Tattoo Designs - Kanji Strength Tattoos

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Kanji can express in one or two symbols a thought, an idea, a philosophy. There are Kanji symbols for a number of things that could stand for strength:

  • Strength
  • Courage
  • Honour
  • Power
  • Samurai

There are many more that could mean strength to an individual - each person has to select the symbol that gives them strength.

The Bushido Code

A Japanese symbol links us to Japanese history and culture, in which the Samurai played an important part. The Samurai followed the Bushido code of loyalty, courage, honesty, honour and compassion. The Samurai warrior was heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism, which meant he not only aspired to noble ideals and aspirations but sought self-awareness and spiritual strength. He strove for balance. He was aware that the battle is always over oneself and that it is often the hardest fight of all. The Samurai have long gone but the qualities they practised are still needed in our lives.

Nothing has changed; human nature is still the same. Whatever we want to achieve usually requires discipline and courage. The more we exercise these qualities the stronger we become. Most of us want to be honourable and to act with honesty and kindness to others. We want to be loyal to our friends, our beliefs or our principles. We also want to be well-rounded people, to be balanced. The ideal is to be strong enough to keep ourselves on track but also to have the strength and compassion to help others in their struggle. This is real strength and the Samurai knew this.

Our inner strength

Kanji strength tattoos help us in our aspirations to be better than we are - to strive to grow and to lift ourselves above the day-to-day obstacles and setbacks. This means we have to take charge of our lives, our emotions, our desires and direct them in the way we want to go and use them to become the people we want to be. The real strength comes from within us. A Kanji symbol simply reminds us to tap into our inner strength, which was there all the time.

A Kanji strength tattoo may be all you need to remind you to be strong. It can remind you in an artistic and exotic way. It could be a declaration to the world and yourself that you are strong: a reminder to act with strength, to keep your resolve, to call on your inner strength when you need it most.

Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

Flower tattoos are becoming very popular particularly among women who often see their tattoo as an extra accessory. Many women choose to have a tattoo because they think of it as having a piece of artwork that you can have with you wherever you go. Flowers have their own individual meanings and it is a good idea to find the meaning behind the flower that you choose.

An increasing number of women choose the lotus flower as a tattoo. The Lotus flower has a long history and in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions it is seen as a sign of waking to a spiritual reality. Most tattoo artists feel that the lotus flower is emblematic of life in general because if starts off in mud and turns into something beautiful. Many people who have had a rough time of things will sometimes have a lotus tattoo as a symbol of the fact that they are coming out of the other side of trouble. Lotus flowers are also quite important in Japanese symbolism. Japanese tattoo artists will work with lotus flowers, sometimes combining them with koi fish as the two things are often found together in the ponds in front of Japanese temples.

Flower tattoos come in all shapes and sizes. Until recent years many women who had a flower tattoo would have it placed somewhere on the body that was normally covered by clothing. Nowadays society has a far more open attitude to women with tattoos. A rose can signify eternal love and beauty but if the rose is black or is entangled with barbed wire then it tends to have a darker meaning. Many women start with small flower tattoos and then add to their body art over time. Hawaiian flower tattoos are worn by both women and men they might be a yellow Hibiscus or a flowery orchid. The Hibiscus flower comes in red or yellow and is often accompanied by a rose in body art. Tattoos are extremely popular in Hawaii and it is not unusual to see both men and women sporting tattoos. Women tend towards the floral designs whereas men seem to prefer tribal design tattoos.

One of the biggest attractions of flower tattoos is the fact that they tend not to date and will probably just as popular in twenty years as they are now. Some women have a floral tattoo around the navel or on the ankle bone. Many women like their tattoos custom designed and so they will take an ordinary flower and add their own adornments to it so that they finish up with a tattoo that is uniquely theirs. The beauty and delicate nature of cherry blossom makes it a popular choice for many women who want a tattoo. Cherry blossom is heavy with significance in both Chinese and Japanese cultures. The Chinese regard cherry blossom as a symbol of female power and at the same time as a symbol of love. In Japan on the other hand the cherry blossom signifies the transience of life. It makes sense to try to understand the symbolism behind the tattoo before you have it done.

All About The Cross Tattoos

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

History of Crosses

It is not known when the first cross image was made. However, after circles, crosses are on of the first symbols drawn by children of all cultures. As a basic design motif, the cross has appeared in pottery, weaving, carving and painting artifact of many ancient cultures. Cross symbols were used in the older, pagan religions.

The cross was used in the ancient world as a symbol of execution by crucifixion. And it became an important part of the Christian liturgy and art as a symbol of Jesus Christ's death. This Christian symbol is a long vertical bar intersected at right angles, usually about 2/3rds up by a shorter horizontal bar.

The Christians made a sign of the cross with the right hand both to profess their faith and to bestow a blessing. The early Christian clergy used small hand-held crosses to bestow blessings. Crosses were carried in holy processions. Later on, crosses were placed on altars in churches and erected outdoors in markets and along roads.

In spite of the fact that many folks associate tattoos with the disreputable sort of folks, Christian tattoos are immensely popular. These tattoos are a very unique and personal way for the bearer to identify with their Christian faith.

Christian Cross Tattoos

Also known as the Latin cross. It is the most common symbol of Christianity that represents the redeeming martyrdom of Jesus when he was crucified. An enormous variety of Christian symbols have been turned into tattoo images - but the cross is the most popular tattoo chosen. The Latin pattern is a safe choice for first timers who are not sure just how much of the needle they will be able to stand.

Celtic Cross Tattoos - High Cross

The Celtic cross is definitely one of the most attractive types of tattoo out there today. A border of Celtic knots that have no beginning or end surrounds the basic cross formation. Or the knot work/spiral might adorn the inside of the cross. The graceful and timeless beauty of these cross designs lends themselves particularly well to tattoo art. This tattoo is usually black and green.

Celtic tattoos of all kinds are an insanely popular design to get done today. Because of their detailed appearance, meaningful symbolism, and rich history - people are opting to go "Celtic." The ancient history of the Celtic designs comes from Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales. This is a part of the world where so many people with similar backgrounds like to show pride in their heritage by getting a Celtic tattoo. The Celtic cross tattoo designs are easily the most widespread of all the Celtic images around. Bring the knot and the cross together, and you get some very heavy symbolism!

The Gothic Cross Tattoos

The Gothic style mimics the German design of heavily adorned pieces fabricated from wrought iron. The Goth culture is marked with a fascination of Medieval, Victorian and Edwardian history. Gothic crosses also symbolize the feelings of depression, pain and anger. Today's Gothic cross tattoos usually incorporate dark and disturbing imagery. Crosses wrapped in barbed wire are common. Also crosses that are actually daggers with a single drop of crimson at the tip.


Crosses represent so much symbolism and are extremely versatile. Is it any wonder that the cross tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo designs people ask for when they walk into a tattoo shop?

The Eternal Search and 26 Tips of How to Find a Good Tattoo Artist

The Eternal Search and 26 Tips of How to Find a Good Tattoo Artist

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

The eternal search and 26 tips of how to find a good tattoo artist:

There is nothing really new happening on the market, after I wrote about amputations and about magnet implants. The newest thing is called "Brain Piercing". Unfortunately I can't write about it at the moment since I'm still doing some research on the subject, this way I will be able to write an article worthy of all of you.

But, I thought that my latest experience was very interesting, not very extreme, but so far the most interesting tattoo I've got. Thinking about the few rejections that I had I thought that many people might go through the same problem. So I decided to make it public.

For the last few years I had this idea for beautiful a tattoo. It was supposed to be a line of mirrored phoenixes starting on my neck following down on my spine down to my tail bone.
Easier said than done I guess...

So a few months before my 34th birthday I started to look for an artist to do the work. As many people know, Brazil is a well known country in the tattoo industry. We have really great professionals down here.

So here I'm with the project, but because I'm very picky as to who will tattoo my body, I could only choose a hand full of professionals among hundreds. From many portfolios that I saw I thought that only those guys would be able to do a decent job out of my very full of micro details idea.

From those five ultra qualified professionals none wanted to do the tattoo. All of them told me that it was literally impossible. And the only one that was going to take the challenge, because I did agree to make the phoenixes a bit larger than what I wanted, had a family problem.
Time passed, I became older and no tattoo. For my tattoo addicted friends and readers, I'm sure that I do not have to explain the feeling, but for the people that do not have the tattoo "bug", I can say that it is really frustrating. It feels more or less like you have spent months gathering the money to go your favorite group performance, and exactly on the show day the band decided to split up for good.

So here I was with the ticked and no show, or better saying with the drawing and no artist.

The other day while I was walking on the street I saw a small tattoo parlour. And being so devoted to get my body covered with phoenix images I thought about stopping there for a couple of minutes to check out his work.

The worst that could happen was I would meet another wannabe. Actually the market is full of them. Most of the tattoo artists around are not that great. After I finish this story I will add the guide of how to find gold between pebbles.

Going back to the tale: I went inside the studio and there was this, let me please state the obvious, tattoo covered guy. His name is Flavio Vandroiy, I hadn't heard about him at all, but once I was there I decided to give him a shot, he had a client waiting, so our first contact was brief, but even though, to my surprise, he was very attentive.

Now, if you know a few renowned tattoo artists you will understand that more and more the pop star idea is truly affecting our fellas. Boy, most of the time it feels like they are part of the royalty and are doing you the favor of looking at your face, even if only for five minutes of their precious time. Please note that there are some exceptions, one of them is the lovely Pierre Chapelan, whom, many years ago, I had the pleasure to being tattooed by while I was living in Montreal.
I checked out one of Flávio Vandroiy's portfolios on paper and after analyzed his work better through his website. The work looked pretty good. His tattoos were signed by steady and clear lines. Then I saw a picture of a tattoo that was very small and full of details, I analyzed it for about one hour looking at every single detail. After that I thought that he would probably be able to do a good job out of my drawing. I sent him an e-mail with the image of my phoenix attached, after a day he sent me an honest reply. He told me that the drawing was quite small, but he would take up the challenge.

So we got the image on my back and of course I complained about the position. He patiently erased the drawing and did it again. Even if I was pleased with the position, I thought about to complain just to see his reaction. But there was no need to do it; he told me that he could be changing it up until I was happy with the placement. So I kept quiet. I hate to push nice willing people. If he was a jerk I would probably had changed the position another couple of times.
He did an amazing job, out of something that many thought to be impossible to accomplish. One of the nicest things about this guy is that he is humble enough to tell me that after we finish all the phoenixes we will have to go back and do some touch up on the images that he thought could be better done. I did agree with him, some of the birds' faces, if you look at a picture taken with the micrometric of a camera, are not identical.

I have many tattoos, made by many hotshots in the industry, including my very special first tattoo that was made by Marco Leoni himself. Even if it is an old tattoo; I got it when I was a pre-tee and it did suffer quite a bit with stretch due my growth and the thousands of times that I put it through the monstrous process of leg waxing, it still here, not as pompous as it was once, but every time I look at it, I know that this old phoenix helped me to became who I am.

The truth is that I'm in love with this new tattoo; so far it is really the best quality small work that I've seen. If you look at it from far it looks like the finest and most delicate lace that you can buy.
Ok, after my narcissistic story I will, as promised, add a few tips on how to know when a tattoo artist is good or he is just another self proclaimed tattooer with the artist title. Notice that international prizes even if prestigious are judged not in the artist daily work. The prizes are given to artists based in only one work, done once during a competition. I considered it as very small sample to be worth of a prize, if you take in consideration that many tattoo artists do between three or four tattoos in studio a day.

1) Of course the studio must be clean and the material properly sterilized, the artist must wear gloves all the time, and the ink should be poured into small containers, avoiding contamination of the material.

2) Look at the artist's portfolio very carefully, not only to appreciate it; you will be searching for very small imperfections.

3) The lines on a tattoo have to be smooth, jagged lines and shaky lines are a big no go.

4) The color has to be well applied through the entire image, without leaving empty spots.

5) The way in which the artist uses and combines colors is also very important. Especially if you are looking for the water-color effect.

6) Big tattoos are easier to master than small tattoos. Even if the sleeves and the full backs get more attention, small tattoos are much more complicated to make. So while looking at the artist's portfolio, check out his small and more detailed work. A good hint is to look for some tattoos of birds and check out the feathers and the bird's face.

7) Also pay attention to the work that the person does when reproducing cartoon characters. This kind of reproduction is very complicated due the amount of details, the perfect thickness of the lines and the coloration.

8) If the price is an issue on the size or the type of the tattoo that you are getting, I suggest you wait and save some more money. It is better wait and to do exactly what you dreamed about than settle for less.

9) You have to get along with the artist and not feel intimidated by him. A good artist will allow you to give your input and will not feel offended by a comment or a suggestion. Remember it is your body and you want to enjoy every second of the experience.

10) Many people have the idea that the tattooer has to be crazy, always high and someone in line with a dark figure. It is a myth; many of those artists are lovely, sometimes married and often proud parents. If you suspect that the artist is under any substance influence, or has any addictions you should think before allowing him to work on you. It is a well known fact that alcoholics and junkies have problems with shaky hands.

11) Also respect it when the artist gives his honest opinion. If you don't agree just try to find another person to make the tattoo. This way you will avoid to feel like the work was not properly done due to personal reasons.

12) If you choose an image from a catalog, and want to do some changes on it, a good artist will do those changes with pleasure, and will not complain if you want more changes on it on when the sketch is already redone, of course you should know where to draw the line between some more changes and be unreasonable, don't forget this person makes a living out of making tattoos.

13) A good professional is not always the one that just makes a tattoo properly, to do a proper job is an obligation of a good professional. To me a good professional has to make the client aware of few details about tattoos.

14) If you are a woman, and want to have kids, a tattoo on your stomach or on the lateral of your waist line, no matter if horizontally or vertically, might not be a good idea; it will stretch due the pregnancy and loose some of its beauty.

15) Again if you are a woman, it might not be a good idea to get a tattoo during your period or while in the PMS process. Due some hormonal changes you will be more inclined to feel pain or worse, the healing process can be compromised.

16) Every tattoo when fresh looks great. The artist should remind you that what you see is what you get, for a while. The ink will fade away. Of course you can delay the process taking good care of it, but eventually, it will fade and partially lose some of its beauty.

17) The black ink after few years will become bluish. There is no way to avoid it. To fix the color you will have to retouch the tattoo. You can also try to understand that it is a part of your body and such as it has the right to age. In my case I do not retouch my tattoos. To me my tattoos are part of a moment lost in the past, and because they are memories they will tend to fade with time.

18) While big and bulky tattoos will only have the color fade problem, small and very detailed tattoos, will lose the sharpness on the details, and often will look like if they were poorly done.

19) It is a good idea to get a tattoo during winter. During the summer you will have problems with the plastic bandage; it will keep the tattoo constantly moist. The moist can delay the healing, opening a window for infections. The healing process will also be very, very itchy.

20) If you can't avoid getting a tattoo during the summer, be ready to use of antihistaminic pills. They will come handy.

21) If you must to scratch the tattoo, it is better if you pat yourself. Never use your nails.

22) Don't drink or use drugs before getting a tattoo, it won't ease the pain and alcohol can actually make you bleed more.

23) Depending on your line of work a visible tattoo can be a problem. Something that one day I hope will change, but so far, if you are one of those professionals, try to make a tattoo in a place that is easy to hide while you are wearing any kind of clothing.

24) The hardest thing to say is; never do a tattoo because it is fashionable, or because your idol has one. A tattoo is something personal. It will be with you every single day of your life. It is much more difficult to get rid of one than to get rid of an ex-spouse.

25) When choosing the image for a tattoo, choose something that means something to you. Sure a butterfly is lovely so are flowers, a cute star on your wrist is very sexy. But how will you feel about them when you are sixty?

26) And last but not the least. Never get a tattoo on impulse. There are many other things to do when you are bored, if you need a "quick fix" try to get a drastic hair change or buy some new clothes. Tattoos are something to really think about. Something to be seen and carried as art. If well thought and well chosen the process of getting a tattoo, can take years to happen, but it can definitely change your entire life.

Tribal Rose Tattoo - Where's The Quality Artwork Online?

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Where is the quality artwork for a tribal rose tattoo online? You have probably scoured the internet, trying to find the perfect design and artwork, but have come up empty. The good news is that there is away around that, which I will tell you.

First of all, you should never have to settle for the random images that you happen to find through ha Google search, or from some generic, cookie-cutter tat website. That artwork is most likely old and scattered all over the web already. Who knows how many other people have that tribal rose tattoo inked on their skin already?

You really want the tribal rose artwork that you choose to be of quality and be original. A lot of the art that you find on this type of tattoo site is not even close to being quality. Even the images that do look good were not drawn to be made into a real life tattoo, which is crucial when you choose roses as your art piece. This is because while the artist that drew it may be good, they do not know what it takes to draw something that will look great once implemented into tattoos. This is especially true when it comes to a tribal rose tattoo or tribals in general.

The good news is that this following tip can help you avoid all of the fluff and get you right to the tribal rose designs that you need. All you have to do is start looking through internet forums. You will not believe the amount of great information that you will find through these wonder places, especially when it comes to tattoos and finding tat artwork online. Remember, people love to brag when they find a hidden treasure, like a great, lesser known tat website that has quality art that is not plastered all over the web. These are the sites that are going to have tattoos that will not be scattered all over, because the artist only gives their work to select places. This comes in very, very handy when it comes to finding an awesome tribal rose tattoo.

The tip above will save you a bunch of time, while also getting you to the best art out there. Finding the perfect tribal rose tattoo can now be easy and now you can find the top notch artwork online in a flash.

Rose Tattoo Designs - Things to Think About

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

The rose is one of several old school designs that is undergoing a growth in status. In addition, there is also an increasing amount of ladies who are having designs which include roses tattooed on their lower back. They are seizing the traditional symbol of the rose and joining it with up to date ideas.

On a very simple level, it is a exquisite blossom; it is straightforward to understand the reasons why folks want rose tattoo designs tattooed onto their lower back. The circular nature of the flower is perfect for the circular area of the hips, and gives womanliness and beauty.

Loads of girls are attracted to the rose because of its symbolism. Needless to say a red rose denotes passion and love; a rose lacking thorns signifies love at first sight. The rounded bulbous head of the flower indicates female fertility.

All through the years, roses have been used to satisfy our need for ingredients used in many lotions, potions and medicines. In addition, the rose has divine substance, as many link its beauty to religious figures.

For lots of people, it is a sign of peace. Each and every person is able to be aware of the splendour and fragrance of the flower.

When reviewing your choices of which rose tattoo designs you like the best, you will need to take into account three issues.

which part of the rose?
First of all, which part of the rose are you going to include. Not all rose tattoo designs need the rose to be included in the design; a simple bud could be. The bud illustrates growth, and purity. Take into account what interpretations you want your tattoo to have and alter your tattoo accordingly.

what else to include?
The next thing is whether you want the rose to be on its own or associated with other images. Such other images could be the stalk (which would lend the symmetry you may require for the tattoo's placing on your lower back), folks' names (perhaps of your kids or other relatives), fairies (which can represent a positive outlook on life, joy, cheekiness, depending on the type of fairy chosen), butterflies (which signify beauty, poise and the vulnerability of human life), bees (which emphasize activity, sweetness and selfless sacrifice) or hummingbirds (graceful birds which feed on pollen). There are lots of elements you could include, but make sure they all mean something significant for you, rather than just looking cool!

what colors could be used?
The last thing you should take into consideration is whether any ink other than black should be included. Traditionally, you get red roses, but this need not be the case with your design of a rose tattoo. You are in the driving seat to choose any color your dreams can come up with, but make sure that you comprehend the symbolism of different colors. These vary from person to person, but some cases could be black (which normally denotes death, but which could equally be used as a mark of respect to a relative who has recently died), blue (which usually signifies challenges await the wearer and you will work hard to beat them), golden (which traditionally stands for achievements and fortune), yellow (which typically emphasizes new birth and happiness) and white (which nearly always implies purity and forgiveness). Choose your chosen colors carefully; there is no reason why you have to have just one color.

Try to ensure that you are totally passionate about the design for your tattoo. Take as much time as you can to consider what parts you want to incorporate, and have a great time doing it!

Skull Tattoo Designs And Ideas - Scary, Funny, Unique And Chilling Design Ideas For Skull Tattoos

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

If you're considering getting a skull tattoo, then you're not alone! Skull tattoos are one of the coolest, most interesting type of tattoo to get. In this guide, we're going to take a closer look at some of the main design ideas available to you. So let's begin.

Firstly, you can get a skull in a wide variety of locations. However, they are usually places on the arm and shoulder area, either as a full or half sleeve, or a smaller skull-style icon.

The simpler designs often incorporate tribal styling as well, which tends to flow around the skull shape - often in the style of pointed wings. If you're looking for something more artistic, then there's a lot of choice. You can find intimidating hellish designs which usually include lots of bold, striking color to illustrate flames, fire, and other ghoulish design ideas.

For a more comic effect, you can find designs which include skulls smoking cigarettes, or cartoonish design. For a more chilling effect, you can go for a demonic design, which often includes horror elements such as blood, grim reaper scythes, and swords or other weapons.

Some of the artistic designs occasionally use an "almost human" style of face, with parts of the skull creeping through. This can create a chilling, haunting effect. But be warned - your tattoo is sure to scare kids!

Death and demonic themes are hugely prevalent in skull designs, so most of the designs are created to give an intimidating feel. However, some of them also include flowers - particularly roses - for a bitter-sweet romantic feel.

If you're looking for something unconventional, a little scary, or funny - then getting a skull tattoo may be for you. But remember, there's many, many different designs in this category - so it's worth doing some research before you pick one in particular.

Skull Tattoo Design - Locating Good Artwork of Skulls Online

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

A skull tattoo design can be one of the best choices there is, but as you may have noticed, finding quality artwork of skulls or anything online can be a pain. A lot of the designs on the internet are the same and bland, but there is a way around all of the generic art and I will show you what to watch out for when looking for your tattoos.

The first thing you need to realize when searching for your ultimate skull tattoo design has to do with how you are finding the websites that have the art. You shouldn't settle on a Google search, or artwork and designs from some random, cookie-cutter websites that happens to have a lot of tattoos. This is not very original or quality art. Most of the designs they have are over five or six years old and are plastered all over the internet, in every nook and cranny. Who knows how many people have seen that skull tattoo design already and how many people already have it inked on their skin? That's not what you want to settle for, especially when it comes to choosing skulls as one of your designs.

One more thing about the generic artwork from the cookie-cutter websites....

It has to do with the artists that are actually making the content that includes any given skull tattoo design at these places. A lot of the artists who are submitting the art are not very knowledgeable when it comes to making something that will look good once made into real-life tattoos. Sure, they may be good at what they do best, which his draw, but a lot of them have no clue what it takes to draw designs that will look anywhere close to good once it is inked onto someone's skin. This is especially crucial when it comes to a skull tattoo design, because they can be very detailed, as you may have noticed.

There is a way past all of that generic art though, while getting right to the quality skull tattoo design of your choice...

Finding quality art on the internet through the use of forums is an amazing tool, even when searching for something as specific as a skull tattoo design. You would not believe the amount of great information you will find in them when it comes to tattoos and the places that have original, top notch designs. I have used forums so many times when it comes to searching for good artwork that I have lost count and I have seen so many other people use them to their advantage also. What you have to realize is that people love to brag to others when they find a hidden gem, such as a website with original artwork. In this case it will be places that have a quality skull tattoo design database. There is not a better place on the web for people to share their findings with other folks than a forum and you can reap the benefits of their search.

Finding a quality skull tattoo design doesn't have to be hard anymore, and as a matter of fact, it can also be fun, so go ahead and find the original skulls and artwork you have been looking for online.

Japanese Tattoo Art - The Tattoo As a Part of Underworld Gangsters

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

The land of the rising sun, that's how people describe Japan. This is where different types of people are situated, from popular celebrities, electronic experts, robots and gangsters. In addition to that, culture and tradition have a huge influence in their everyday living. The Japanese are also excellent when it comes to visual designs. One of the popular designs used until now is the Japanese tattoo art.

History of Japanese tattooing

Archeologists concluded that tattoos started from early settlers in Japan or the so called "Ainu" tribe. Back to the early civilization, tattoos were used as facial identities. This is how people determined what tribe they belonged and what tradition they performed. Japanese tattoo art has been present for around centuries. But as years passed, simple tattoo designs turned into innovative and meaningful images. Aside from flowers and dragons, Japanese are now featuring endless choices including heroes and weapons used in wars.

Tattoo designs featured by gangsters of Japan

Japan is also known for underworld gangsters like Yakuza for example. In the past, tattoos are illegal to Japanese people and this thing was distinguished from the rest of the population. Although, there were people who have tattoos in their bodies, still authorities marked tattooed individuals as criminals. These individuals have discriminated the whole people in Japan. This is the main reason of forming underworld gangster known as "Yakuza".

Women as part of gangland society

Since then, tattoos were worn by these people symbolizing status and dedication. As featured in several movies, Yakuza tattoos involved magnificent styles and full body masterpieces. The design is quite difficult. It comprises complex curves, circles and Japanese symbols that only tattoo experts can do. During early years, Yakuza's members only involved men. Today, many women also become integral parts of Japan's gangland society.

As part of the gangster's tradition, wives and girlfriends of top Yakuza members often undergo extensive tattooing. Even in some countries, Japanese tattoo art was still in used. Try watching WWE and you'll see that some wrestlers get inked with these designs, including the world's famous Rey Mysterio and Japanese's pride Rikishi.

Japanese tattoo art is increasingly popular in the world today. Thanks to people of Japan for creating these meaningful images. Regardless of gangsters, the art of tattoo will always represent freedom for everyone. If you're interested with this kind of art, you should decide first. You should understand that tattoos are lifetime responsibilities. In order to avoid regrets in the future, you should have the willingness to carry it for the rest or your life.

Custom Tattoo Designs - Your Choice For the Long Road!

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

Over the last few years, many people jumped on the bandwagon of being tattooed on their lower back. Many of these people did not spend a lot of time or thought on their tattoos and, as such, tattoos on the lower back suffered from the stigma of being nicknamed "tramp stamps". You do not have to follow their lack of judgment.

To create a particular design which is unique and personalized to you, you will need to undertake a bit of makeshift self analysis! Use a big piece of paper and write your name in the middle and jot down short phrases or words around the edge which could describe you. Begin with your appearance, then go on to how you think others view you, as well as what occupation you have, what relationships you are involved with, what you like to snack on, how you like to spend your personal hours, whereabouts you like to spend your vacations. By doing this, you are trying to get an awareness of yourself onto this piece of paper, so that you can get a shortened idea of your personality from all angles. Go on; give it a try.

Not all of us are gifted artists and the majority of us will need assistance in generating our tattoo. Nevertheless, before reaching out to others for help, you are better off spending a fair bit of time on your own noting down the types of tattoos you like; try and assemble some outline sketches. Check online and stroll around your local city to see what others have for tattoos. If you are drawn to one particular tattoo design, note it down.

After having put together a shortlist of custom tattoo designs, you should discuss these with your friends to take into account their feedback. This is not for them to change the designs, but for them to offer constructive feedback. If you are totally content with your design, you do not have to do this, but in my experience, lots of folks find this to be helpful.

Once you have done this, you should go and visit a local tattoo joint to ask for their ideas. They are guaranteed to possess a huge selection of tattoo designs to choose from, and it is certainly possible to include your personal preferences to transform one of these into one of the custom tattoo designs from which you will make your choice. Without doubt, there is a sliding scale of involvement, which depends on how solid your ideas are and how artistic you think you are.

In conclusion, the tattoo you choose must be something you adore. Try and envision this love as a soulmate-type love rather than a short term relationship; this should see you on the right path to uncovering the design which is designed just for you.

Things to Remember Before Choosing a Sleeve Tattoo Design

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

Before making a sleeve tattoo design, you need to decide first which kind of sleeve tattoo you want. It is categorized into three areas based on how much part of your arms will be covered with the tattoo. They are full sleeve, half sleeve, or quarter sleeve. Full sleeve is from shoulder blade to wrist, so the tattoo will cover your whole arm. Half sleeve tattoo is from your shoulder blade to your elbow. So you still can cover the tattoo easier with a long-sleeved shirt if you want. if you ask for a quarter sleeve tattoo, then you will have a tattoo from your elbow to your wrist.

After you decide which one suits you best, learn more about tattoo styles and pick one you like most. Take time to search for the best tattoo artist who can help you. every tattoo artist has their own style and specialty. Choose one who you feel suits you best. and consult this with your tattoo artist because it really worth the time and effort. Remember, arms are the part of your body which can easily be seen an of course you don't want to have something you can find so many in common just because you randomly pick a design in a catalog to save your time. Take your time, no need to rush. If you have already had a tattoo or more on your arm, ask for a design from your tattoo artist which can connect the tattoos to be one style design for your arm. Usually, you can connect them by adding background with smokes, flames, or swirls, depends on the style of your design.

Be sure to ask about the price because getting a sleeve tattoo can be very expensive, depending to the tattoo artists and the complexity of the design. The more complex a design is, the more expensive it will be. Don't forget to anticipate the shape of your arms so that the design can be seen nicely despite the circular angle of the arm.

Pick the time when you have so much spare time because the making of the tattoo may take more than one session to be completed. It depends on the complexity of the design and your toleration of the pain. Besides that, some designs need more time for the healing first before the tattoo can be continued. So, how long your sleeve tattoo will be completed may vary from weeks to months.

How to Prepare Yourself Before Getting Your Tattoo

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Getting a tattoo is not as simple as giving permission to an artist to draw and prick their needles into your skin. A tattoo is a permanent mark in you skin that you will be wearing for a long time and you should do some serious thinking before getting your tattoo. Although there are procedures now to erase a tattoo, it is expensive and painful and of course you have to avoid going through this process as much as possible.

Getting a tattoo is a life-long decision and you should avoid rushing yourself to get one and then later on regret wearing a tattoo that you don't like. Here are some tips that you need to know before getting your tattoo.

Reason for getting a tattoo. Before subjecting yourself under the needles, think why you want to get a tattoo. You will wear this mark for a long time or maybe for lifetime and you need to know the reason and the message you want to express before getting your tattoo.

Legal age. You must be of legal age before getting your tattoo and you must comply into this to avoid getting into trouble with the law. The legal age is usually 18 years old, but still check with your country or state before getting your tattoo.

Safety. Before getting your tattoo, you need to consider your safety. Make sure someone tattooing you is using sterilized needles to avoid catching infectious diseases. You should be physically fit to withstand the pains of tattooing. Take vitamin C and zinc to increase your immune system. Bring a friend or someone you trust to give you moral support.

Budget. You should know the total tattoo cost before getting your tattoo. It is important to prepare your budget or work within your budget to avoid disappointment and surprises.

Get a professional artist. It is important that your tattoo will be done by a professional tattoo artist who is qualified to do the job. Find out about the reputation of the tattoo parlor before getting your tattoo. Find a tattoo parlor which abides with the law about tattooing and who cares more about your safety than your money. Word of mouth; is one way to know if customers are satisfied and happy with their tattoos.

Placement of tattoo. Before getting your tattoo, decide where you want to place your tattoo. Placement of tattoo is a critical decision and you should know the pros and cons of tattoo placement before getting your tattoo. For instance, tattoo on hands and feet are more painful, prone to infections and easily get dirty since we usually use our hands and feet for our daily tasks. Getting a tattoo on your stomach need a lot of thinking for women, imagine how your tattoo would look like after pregnancy, a tattoo over stretch marks is unsightly. You also need to consider your profession and job before getting your tattoo, it is important that you can easily conceal your tattoo if needed. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider about the placement of your tattoo.

Choosing the best tattoo design. Of course you need to choose the best design before getting your tattoo. You don't have to rush about the design. Give yourself time to shop around, look at other tattoos or carefully work with a tattoo artist about the best tattoo design for you. Remember that a tattoo is a definition of who you are and the feelings you have and you have to carefully choose the best tattoo that will convey the message that you want the world to know about you.

Skull Tattoo Design

Skull Tattoo Design

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

I like to dip my French fries in my chocolate shake at fast food joints. I also put hot sauce on everything from pizza to macaroni and cheese. What does this have to do with tattoos, you ask? Because, what one person finds appealing, another may not. Personally, I do not find skulls tattoos up to my tastes. Nevertheless, there are so many varieties of skull tattoos, and the designs, that apparently, some people DO like them! I have come across skulls etchings with strange-looking googly, cartoon eyes, as well as skulls with nothing but emptiness in the sockets. Some have been surrounded by vines and thorns (with banners of written words under the skull). Most seem to be surrounded by flames, as if the skull popped out of the blaze. (Think of Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider!)

Some believe that a skull tattoo depicts negative connotations like a fear of the unknown, or a future full of uncertainty. It has also been suggested that it is an attempt to protect the bearer of a skull tattoo from death. I have my own theory, stemming from an experience with the bearer of a skull tattoo. His belief is closer to a simple statement: "Mess with me or what is mine, and you're dead!" Okay, so maybe some so-called experts have overlooked an underlying intimidation factor. However, either way, there seems to be hundreds - if not thousands - of tattoo ideas in the books many tattoo shops allow customers to choose out of.

Many skull tattoos also coincide with depictions of the Grim Reaper - the creature sent to collect the souls of the departed, and accompany said souls into the depths of the afterlife. Funny thing about the Grim Reaper, though. It may be considered the bringer of death, or evil in some way, but - if the ancient stories hold some truth - the Grim Reaper is meant to be a neutral between good and evil.

A motorcycling colleague of mine has a Grim Reaper tattoo. It has the face of a skull, with no eyes, but a very bewitching leer upon its face. On its scythe (the curved knifelike instrument known to reap wheat - hence, the Grim Reaper), he has the date 6-14-89. This date carries a very sensitive significance to him. It was the day his childhood best friend succumbed to injuries he had suffered in a motorcycle accident.

So, before I get too judgmental about the (what I sometimes find grotesque) skull tattoos, I will always have to remember that there is a reason and a tale behind every tattoo. I am sure that there are plenty of those in this world that find my fairy tattoos obscene (and I've been told that before), so I really should not throw stones when it comes to preferential ideals for tattoo design! Oh, and I should also remember that, apparently, most other people tend to find my eating habits just as disgusting!

Tips on How to Pick Meaningful Japanese Tattoo Symbols

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Japanese symbols are attractive in the eyes of many. It is because these symbols are made up of unique strokes that only Japanese people can do. These days Japanese symbols were used as tattoos. However, choosing a meaningful Japanese symbol is quite difficult. Not all of us can speak or understand Japanese language. Who knows? Maybe the one you choose is a bad symbol.

Japanese tattoo symbols have different variations. Most symbols are associated in life such as strength, peace, power and victory. And in order to get a good Japanese symbol, you should be aware about the different alphabet used. Since then, there are three major alphabets including Kanji, katakana and hiragana. Some alphabets have the same meanings while others are quite different.

The symbol for strength is the easiest tattoo symbol to choose. In comparison with other symbols which involved complicated strokes, the symbol for strength has the simplest stroke. This is done by using two strokes or lines. The Japanese symbol for strength is Chikara and pronounced as Chi-Ka-Ra. There are many other symbols available for tattoos yet you should have a better understanding before you finally get it.

In most cases, Katakana and Hiragana are used in Japanese communications and only Kanji is used for tattoos. However, before you decide which design to chose, here are several steps that you can follow.

Make sure the Japanese tattoo translation is correct

After deciding the Japanese symbol for your tattoo, it is time to look for its appropriate translation. You can open books or search its meaning on the internet. However, you should understand that not all symbols have direct written meanings so you have to search for its right meaning using other books. Once you find its meaning, compare it with other books and make sure it is accurate.

Look for online catalogs

Online catalogs contain all the translations for Chinese and Japanese language. Before choosing among Japanese tattoo symbols, always look for its meaning using online catalogs. Just in case you find difficulty in searching it, you can consult a translator or a person who has a wide knowledge about Japanese symbol.

People of Japan are superstitions when it comes to symbols and Japanese tattoo symbols are great ways to express your feeling and fashion. However, you should bear in mind that tattoos are not meant for a short period of time. These figures will be inked to a specific part of your body for a long period of time or for a life-time. These tips are made to help you avoid mistake when choosing one for your tattoo. But above all, the decision is still yours.

Dragon Tribal Tattoo Designs - Top 4 Dragon Tattoos

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

One of the most popular and commonly seen tattoo designs are the dragon tribal tattoos. Many people have always been attracted to dragons and these tattoo designs can be inked any where on the body. It's because of this versatility why dragon tattoos are so popular. They symbolize power, danger, luck, freedom, rage, and destruction. Men are seen as the guardians of their family, so some men get images of dragons tattooed on their body to represent protection.

Although some people get dragon tribal tattoos to follow their tradition, others get these tattoos simply because they love them. There are many different designs and as you can expect, all of them are unique in their own way. Take a look at the top 4 dragon tattoo designs.

1. Western Dragon Tattoos: These tattoos symbolize anger, wrong doing, anger, or negative energy and the designs include four strong legs, a wedged shaped head, pointed teeth, and a large set of wings.

2. Eastern Dragon Tattoos: These tattoos symbolize luck and positive energy unlike it's western counterpart. They have beards with whiskers and a long slender body with four short legs. Red or green are the traditional colors of the eastern dragon tattoo.

3. Japanese Dragon Tattoos: These tattoo designs represent freedom, power, and kindness. You will often find this dragon design on the arm rather than any other body part. The Japanese dragon tattoo design has a serpent like body, small legs, three toes, and four claws. This dragon tattoo designs is also wing less.

4. Chinese Dragon tattoos: There are a lot of these tattoos and the most common is the horned dragon, which symbolizes rain. Another Chinese dragon tattoo design you will often find is the Chinese Zodiac tattoos.

Japanese Tattoo Symbols

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Are you thinking about getting a Japanese tattoo design or a cursive tattoo, whatever design or idea you have for your tattoo make sure that you research it properly and think long and hard before you reach your decision because it will be with you for life.

Research is the key. Some people will spend month's searching for that elusive tattoo picture. Very popular is a bushido Japanese legacy tattoo or a Japanese symbol tattoo. You can also spell out a name in a Japanese tattoo writing style be it the name of a loved one or someone or something very special to you, again research is paramount. Do not just get a tattoo because you happened to like a picture you liked in a magazine.

Research your tattoo thoroughly using tattoo parlor's and of course the internet which will provide you with a wealth of knowledge for your tattoo design, and also translation services for Japanese tattoo writing only after you have completed this can you search out your tattoo artist.

Now that you have selected your Japanese tattoo symbol you can begin to search for a tattoo artist worthy of creating your masterpiece. This can be difficult, please don't walk in to the first tattoo parlor you find, again research is paramount. Ask friends who already have tattoos! Ask them what the shop was like , was it clean, what was the artist like, visit them yourself, show them your tattoo design or Japanese tattoo writing get them to draw it for you so you can see what your tattoo will look like with their particular style. Keep looking until you find the one for you.

Remember research is the key to your happiness with your tattoo.

Skull Tattoo Designs - How to Create a Unique Skull Tattoo

Skull Tattoo Designs - How to Create a Unique Skull Tattoo

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

There is literally a limitless amount of tattoo designs out there, but one of the coolest and yet rarely seen ones is skull tattoo designs. The reason we like these tattoo's so much is because you can take them and make them mean so many different things and no matter what you do to them they will always to cool. In this article you will learn how to design the perfect skull tattoo for yourself.

1- The location of the tattoo

One of the first things that you need to think of when getting a tattoo is where you are going to put it. With Skulls, you can put them just about anywhere and they will look cool, but the truth is these kinds of tattoo's always look better on the persons back or on the back of their calves. Don't get me wrong though, just about anywhere will work

2- Choosing the color

Let's think about this one for a second, when was the last time you saw someone get a tattoo of a skull and they actually added color to it? Probably never right? When most people get one of these tattoo's, they always make them black and white. Adding your favorite color is one of the best ways to personalize them.

3- The actual design

There is nothing wrong with wanting to get just a skull, but a lot of people want to spice it up a bit and add to the skull. If you want to add to the skull, one of the best ways to do that is to have fire coming out of it or maybe have some snakes coming out of the eyes.

Rose Tattoo Designs and Their Meaning

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Rose tattoo

Getting a rose tattoo is cool. Aside from the fact that roses are among the most exquisite, beautiful, interesting and popular tattoo designs, it would be thrilling to know that roses are rich in symbolism. Whether the tattoo is a big one or a small one, for sure, a rose would always be an eye catcher. Men and women both prefer to have rose tattoos. It is interesting to note that despite its floral and feminine nature, the rose tattoo design is popular among men. Take note that men wearing rose tattoos do not have to be gay. A great number of straight guys also decide to have a rose marked on their skin.

Among the most usual and logical reasons why roses are popular is its overall beautiful and interesting design. Roses are interesting flowers, and as such are always good to look at. Rose tattoos often come with colorful color schemes. There may be hues and shades of read and some green parts. The tattoo design is so colorful and is almost always artistically done and implemented. The tattoo is also fun to look at and is often taken as a personal symbolism. Roses for tattoo fanatics mean liveliness and eagerness for specific life factors. The traditional symbolism is love and devotion, though now those symbolisms are becoming negligible.

A tattoo design can easily be personalized. Often, you can see rose tattoos bearing personal names. Men would readily have the names of their wives or girlfriends embossed and integrated in a rose design. The tattoo design itself, without any letters or names, is a sufficient symbolism and representation itself of romance and love. Thus, it is easy and logical to infer that a person getting a rose tattoo is romantically inclined and is a believer of the power of love.

Most of all, rose tattoos are among the most popular. You know how people would always be prepared to jump into bandwagons. The examples set by celebrities and icons also further bolster the popularity of the tattoo design. A rose is hardly related to femininity despite its floral nature. Thus, people still see a sense of mystery for reasons why people would prefer to get the simple, yet attractive rose tattoos on their skin. If you aim to get a tattoo now, consider having a rose design made and find out for yourself why such a choice is always satisfying.

Tribal Cross Tattoos Mean Free Expression Reigns Supreme!

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

Tribal cross tattoos popularity has rocketed in the last 20 years. Before the mid eighties somebody with a visible tattoo was the exception rather the norm. These tattoo wearers were considered wild or even antisocial.

Those days are now long gone. Tattoo wearers now like to express their individuality through their tattoos. The tribal cross design is often stylized to mark important events like a marriage or a birth. To a large extent it is open season when it comes to designing your own tattoo. It is common practice to combine elements from different cross designs and cultures to produce a striking and unique design.

The need to be unique is the main reason for the rising popularity of tattoos in today's world; they can be as unique as the wearer wants, there is absolutely no restriction on design.

Tribal Cross design origins

Tattoos date back thousands of years. In those days it was thought that tattoos would protect the wearer from evil and would also be used to identify tribal members or to celebrate a victorious battle.

Tribal cross tattoos are commonly associated with the Christian faith but it will surprise many people to know that the cross symbol pre-dates Christ's crucifixion and was common in many primitive cultures across the world. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Ethiopians and Chinese feature the cross within many of their cultural designs.

The simple Christian cross design has been stylized into the popular and intricate Celtic cross and the bold Maltese cross designs. All the cross designs have their own history.

The Maltese cross emblem originated in the Holy Land with the Crusading Knights' brave attempts to shield fellow Knights from Saracen fire bombs. Nowadays the Maltese cross is proudly displayed by numerous Fire Fighters across the world.

The Celtic cross symbol is thought to originate with the Druids and their practice of worshiping the Moon Goddess in ancient Britain.

Tribal cross tattoos are often associated with angels and other ethereal beings. A half human, winged angel is seen in cross form on David Beckham, the famous footballer.

The evolution of modern tribal cross tattoo designs

Today's tribal cross design is a combination of the timeless Christian cross, Maltese cross, Celtic cross, Gothic cross and even includes floral wreaths. This rich heritage has meant that it is possible to create striking tattoo designs suitable for guys and girls.

Black and colored ink can be used on cross tattoos. Guys tend to favor broad, bold cross designs whereas women choose more delicate, feminine tattoos.

The unique opportunity which tattoos give individuals cannot be underestimated. Free expression of personal emotions, opinions and beliefs are all possible within a striking tribal cross design.

This is the prime reason that the timeless tribal cross theme is one of the most popular tattoo styles chosen by people the world over. This trend is expected to increase as tattoos continue to grow in popularity.

The Popularity Of The Hawaiian Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

Tattoos began as part of rituals of different tribes and ethnic groups. Before, it is used to signify a meaningful phase in the life of those who are to be given the symbol. The ritual is rather long and painful for the one having it done, but this thought is not entertained by him, for having the said sign is far more important. Nowadays, everyone can get their own tattoo, and there is no need for a ritual or a formal procedure before it can be obtained. Even girls opt to have their skins permanently become a canvass of an art work, and most of them choose designs that depict their character and personality, and of the most commonly sought after design is the Hawaiian flower tattoos.

Flower designs, are more than just a beautiful piece of art enduringly pasted on a pretty girl's skin. According to some experts, the flower is the perfect symbol of nurturing and flourishing. It embodies both the earth and the life. Among the famous flowers, Hawaiian flowers are given special attention, for they are symbols of hospitality and friendship. Maybe this is the reason why a lot of people go for tattoos depicting Hawaiian flowers.

Those who want flower designs but do not want the typical rose tattoos may choose the Hawaiian flower tattoos. This type of design still embraces the femininity of a flower only with a twist. Those who want to get the Hawaiian flower tattoos is not only given the choice of what design to pick, she also has the choice of picking the best flower that will best describe her, because it has a lot of types.

In choosing a Hawaiian tattoo design, one must consider what the flower symbolizes. The most popular tattoo design is the Hibiscus flower. Although this type of flower may grow on different parts of the world, this is still considered as the state flower of Hawaii. Whether as a state flower or even as a Hawaiian flower tattoo design, it clearly represents the Hawaiian culture.

People who have gotten these tattoos usually have them in a tribal style wherein it is outlined by thick black lines and accentuated by a little color. The Hawaiian flower tattoos is sometimes seen alongside other Hawaiian icons like the sea turtles or even the famous surfboards. Other people who have acquired these have them modified in such a way that the tattoo would stand out and attract more attention. Some people were seen parading Hawaiian flower tattoos drawn like a lei on their necks, similar to the famous Hawaiian lei given to tourists as their sign of "aloha".

However, no one should have a tattoo without thinking it over. Tattoos are permanent scars on the body, and it is only proper that it is done deliberately. And then, only after ultimately being decided, that he can choose the best design that would fit her personality. In picking a design, consider the Hawaiian flower tattoos. This design is very exotic eye and catching, that is why these tattoos are not only popular to the Hawaiian people but to the people around the globe as well.

Dragon Tattoo Designs - Get Ready For Dragon Skin Art

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Dragons are legendary creatures being featured in myths of several countries like China and Japan. As you watch movies, you'll notice that dragons usually breathe fire. That is why these creatures truly symbolize fierce and power. However, some people have adapted dragons as part of their tradition. But then, instead of believing in their tradition, images of dragons have been popular for many tattoo artists since then. Try to visit kiosks and beaches and you'll find various dragon tattoo designs that might persuade you to get inked.

Dragon tattoos are common to men. These designs truly fit on their taste. In some cases, they prepared to get inked simply because they want to add appeal to their body. However, for a person who's not fond of dragons, you may find it weird. Who don't want dragons? Well, in fact almost individuals of different ages are fond of dragoon tattoo designs, even teens and children.

What do dragons mean?

In some countries, dragons represent destruction, freedom and luck. But then, it doesn't matter what's the meaning of dragon. As the head of the family, getting inked with dragon images only means one thing and that is for "protection" everyone loves dragon and everyone also love tribal designs that add appeals when combined. Sometimes, people not just get inked dragon tattoos on their body. Oftentimes, they give meaning to it.

Different origins of dragons

It's true that dragon symbolizes protections yet in some civilizations, this mythical animal also represents dishonesty and wiliness. According to myths, dragons have various types and these include Korean dragons, Chinese dragons, Japanese dragons are western dragons. You may think they're classified based from the country that they were originated from yet all of them have different virtue like humans.

Tattoos are great options to express one's fashion. And would you believe that your personality depends on how you choose dragon tattoo designs? Believe it or not, these designs are not equal. Regardless of size, they're made up of several shapes and styles that can give life to the dragon figure.

Dragon tattoo designs are not just for men for also for women. If men get inked because they want to look brave, women also get tattooed and become hot. As you wish, you can decide in what part of the body you want to have a dragon tattoo. Usually tattoos are placed in the shoulder. It's because this part is used by both men and women. But then it is always recommended to ask advices to the artist.

Getting excellent dragon tattoo designs is actually easy. A simple one can do. Having a colorful design sounds good yet the too much blends of colors might no longer as perfect as you wanted.

Rose Tattoos - What Do Roses Tattoo Designs Symbolize?

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

When you think about anything related to love, you tend to think about flowers. In particular, roses are thought of more than any other type of flower. In the American culture, it is common to deliver roses to a loved one during special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays or Valentine's Day. Therefore, it has become a universal symbol for love and this meaning holds true in the tattoo form as well. However, there are several alternate meanings of a rose tattoo depending on the design of the flower itself.

As mentioned already, the main interpretation of a rose tattoo is to symbolize love. To display this meaning through ink, the flower is drawn on a stem without thorns. Thorns on a rose change the meaning while serving as a warning to people that they should proceed with caution because love hurts. People who choose a rose tattoo with thorns typically want to present the meaning of exhilarating love that can be both risky and agonizing at the same time.

Besides love, a tattoo of a rose can also symbolize beauty. Many people believe that a rose is a representation of a persons' inner and outer beauty. In this case, a rose tattoo with thorns symbolizes two things; that the person does not care much about their physical beauty or that others can only look but not touch.

Did you know roses are not strictly red and have many shades of colors? As a matter of fact, the color of the rose can symbolize different meaning as well. To start off, a red rose signifies true love, passion, romantic love and respect. Pink roses signify grace and gentleness. Coral roses show desire, while orange roses represent excitement. Light peach and yellow roses symbolize friendship. White roses are commonly known to show purity, innocence, youth and secrecy, whereas black roses represent death and darkness. Purple roses represent love at first sight, while blue roses signify impossibility or fantasy.

Not only that, rose tattoos can be combined with different shades to alter the meaning slightly. The colors red and white combined represent mercy, unity and justice. Red and yellow colors are a symbol of congratulations, and yellow and orange colors combined are equivalent to passionate thoughts. Although there are multiple symbolisms behind a rose tattoo, you do not need to relate to any of the following to get one. Rose tattoos will always look amazing and never fails to impress.

An Expedition Into the Ideas Surrounding Christian & Celtic Crosses and Japanese Water Tattoos

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Which tattoo design should you choose for you next or new tattoo? There are so many different ones out there how are you possibly meant to narrow them down and find something your like?

Well one of the important things to consider when choosing your new tattoo is the meanings behind the tattoo, both the popular well known ones and the strange and obscure ones. After all you need to know what you are getting yourself into and what different people are going to think about you and your new tattoo once you get it done.

Although if you are getting your new tattoo as a form of rebellion who cares what other people think of your new tattoo or for that matter anything your do. But seriously most of us have some interest in what this new image we are going to get indelible inked onto our skin means.

In order to help you make an informed decision when it comes to your new tattoo we are going to explore the various design elements and meanings of a few tattoo designs that will hopefully be of interest to you:

1. Christian Cross Tattoos

2. Japanese Water Tattoos

3. Celtic Design Tattoos

The Holiness of Christian Cross Tattoos

Let's start with number one, Christian Cross Tattoos, Christian crosses cover all manner of tasteful and thoughtful tattoo designs all dealing with crosses and how they impact on and are an integral part of Christian belief.

Quite often you will see crosses joined or mixed with rosary beads, as the famous or infamous, depending on your point of view, Nicole Ritchie has recently had done on her ankle. Another popular duo is the cross and a rose or number of roses, again joining two powerful symbols of the Christian faith into the one Christian cross tattoo.

Koi Fish and Spectacular Wave Japanese Water Tattoos

Moving onto number two we have Japanese water tattoos, there are any number of varied, weird and wonderful tattoo designs in this genera ranging from spectacular wave formations to all manner of swimming Koi and varying amounts of water.

The Koi is a fish that originated in China but the Japanese have adopted the fish with lots of meanings. In Japan they are said to be particularly prized for their manly abilities, to the Japanese this fish emulates the warrior, their Samurai, in that when the fish is on the chopping board it maintains its honor by laying perfectly still even though it 'knows' it is about to die.

The Japanese were so taken with the Koi fish and all the manly attributes it is said to display that they felt it was the appropriate symbol for the annual Boys' Day Festival. It is meant to display and represent all the qualities boy are hoped to aspire to such as overcoming life's difficulties, courage and having the ability and staying power to achieve lofty goals. During their annual Boys' Day Festival each family flies a Koi flag for each boy in the family.

Intricate Celtic Design Tattoos

Lastly let us go over the intricate and wholly nature of Celtic design tattoos. The great thing about Celtic design tattoos is that there is such a range, you might be going for an intricate interwoven circular design in black and white with gray shading or for a mythical creature motif.

Then there are stunning interwoven armband designs and how can we forget the ever popular Celtic cross tattoo designs. Either way there is a huge amount of choice available for you within the Celtic design tattoo genera.

So there you have it an exploration of three exciting tattoo designs and what they are all about and what they mean, hopefully you have gotten something out of this little article. No doubt you want to see what all this looks like when an artist puts pen to paper and creates a tattoo design. We have recently put together tattoo galleries for all three of these tattoo design, just click on one of the links below to check them out:

Rose Tattoos - An All Time Favorite Tattoo Design

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

There are lots of countries who choose the rose as their National Flower. From the big nations such as the USA and UK to several of the smaller countries like Bulgaria and the Maldives, the rose has been selected as the National Flower. There are actually about twelve countries that have picked the rose to become the symbol of their land. Due to this, the rose may be viewed as one of the most well renowned flowers around the planet.

It is not surprising then that the rose would be one of most searched for design for tattoos.For just as the blossom of the rose expressively speaks of varieties of meanings toward citizens of certain countries so too will the rose tattoo impart an array of personal meanings to those who wear them.

Rose tattoos are among the most adaptable and preferred styles of body artwork picked today.The appeal of these designs transcend gender, and is actually well-liked by both men and females. It can be of any size and can be placed anywhere around the body, depending on the creativeness of the individual wearing it. Just as the rose come from more than 100 varieties and hues, rose tattoos can be styled in different colors and models to imply a variety of meanings. Due to the timelessness of the rose, these designs make them one of the most eternal and sought after of tattoo designs.

There are a lot of design combinations that can be incorporated in to rose tattoos. Quite often, many people match the traditional bloom along with some additional symbols such as: skulls, butterflies, hearts, crosses, and ribbons. Often, many symbols are partnered along the names of family.

There are also times when individuals prefer rose tattoos matched with bold, vivid tribal elements.These designs usually show both beauty and strength. An example would be that of the rose intertwined with snakes and reapers. These designs, when shown alone, could look formidable and daunting sometimes but matched with the rose, they turn out softer and more interesting.

There are some people who embed daggers and barbed wires attached to the rose. The result is intriguing simply because of the contrast of the softness of the petals in which they are merged with. In other words, putting the rose with some other artwork will render softness as well as grace to the tattoo.

Tattoo Rose Design - What You Need to Know About Rose Tattoo Designs

Tattoo Rose Design - What You Need to Know About Rose Tattoo Designs

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

The rose is perhaps the most well known and famous type of flower in the whole world. The rose is so well liked because of its beauty and the many meanings it can hold. A few of these meanings include love, purity, and congratulations or accomplishment. The popularity of an actual rose has transferred directly to the tattoo rose design. This design has quickly become one of the most searched for tattoos.

Another thing about tattoo rose designs is that they can look great in a variety of different colors. Different color roses symbolize different things so they can be very versatile. For example, a red rose is romantic and can symbolize love while a black rose can show feelings of death and hardship.

Once you decide that you are interested in a tattoo rose design and want to take the next step towards getting one, you need to get access to a printable tattoo design database. I love these databases because there are literally thousands of designs to look from in any category you could imagine.

The next best thing about these printable designs is that the printout quality is awesome. You will be able to take the sheet of paper with the design into any tattoo shop and the artist will feel comfortable working from it. The last thing you want is to bring in a design that the tattoo artist does not feel confident with.

So, these are just a couple of things to realize when you are looking for a tattoo rose design and get your next ink done. This design has so much meaning and I recommend it for anyone. Mostly women only get rose tattoo designs but I have seen men that get them too. You will certainly get compliments about this simple but awesome design.

Easing the Pain of Finding Quality Printable Scorpion Tattoos

Easing the Pain of Finding Quality Printable Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos
With tons of crappy tattoo designs already saturating the internet, many Scorpios are asking how to find mind-blowing printable scorpion tattoos without hopping websites all week long. Yes, it may take that long (perhaps even longer if you're too picky) to locate them due to the fact that websites offering good quality designs are just too few and far between these days. It's not all gloom and doom though. As long as you know the right places to lurk and avoid relying entirely on the typical search engines, finding quality printable scorpion tattoos should be a piece of pie.
I know what you're thinking - without the search engines how on earth are you going to find stuff on the net? Sure you can use them but in a slightly different way (I'll provide you with a tip in a short while). If you rely on the all-too common way of simply typing your phrases in the search engine, expect the following outcomes:
o Seemingly endless activity of clicking websites after websites to search for quality scorpion tattoo prints.
o Generic tattoo prints that perhaps every tattoo enthusiasts all around the globe has already printed out.
o Tattoo images that are low in resolution.
Okay the scorpion is probably one of the coolest astrological signs around but finding wicked designs on the internet can be a real pain as I've already indicated above. What to do? No worries, as I intend to give you the scoop on how to find top-notch printable scorpion tattoos as painlessly as possible.
Firstly, you should start lurking around internet forums where tattoo art fans and artists would normally congregate online. Instead of searching on to find scorpion tattoos, use and seek out dozens of tattoo forums. There you go. A different but effective way of searching tattoos prints on the internet.
Now, almost all online tattoo forums have a section where hundreds of tattoo designs are displayed and ready to print in exchange for a small fee. That's right, you have to pay for a single scorpion print, but most tattoo forums provide high quality Jpeg image and more importantly, their creations are miles better than those found in free websites.
While I'm all for paying a bit more for something as everlasting as piece of tattoo, it can be difficult to take your pick especially when there are many scorpion designs to choose from. I for one would often print various designs before pinning down my final choice, but this is obviously a wallet-draining habit considering that you're required to fork out for every high-quality design that you wish to print out.
Enter online tattoo databases, where you can find loads of printable scorpion tattoos and print out as many top quality images to your heart's content for a low one-time cost. Apart from offering quality prints, some online databases also boast tons of useful features - putting a smile on many tattoo fanatics including yours truly.
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