably painful to get, but you may stop the tattooist at any time during the procedure, until you feel ready to go on again. Some people feel pain more acutely than others. Most people feel inclined to get another tattoo soon - which is an indication of the bear ability of the pain. Large tattoos are done over a period of time, to give the wearer time to rest after each session. And yes, when the tattooist perforates the skin, there will be moderate bleeding. It is a good idea to be well rested before your first tattoo!

Expensive or Cheap? Good tattoos are expensive BUT nothing looks worse that a botched up tattoo. My advice is to choose a professional artist at a tattoo parlour, pay the extra amount and make sure that you get quality that will last a lifetime. Your tattoo artist should use a transfer sheet to transfer the image onto your body before starting to add on the colours...

Hygiene? Going hand in hand with choosing a professional tattooist, is making sure that your tattoo is done with all the hygienic safety precautions in place. A professional tattooist will show and explain to you all the safety precautions that are taken. It is a good idea to shop around beforehand to be able to cut out dodgy tattooists. See our article about safety precautions.

Aftercare Aftercare should be prescribed to eliminate infection of the wounds and allow proper healing. In some countries underage tattooing is not allowed and special permission has to be given to tattoo mentally incapable people. It is advised to make use of well trained and professional tattoo artists and precaution must be taken by the client to make sure that tattooing is done only under the most hygienic circumstances. The responsibility ultimately lies with the client to make sure that all the safety precautions are adhered to. Click here for link to tattooing equipment for sale There are no hard and fast rules concerning immediate aftercare of a tattoo. It is advised though, to keep it as sterile as possible while it heals. Specially developed tattoo ointments are recommended, but there is consensus that gentle cleaning with soap and water is recommended. gentle anti bacterial ointment can be applied if the special tattoo ointments are not available.

Care must be taken not to use too much water for rinsing, though as this could also wash out tattoo inks or soften scabs before they naturally fall off. If a tattoo gets infected, the chances of distortion of the image are very good due to the formation of scar tissue and the loss of pigments. Two of the tattoo taboos are to remove scabs before the skin sheds them naturally and exposure to the sun is not advised. Tattoos frequently exposed to the sun will also have to be redone or touched up sooner then those not exposed - so stay out the sun - even after your tattoo has healed! Picking off scabs will remove the ink as well before it has set in and the sun tends to bleach tattoo inks. A tattoo looks at it's best when the maximum ink remains imbedded in the skin.

Keeping a tattoo moisturised for the first two months after the first week of initial healing will keep your tattoo looking better for longer as the tattood area tends to become very dry during this stage. Keeping it moisturised will aso prevent scabbing and scarring. Allergic reactions to tattoo inks have been reported, but is very rare. It is recommended that a small patch of skin is subjected to the ink, before attempting a tattoo, especially facial tattoos, such as make-up tattoos. A program was introduced in Canada to legalize Prison tattooing. Inmates are trained and equipped with the right instruments to do tattooing properly - eliminating the chances of infection and disease spreading.

The History of tattoo's

Tattoos are hot, modern day body art and fashion accessories. Tattoos have been around for ages and still are a cultural icon Everyone wears them, from the celebs to the everyday moms and dads. Ladies, especially, have become very aware of the appeal that a well placed tattoo can have lower back tattoos, small and secret little tattoos, flower tattoos and many more, are meant to surprise and please and decorate and so it does too, otherwise it wouldn't have been that popular!

Tattoos dating back to the second millennium before Christ have been noted on mummies as body decoration. Tattooing has been an ongoing practice since about ten thousand years ago in Japan as evidence shows. Different ancient traditions and cultures have been identified by the types of tattoos that they made use of.

Tattoos have been a popular form of body art for thousands of years in Europe and Asia. With the spread of Christianity in Europe and the effort to convert tribal people with traditional cultures that involved ritual tattooing, to Western religions and cultures, the use of tattoos almost completely disappeared in Europe for a while, because it was considered a pagan practice. Europeans to see tattoos again after it had lost its popularity for so many years, were Captain Cook and his sailors when they visited the Marquesas Islands in the 18th Century. Captain Cook described the tattoos as markings and said that the Polynesians called it "Tataw". The sailors who were on the journey with him reinstated the art in Europe, where it soon was reinstated as a popular form of body-art. Sailors, especially, were associated with tattoos At the time tattooing was a common custom outside of Europe and until today tattooing is a tradition amongst indigenous peoples around the world.

Tattoos' Cultural Status Tattoos are mostly used to enhance the wearer but also have symbolic and traditional meanings that sometimes have nothing to do with adorning the wearer. The symbolism of tattoos differ in diverse cultures but mostly are symbols of status, religion, protection, fertility etc. In many tribal cultures the coming of age initiation process involves tattooing to mark the wearer as an adult and usually signifies that the wearer then has a certain sexual independence. Tattoos were also utilized, until recent times, by authorities to mark convicts and slaves. The holocaust victims of the Second World War were all bearers of tattoos that were used for identification purposes. Even animals were and still are tattooed for identification purposes, such as thoroughbred racehorses.

Today tattoos are mostly used for decorative or cosmetic purposes. In modern society tattoos still have meanings and there is a strong awareness of the cultural meanings of the different symbols, such as religious, magical, protective iconic, memorial, and of course the ever popular sentimental love and sex symbols. Mystical value is also given to certain animal, flower, insect and iconic symbols to symbolize the status of the wearer's cultural mind-set. Tattoos are often used to signify that the wearer associates with particular cultural or religious groups. The armed forces banned tattooing for a long time, but tattooing was and still is practiced discreetly amongst soldiers and sailors to indicate battles fought, killings made, in memory of lost loved ones, etc. Military tattoos have gained popularity amongst non-military wearers as well and is established as a tattoo category by itself. Criminal gangs use identifying tattoos to symbolize their gang's significance and reputation. Prisoners wear tattoos to indicate their social standing in prison.

A prisoner with a tear tattoo is to be feared, because it signifies that the wearer has killed some-one, with a tear tattoo for each killing. The association of tattoos with criminality and brutality have given them a negative connotation in many societies. Women who wear tattoos are sometimes labeled as people with low moral values and especially lower-back tattoos have been named "tramp-stamps". In modern society, the connotation has worn thin, though, and it has become perfectly acceptable and a fashion accessory in modern western cultures for women to wear tattoos. Ethic groups and sub-cultures also use identifying tattoos as symbols for their beliefs. Icons with very explicit cultural meanings are sometimes misinterpreted and used for the decorative value, such as Chinese and Japanese symbols that are tattooed on uninformed Westerners. The aesthetical value of Eastern tattoos make them a very popular tattoo category. Tattoos are made by perforating the skin, or even allowing for a small cut to be made into the epidermis of the skin and then inserting pigments into the perforation or cut.

Enhancing the body with tattoos is a fine and difficult art and in modern times the professional tattooist will advise and make sure that the tattoo you get is an accessory that you will be happy with for the rest of your life.

It is a bad idea to have a tattoo done under pressure. Make sure that you know exactly what you want to have done, beforehand!

Tattoos might become an embarrassment if not done properly or professionally, therefore make sure that you know exactly how it should be done, where to put the tattoo, what size you want and if your homework is done properly you will have the perfect tattoo!

The pain factor is something that first timers are wary of, but although everybody has a different pain tolerance, it is not unbearable and most people come back for a second tattoo - in fact, it is said that tattooing is addictive!

Professional aftercare is very important to make sure a tattoo is safe, heals properly and stays as beautiful as it was from the start.

Permanent Make-up

Cosmetic tattooing is a very popular way of wearing permanent make-up. Permanent make-up is mostly used to enhance the outlines of the eyes - eyeliner and the eyebrows. Eyebrows are sometimes lost due to illness, age, chemotherapy, etc and permanent make-up is usually the perfect solution to such a problem. Permanent make-up is also used on the eyelids, lip-outlines and on lips and on the skin to hide skin discoloration. It is also used to enhance or restore the breast's areola after breast surgery. Permanent make-up is also recommended and useful to people who have difficulty in applying make-up due to hand tremors, etc.

Many people also find it useful when allergic reaction prevents the use of conventional make-up. In many countries, only highly professional and trained people, such as dermatologists and plastic surgeons perform these type of procedures. The initial results of permanent make-up are a bit pronounced and looks hard and and obvious, but soon fades to a more natural look in a few weeks time. The application process is painful, especially to the more tender facial areas and a local anesthetic may be needed to ease the discomfort. The process seldom can be done in a single sitting, which adds to the discomfort factor. Permanent make-up pigments fade away under continual exposure to harsh sunlight and after about ten years or so, will need to be touched up with regular make-up. How is it Done?

Traditionally tattoos were made by cutting designs or making small perforations in the upper layer of the skin following the desired design lines and surfaces and rubbing pigments into the wounds. Sharpened sticks, metal needles and other sharpened objects were used for this process. Mostly this process was done without proper precautions or aftercare, often resulting in painful infection and distortion of the original designs. Today specially designed tattoo machines are used with multiple needles. The machines are designed to make multiple perforations very quickly, that perfects shading and sharp lines can be made more distinctive. Tattoo machines make the process quicker and gives the artist more control over the desired results.

Modern pigments also allow for more colors to be applied and the results are precise and colorful and allow for shading- and color bleeding nuances which results in beautifully rendered art works. The customer determines the design and placement of the design by having a stencil placed over the chosen area. The complexity and size of the tattoo design ultimately determines the time it takes to tattoo. It could take from less than an hour to many days to complete a tattoo. Tattoo needles are not used repeatedly either, eliminating cross infection and AIDS and are discarded after use. Hygienic precautions are the rule. The tattoo artist has to wear disposable gloves at all times and the wound has to clean repeatedly.

Tribal Back Tattoo - Finding Great Artwork for Lower or Upper Backs

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

Finding a great tribal back tattoo can be a pain, I know, but it does not have to be that way anymore during your search for artwork online. Whether it's for lower or upper backs, there is an easy way around the generic crud that is out there, which I will tell you about.

First of all, you should never settle for design that you find through a Google search, or from some generic, cookie-cutter website with tattoos. This is not how you are going to find a top notch tribal back tattoo. The art that you find here is probably over five years old, plastered all over the internet, and not actually drawn to be implemented as tattoos. Also, who knows how many other people already have that design inked on their skin already?

This happens because while the artist that draw some of the designs are good, and they make good art, they do not know what it takes to draw something that will look good once made into a real life tattoo. They are not tat artists. That is the problem with trying to find something through normal means. There is a way around this, though...

The best way to start a search for a quality tribal back tattoo is to use internet forums. Forums are an amazing place, filled with insider information and thoughts from people that have searched endless for things just like you have. Remember, people love to brag when they find a hidden treasure, or when they find a lesser known websites with tribal tattoos that is filled with original artwork. I have found tribals, Celtic art, Amazing back pieces for lower and upper backs, and countless other things this way. There is not better way for somebody to spread the word to people looking for the same thing than on an internet forum and you can now reap the benefits of it in your search for a tribal back tattoo.

Finding a tribal back tattoo can now be fun once again and getting to the quality artwork and designs online can be easier than ever.

Back of the Neck Tattoos - Locate Much Higher Quality Art Right Away

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

Something is definitely changing when it comes to the back of neck tattoos the average person sees. So many of you are probably getting lost in a world of awful, generic artwork, while never being able to pull up collections of crisp, high quality designs. You can stray from this path and jump on the path that leads right to much better, more original artwork, though.

It all starts with how you begin looking for back of neck tattoos. Do you want to know the worst way to find the best art? This would be by strolling over to a search engine and going through the lists that pull up. It never works out well, because all that you get is a never ending list of the most generic galleries. You can spend the next few days going through the artwork at these websites and you will only see a bunch of plain, cookie cutter designs.

It's not that fun. Even worse, many people who spend most of their time clicking through cookie cutter designs will eventually get inked with a generic tattoo. They later regret doing it, but the design is already on their body. You can avoid all of this by using forums as your main source for finding amazing back of neck tattoos. Big forums work the best, because it's where you can yank up hundreds of topics about tattoo artwork in one central location.

They are all tucked away in the archive section. Once you have them up in front of you, the rest is a piece of cake, You jump in and scan through them any time you want. You will read such informative posts, where tattoo enthusiasts talk about where they've found sensational artwork galleries. These are the original websites to browse through back of neck tattoos. The quality difference is astounding.

Nobody should be settling on generic back of neck tattoos, just because they couldn't locate better stuff.

The Ultimate Evergreen Dragon Tattoos Ruling The Tattoo World And Male Interest

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Are dragon tattoos meant only for the damsels around? Seems like that is some wrong notion? Let's be a part of the upcoming tattoo mania for the attractive men folk today!

Tattoos are the best fashion statement set by the ancestors and are followed by generations. Started from Greeks and gladiators, slowly and gradually these marks took a new shape and turned in to a body art. Nowadays, these tattoos have become a trend and fashion in the youngsters. Male community has a strong hold on tattoo art and they can be considered as pioneers in tattooing. Tattoos have now become the fashion statement among males and females. But, males are the leaders anyways!

The increasing popularity of tattoos amongst the male community has flooded the market space with numerous designs and shapes. There is huge rush for portraying a strong, masculine image through these wonderful snappy shapes. The deeper the tattoo, the image becomes tougher. But, trends never stay on one stand, they keep on changing.

Tattooing has become very common as a means of expressing the attitude, feelings, sensuality and interests through these lovely pictures. Among all the legendary creatures, dragon is said to be the most prominent and universal feature in thousands of cultures, which represents the 4 points of compass and elements. Dragon symbolizes earth, water, sky, and under land in east regions and in western regions they are known as the early enemy by whom fight is considered as the ultimate and the best test. People nowadays are more inclined towards having a dragon tattoo done on their body.

Males prefer the tattoo on their shoulder or back as well as on their hand. And females normally, have a tattoo on their belly or lower back. The dragon is considered to be very powerful and that is what men prefer it for. So, commonly the dragon tattoo is done to show the power and hugeness of the character. These tattoos are done on the body in different color and styles. Dragon tattoos are available in usually blue and red colors. The dragon's image is a reflection of dinosaur. And, it is mostly anticipated breathing fire. Those dragons that are imagined like this are called as fire dragons. These fire dragon tattoos are very popular among males.

Different types of dragon tattoos are there such as, fire dragon, water dragon, fire-spitting dragon, and powerful dragon. These dragons are engraved by the people for portraying their power, strength and influencing attitude. It may also depict anger in many cases. However, with a passage of time and the buzz word on, there are various interpretations coming up.

Dragon tattoos, amongst the oldest tattoos. still find preference amongst the crowd. One thing to be noticed is that the dragon tattoos are ever popular and nothing has yet been able to replace this design. These dragon tattoos reflect the real character of men because generally the male personality is synonymous to power, energy, hugeness and masculinity.

Sleeve Tattoos - Full and Half

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

If you're reading this article, the chances are that you are looking for information about sleeve tattoos. You have heard of them, but you just don't know what they are. Or, you know what they are, but you want to find out more information about them. If either of those descriptions matches you, you've come to the right place! This article is going to answer your questions.

A sleeve tattoo is a tattoo that covers a large area of the skin of the arm, just like the sleeve of a shirt. You can get a full sleeve, a half sleeve or a quarter sleeve. Often, these tattoos start off as smaller ones and grow over time as their owner adds new ones until his whole arm is covered. When this happens, they tend to have a chaotic look, and the designs are not well integrated.

On the other hand, some sleeve tattoos are done from scratch. When this happens, the design is completely coordinated, and as a result the finished effect can be stunning.

Getting a sleeve tattoo has a big commitment, because there's no way you would ever be able to remove that much ink without it showing. Also, they tend to be quite expensive. Also, because of the extreme look, you need to be prepared for the change it will make to your lifestyle. However, if you are sure about your decision, then getting a sleeve tattoo is one of the most powerful ways to make a strong statement about yourself.

When you get a sleeve tattoo, it's a very good idea to get a personalized custom design, simply because it is such a strongly individualistic statement. However, it's also a good idea to take a look at some of the traditional designs, and use them as a starting point. There are some designs that have proven to be very popular over time. Here are a few of them:

Traditional Japanese designs are the most popular, largely because the sleeve tattoo design originated from Japan. Koi fish, cherry blossoms and samurai themes are some of the common themes that you will see, and each has its own meaning.

Floral patterns are a good feminine take on the sleeve tattoo design, proving that they are not just for men. These designs are intricate and timelessly classic, meaning that they will suit you well over time, not just in your youth.

Celtic designs are very popular nowadays, but they are another highly traditional form with centuries of rich history. With the wide amount of space offered to the artist with a sleeve tattoo, there are lots of opportunities for the tattoo artist to work different elements into the design, such as calligraphy, animals, and other themes.

Polynesian and other tribal designs are another example of traditional designs that are becoming very popular today. Many of these designs were created to look good and fierce at the same time. Warriors were decorated to show status and also to make them look more intimidating on the battlefield. As a result, these bold and powerful designs look beautiful but also badass!

Sleeve tattoos are not a short term commitment - they are going to be with you for life. Also they are more expensive than smaller tattoos, and take a lot longer to do. The price varies a lot depending on the design used, how intricate it is, and how customized it is. But realistically, your looking at spending between $1000 and $2000 to get this done.

Because there's so much work to be done, and because your skin is a living organ that can only take so much punishment at once, it can take up to 20 sessions, once a week, to get one of these done. If the work is very intricate, it can take even longer to get the sleeve tattoo completed.

With any tattoo you get, you should spend some time planning and looking at designs before you go for it. With a sleeve tattoo, this becomes absolutely necessary. There's no way you can rush a decision like this and not regret it later, because the design you choose is going to be taking up so much space that you will not be able to do anything to change it once it's done.

So before you get your sleeve tattoos, you should look at some online designs first and plan your own design. You should also choose the best tattoo artist you can find so that you know the work will be done well.

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