Rose Tattoos |
The rose is one of several old school designs that is undergoing a growth in status. In addition, there is also an increasing amount of ladies who are having designs which include roses tattooed on their lower back. They are seizing the traditional symbol of the rose and joining it with up to date ideas.
On a very simple level, it is a exquisite blossom; it is straightforward to understand the reasons why folks want rose tattoo designs tattooed onto their lower back. The circular nature of the flower is perfect for the circular area of the hips, and gives womanliness and beauty.
Loads of girls are attracted to the rose because of its symbolism. Needless to say a red rose denotes passion and love; a rose lacking thorns signifies love at first sight. The rounded bulbous head of the flower indicates female fertility.
All through the years, roses have been used to satisfy our need for ingredients used in many lotions, potions and medicines. In addition, the rose has divine substance, as many link its beauty to religious figures.
For lots of people, it is a sign of peace. Each and every person is able to be aware of the splendour and fragrance of the flower.
When reviewing your choices of which rose tattoo designs you like the best, you will need to take into account three issues.
which part of the rose?
First of all, which part of the rose are you going to include. Not all rose tattoo designs need the rose to be included in the design; a simple bud could be. The bud illustrates growth, and purity. Take into account what interpretations you want your tattoo to have and alter your tattoo accordingly.
what else to include?
The next thing is whether you want the rose to be on its own or associated with other images. Such other images could be the stalk (which would lend the symmetry you may require for the tattoo's placing on your lower back), folks' names (perhaps of your kids or other relatives), fairies (which can represent a positive outlook on life, joy, cheekiness, depending on the type of fairy chosen), butterflies (which signify beauty, poise and the vulnerability of human life), bees (which emphasize activity, sweetness and selfless sacrifice) or hummingbirds (graceful birds which feed on pollen). There are lots of elements you could include, but make sure they all mean something significant for you, rather than just looking cool!
what colors could be used?
The last thing you should take into consideration is whether any ink other than black should be included. Traditionally, you get red roses, but this need not be the case with your design of a rose tattoo. You are in the driving seat to choose any color your dreams can come up with, but make sure that you comprehend the symbolism of different colors. These vary from person to person, but some cases could be black (which normally denotes death, but which could equally be used as a mark of respect to a relative who has recently died), blue (which usually signifies challenges await the wearer and you will work hard to beat them), golden (which traditionally stands for achievements and fortune), yellow (which typically emphasizes new birth and happiness) and white (which nearly always implies purity and forgiveness). Choose your chosen colors carefully; there is no reason why you have to have just one color.
Try to ensure that you are totally passionate about the design for your tattoo. Take as much time as you can to consider what parts you want to incorporate, and have a great time doing it!