The Growing Interest in Dragon Tattoo Designs

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Dragon tattoos are extremely popular, regardless of age or gender. Dragons have been a part of mythology in several cultures, and they have had various meanings and roles.

Dragon Art Tattoos

Because of the differences between cultures and beliefs, dragon tattoos can have many different meanings. The dragon can be fierce, elegant, beautiful, or even cute, based on the cultural depiction that you choose. With a small amount of creativity, your dragon tattoo design can be an original and unique work of art, as well.

Dragon mythologies are often as different as the cultures that possess them. For example, European dragon lore is full of knights hunting and slaying the fire breathing beasts that stole gold, kidnapped young girls, and destroyed livestock and homes. In contrast, Asian cultures depict a much different image, with wise old dragons who were able to make prophecies that helped the people of the area live better, and stay safe. These creatures were revered as gods, and were asked for help when needed. Even in the Middle East, dragon mythology can be found, though these tales are mostly based on the large lizards that live in the area. Regardless of the culture, stories of dragons have been passed down for generations. Most of these tales have unknown origins, but the stories remain very popular.

In many cases, as with Celtic dragon tattoos, dragon tattoo designs show a large reptilian creature with the features of a lizard. More detailed tattoos will even show individual scales on the dragon's skin. Some even possess a forked tongue, a common reptilian feature. Many dragons are shown flying, or with their bat-like wings stretched out, and breathing fire. These common elements are all part of the European depiction of a dragon, which is how our culture generally envisions them.

Dragon tattoos can mean something different to each person. Usually, this meaning can be shown in the way that a dragon is depicted. If the dragon is meant to express strength, the image will usually show a very large, fierce dragon with massive wings. These dragons are usually breathing fire, either to the side, or directly at the person viewing the tattoo. If the dragon is supposed to show wisdom and intelligence, the dragon is often shown smiling or thoughtful. The most common depiction of this would be Chinese dragon tattoos. With images such as these, the dragon is often designed to appear old and weathered to express wisdom. Some are even shown with long, gray beards or moustaches.

Dragon tattoos can represent a variety of emotions and ideals, such as good, evil, wisdom, adventure, mischief, strength, and bravery. The key is to choose an image that represents you the best. Dragon tattoo designs can be any color. Men often choose red or green, while women often choose purple, blue, or pink. However, the color choice is up to you, and that will make your dragon tattoo as unique as you are.

Japanese Tattoo Designs - What You Must Know About Japanese Tattoo Designs

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

There are several types of tattoo designs in the world. However, among the many types of designs available, the most popular are probably Japanese tattoo designs. As a matter of fact, Japanese tattoos are recognized and are used not only by the Japanese but by people all over the world. What is the reason for this? Why did these designs receive such a huge welcome from the international community? What are the characteristics of these fantastic tattoos that make them so popular?


Japanese tattoo designs are very artistic. Most of these designs are very colorful and fluid, making them generally more appealing than other designs. Also, each design is usually made up of more than a single element woven together by intricate patterns of lines, transforming the tattoo into one elaborate painting on the skin.

For example, in more common Japanese designs such as the ones featuring Japanese koi fishes, tattoo masters already use more than six colors to finish the whole picture. This number just continues to go up as the intricacy of the patterns increases.


Japanese tattoo designs are rich in symbolism. This is because the art of Japanese tattooing is backed up by centuries of culture and tradition. Since the Japanese have such high regard for nature and spirituality, they often associate different creatures and places with deep spiritual meanings. This spirituality is what transforms their ink and design into works that embody or symbolize several things.

This is also why certain creatures, especially the more revered ones like the dragon, the tiger, and the Koi fish often make their way into the heart of most Japanese designs. The Japanese hold a special meaning for these creatures which is why they are often used in tattoo designs.

Powerful and Striking

These designs emit a sense of power, so much so that the body where the tattoo is placed on almost disappears instantly behind the picture. The mix of form, color and intricate patterns draws attention unlike any other type of tattoo design. This is also why these designs take much longer to complete than others. The details that come into assembling each design make these designs extremely powerful and alluring.

In contrast to other designs which clearly look and feel like ornamental accessories on the skin, Japanese tattoos are meant to stand out.


The more popular Japanese tattoo designs span the length of almost the entire body. Some of the best and most well known patterns can cover the whole back from the thighs all the way to the shoulders. Some even go all the way to the front reaching and covering the more sensitive areas of the breast, the collar bone, as well the crotch. Can you imagine the pain that these people had to endure just to get a Japanese tattoo?

According to Yoshihito Nakano, a well-known Japanese tattoo master, some of his tattoo designs are so expansive that it even takes him two years to complete.

Click the links below to get your free Tattoo tips and guide.

Dragon Tattoos - Tips For Finding the Perfect Dragon Tattoo

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Men who love to have their bodies inked are drawn to dragon tattoos. This design simply appeals to them. People who have no background about dragons may find this bizarre, but to those who know most, if not all the things about dragons, they would really search far and wide for the perfect design for them.

For those who do not have a hunch of the significance of dragon tattoos and their symbolism, allow me to share an overview. Aside from the obvious reason that dragons are strong and mystical, they have alluring qualities, based on folklore and myth that have made them the most sought after designs by people. Examples of these qualities are good luck, charm, source of wealth, courage and bravery, power, and freedom. And because of these qualities also, an equal number of women have them on their body.

Now, knowing the general idea about dragons is not the end of the quest. That was just the beginning in finding the perfect dragon tattoo for you. You may wonder why? Aren't all dragons supposed to be the same? The answer is no. Not all dragons are the same. There are two types of dragons and each type has different breeds, depending on their origins. Because of that, the first tip in finding your great dragon pattern is to know the answer to the question, what kind of dragon are you? You have to know if you are a western type of dragon or an eastern type.

To differentiate these two, you have to know their characteristics. Western dragons are known to be fierce, evil and mercilessly throw fire to anyone living. Eastern dragons on the other hand, are good and serve as guardians. The best known eastern dragons are Chinese, Japanese and Korean dragons. All of them have their specific virtues that are loved by people.

The second point you need to consider is the place where you ink your design. The area where you tattoo your dragon is important. The spot can give life to your dragon. From the shoulder going to the front is a good place to animate your dragon design. This can be good for men. The lower back is also excellent. Both men and women can use this part of their body. The final tip is the color of your ink. Dragons are trademarks of certain cultures. Black ink is safe but putting additional colors into the design is acceptable as well. However putting too many colors may no longer be as perfect as you wanted your dragon tattoo to be. And so, it is also wise to ask the opinion of the tattoo artists because they are experts in this field.

Flower Tattoo Designs, and the Meanings Behind Them

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

A very popular design among women is the flower tattoo design. This is in part because there are so many different types of flowers to choose from and they help show one's femininity, plus if done right they are beautiful works of art.

Finding The Best Flower Tattoo Design

When getting a flower tattoo design the choices are endless. You have the freedom to choose whatever type and style of flower you want along with the colors. Now with the coloring of your flower tattoo design you can either go with traditional colors or be creative and make your own color scheme.

Among the most popular type of flower types used is the rose. This was actually one of the first flowers used in tattoos and you will see them a lot in old school tattoos. Normally when a person gets a rose for a tattoo they go with red, being as though this is the most popular color for a rose, but you can go with your favorite color like blue, purple or even yellow.

When going with a rose for a flower tattoo design you have the option of picking what stage you want the flower to be in bloom. The different stages of the rose symbolize different stages in life so make sure that you pick the right one. For an example a rose bud would signify youth. Another thing to watch for is certain colors represent certain emotions so make sure you incorporate the correct emotion. Red would be love and passion whereas pink would be for grace and admiration.

If you want to go with a more Asian feel then the cherry blossom is the way to go. A perfect place for this would be a lower back flower tattoo. The cherry blossom accentuates a woman's curves and is a beautiful flower.

A cherry blossom used as a Chinese flower tattoo stands for love and beauty of a woman and as a Japanese flower tattoo it represents the short, sweet nature of life. So depending on the nationality behind the flower it can also interpret it's meaning.

Another beautiful flower that is often used in flower tattoo design is the lotus. This flower holds great meaning depending on your religious beliefs and will look good whether you want a black and white tattoo or a colored one.

There is one flower that is not as popular as the rest, but it does hold a lot of meaning. So if you are looking for something a little less popular, but with substance to it then the lily is the way to go. The lily can mean purity, happiness, innocence or prosperity depending on the type of lily that you use in your design and the colors that you chose to use. Before deciding on a flower design research the different types of flowers and their meanings. Many times the tattoo artist that you go to will have a flower tattoo gallery that you can look through to help aid in your decision.

Japanese Tattoo Designs And Ideas - Are These Bold And Striking Designs Right For You?

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

If you're looking for striking, bold, incredible tattoo designs - then some of the Japanese themes will be perfect for you. In this guide, we're going to look at some of the main ideas and themes that are commonly seen within this category of tattoo. So let's begin.

To start with, Japanese designs can be extremely varied, as well as dramatic. One of the common themes with these tattoos is the use of powerful bold colors, especially reds and blues.

The Geisha girl tattoo often features many striking colors, and detail which will require close, fine line-work.

Dragon designs are also very common, and have a very distinctive Japanese style which make them very different from the typical dragon design.

Koi fish are also used quite often. These have great symbolism and meaning in Japanese culture, so they feature prominently in the tattoo designs. Bright orange colors are very common with these designs, as well as very light blues to show water.

The samurai sword is a common re-occurring theme. You can find larger back designs which will include a full samurai warrior, complete with sword and armor.

You can also discover Japanese designs which are heavily influenced by tribal images. These are usually simpler, black designs - which take the form of ornate patterns, or symbols of dragons or koi fish.

The Japanese Kanji alphabet can play a part in these designs, too. You can also have a simple Kanji design. The words will usually have powerful meanings, such as profound sayings, proverbs, haiku's, and words with other meanings such as animal names. You can get custom translations if you want to have the name of a loved one, or a word which has a particularly strong meaning to you and your life.

These Japanese calligraphy tattoos are often one of the most popular to have in locations where they will often be seen by the owner of the tattoo - such as under the wrist or along the forearm.

Japanese Tattoo Design - Finding The Good Artwork Online

Japanese Tattoo Design - Finding The Good Artwork Online

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

A Japanese tattoo design is by far one of the best choices you can make, but locating the quality artwork online can be a pain, as you may have noticed by now. There are even a bunch of folks how give up on their hunt completely because they kind find their way through the generic art that floods the web. Well, here are some very crucial tips you must know about a lot of those types of designs, as well as how to scurry right past it while getting to the good stuff.

For most people out there, a Japanese tattoo design will be something special and it will mean something to them. This is the exact reason why nobody should ever "settle" on a generic design that they are not 100% happy with. I know, the web is loaded with generic, bland artwork, and when you find something halfway decent, you want to settle for it. Well, you should not do this, because you can definitely find a better Japanese tattoo design. You want something original and you want designs that were truly drawn to be implemented as tattoos, which most cookie-cutter websites don't have.

All of those reasons are why you will need to avoid search engines to locate your artwork for any particular Japanese tattoo design. Places like Google and MSN just lead well intentioned people like you straight to the thousands upon thousands of cookie-cutter websites that have all the same artwork as the next places. Also, these places are exploding with designs that are well over five years old. Who knows how many people might have picked that same Japanese tattoo design and had it inked right on their skin? That's not something you want to "settle" for, is it? No. If you are like most people in the world, you want quality designs that are somewhat original to them. Those cookie-cutter websites will not give you much of that, if any Japanese tattoo design.

There is excellent news, though, because getting any quality Japanese tattoo design today is easier than you think...

Now that search engines are being pushed to the side for the time being, you will need to know what to use to locate an original Japanese tattoo design on the web. Well, it all starts with a little thing called internet forums. You will not believe the amount of insider information you can find on forums when it comes to tattoos and the hidden websites that feature high quality artwork. These websites just don't pull up in search engines, so most people pass right by them without even knowing. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I (and many people I know) have used forums to locate any number of styles I may be looking for that day, so finding that perfect Japanese tattoo style should be a breeze. With forums, there is not limit to the amount of quality information you can find, because there are literally hundreds of huge forums on the web and each one is loaded with posts from exited people posting about their findings. Since not many people know to look here, you will be one of the few who knows about them, ensuring that the Japanese tattoo design you get is half way original, which you can always have your artist redraw to make it yours.

The best part is that these are also the websites that feature original artwork that was truly drawn to be made into tattoos, which is in sharp contrast to those cookie-cutter places. They are just filled with artwork from artists who have no real knowledge about tattoos, which is a no-no for something as detailed as a Japanese tattoo design can be. Sure, they might be a good artist, but that crucial knowledge about how to draw them for implementation into tattoos is really needed. With forums, you can bypass those generic designs and get a high quality, original Japanese tattoo design that you will absolutely love.

Finding the perfect Japanese tattoo design doesn't have to be hard any longer, so please, don't be like so many other people and end up settling for some generic art that you will end up regretting.

Tribal Skull Tattoos - How About a Skull in Your Skin

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

The choice of a skull as a tattoo is always powerful, a statement of leadership, hardness, rebellious, you name it. It's one of the most difficult design for anyone to deal with. Off course you have no intention of being subjugated to anyone thoughts, ideals or mere politically correct way of life.

That's why you choose a skull, pretty much everyone dislikes a skull design, doesn't matter how small or simple the design is, it's not pretty to the eye, but, once again, that's exactly what you want... not a beautiful flower to show and smile. Right?

And to commit yourself to a decision like this, you must be fully aware of parlors that can give you what you want with a no less than perfect experience and professionalism.

(Hey veteran guy, yes you, with 15 tattoos or so, Read On, this one is Also for You)

Tell me something, have you ever attended one, just to take a look? To see what's to be expected, then you know you would have to pay, that seems obvious. Yes it does, only on the world wide web you find free stuff, and that's good, but what if you come upon a website that requires membership, or something like that, you go back cause everything on the web is for free why not that one too, right? WRONG.

There are few professional site about tattoos, sites that provide you with millions of one-of a kind designs made by specialized professional tattoo artists that are at your disposal for any doubt about the professional authenticity of those parlors, and hundreds of diehard fans and other professionals on forums ready to discuss with you what best tribal skull tattoo and where it will fit perfectly.

Constant updates of millions of brand new designs and news of the world of tattoos. What? This is not your first? So? I bet your not luckier than anyone else, just surrender and be as stunned as the next newbie, this one is for EVERYONE, you don't need to know what are the best parlors? You already know much, you just need to find that next Hot picture, follow this same path, and you'll be thrilled of the wonders that lie ahead.

How to Find Meaning in a Tribal Cross Tattoo

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

The tribal cross tattoo provides many variations of the cross design. In the west the cross immediately conjures up thoughts of religion. However, there are many other reasons for the development of the tribal cross as a symbol.

The tattoo can be either intricate or simple. Very often there are those who don't want tattoo designs that are complex. A simple cross is exactly the look they want. Men do usually have these inked on their bodies in a single color like black or deep blue and it has been noted that more and more women are turning to these tattoo designs. In order to present this tattoo as more feminine they are incorporating more color and also keeping the design small.

Additionally this tattoo need not have any relation to religion whatsoever. It must be remembered that even though the cross is a symbol adopted by Christianity it was in existence thousands of years prior to that religion. You will find this symbol has meaning in almost every culture that exists and as a design for tattoo is popular.

Even though each culture has its own tribal cross tattoo or design they all have two lines that intersect. The four points of the cross have different meanings in different parts of the world. They could mean North, South, East and West or they could mean earth, wind, fire and water.

The tattoo could have a circle on it or it could have a loop at the top to symbolize the female gender. There is also the Maltese cross that means bravery. These crosses were also used during the times of the Crusaders. Some of the crusading knights were burned alive when attacked with fire bombs. Their comrades used their own bodies to smother the flames in an attempt to save them. This led to the Maltese cross becoming the symbol of firemen. Many firemen around the world have the Maltese cross tattoo.

The most famous tribal cross tattoo is perhaps the Celtic cross tattoo. There is one for the Welsh, one for the Irish and one for the Scottish. They are all versions of the same cross. It is thought the Celtic cross is a symbol of the moon goddess. The Irish adopted it from the Druids. The Druid's cross is made up of a circle with a cross through it.

The tattoo can be worn by anyone. You don't have to actually be Celtic. The Celtic cross is for both men and women. In recent times, women have been adapting even this cross to make it more feminine.

This is a tattoo that can be made to suit the person who is wearing it. It does help to speak to a tattooist. In this way, you will hear first hand exactly what you can and can't do regarding the tribal cross tattoo of your choice.

How to Find Amazing Japanese Tattoos

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Let's talk about where you can find Japanese Tattoos. Japanese tattoos are not very hard thing to find on the internet. I bet that you can spend less than five minutes doing a quick search on Google and find thousands of Japanese Tattoos. That's not the tough part though. The main problem most girls and guys have is that all they seem to run into are broad, low end pictures that are not worth the time to print out. One why around this is to do this, especially if you are using a Google search to find your Japanese tattoos.

Now do not take this the wrong way I love to use search engines but they are not just great for everything you are looking for. It's just that they pack with sub-par Japanese tattoos and tattoo artwork. I even tried it myself. No matter which styles of Japanese tattoos I was looking for, it was the same broad, low end galleries that rear their ugly heads. They were just loaded with nothing but run of the mill Japanese tattoos that aren't worth the time.

That's not the worst part of it, though...

When you look for Japanese tattoos at these galleries, most of the pictures they have were not even intended to be used as real Japanese tattoos! Can you believe that they would post this kind of sub-par artwork on their sites, but they did. They don't care if that Japanese tattoo was not really sketched in the way tattoo-art needs to be sketched. As long as it looks somewhat good, they are always willing to put it up on their sites. It's sad, because girls and guys end up choosing sub-par artwork like this and go to get them tattooed. They have no idea that it will not look anywhere near as great on their skin as it looked on the paper it was printed it on.

That is not the form of Japanese tattoos worth settling for. In fact, they are not even real Japanese Tattoos!

Ok, enough talk about that. So, how can you find great Japanese tattoos without digging through so much sub-par artwork, low-end pictures?

It's actually pretty easy and will change the way you search for Japanese tattoos. Everything you need when it comes to finding tons of pictures of tattoos is using a forum. Actually, you should use forums for many different products you are looking for on the internet. They are the perfect place for finding out where the hidden artwork is. You see, there are a lot of topics revolving around Japanese tattoos inside of forums. This is why it is a great idea to look there, because these topics usually have loads of links that people have found. They are usually to the hidden artwork sites that have much of the great artwork you've been missing out on. It's a resourceful and different way to find the Japanese tattoos you want. It does not take long to use them and it beats the heck out of seeing the same old artwork all the time.

No matter which Japanese tattoos you decide on, just make certain that you are 110% happy with it before getting it tattooed

Cross Tattoos - Accomplishment Made Manifest

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

There are many designs and inscriptions that are encountered daily. However, they are more than just markings. They have meanings that go beyond what they look like. Their uses are dependent on their many meanings and ideas they represent. One of these symbols is the cross. It has several meanings from different contexts. This means that the same can be said of cross tattoos. People who have them have a connection to the many ideas linked to it. There are also diverse reasons why people get cross tattoos. But it is certain that each one has well thought of meaning behind it.

The symbol of the cross is usually associated to Christian belief. It is very important in that religion. However, it is also relevant in other cultures and beliefs. This makes the cross an interesting symbol. It is closely linked to ideals that have general appeal regardless of culture and faith. This also means that cross tattoos are not necessarily manifestations of being a Christian. Although having it might be an indication of this.

The cross is also used to represent triumph. This is a common symbolism attached to it. This extends to cross tattoos. Individuals who get this kind of tattoo usually do so to signify their adherence to the idea of triumph. This concept is not exclusive to Christian beliefs. It occurs in other cultures. An example of this is the Egyptian "ankh." The cross therefore may mean triumph in a religious sense or overcoming death. This is still triumph despite nuances attached to it.

Having a cross tattoo placed on one's skin is a manifestation that one adheres to triumph. This can be interpreted that he or she is pursuing this idea or has already attained it. The cross pattern for a tattoo is a good way to demonstrate this. Individuals often get this tattoo as a form of celebration for their achievement. This is the kind of manifestation that is meant to last. People who usually get this tattoo seek a long-term remind of what they have accomplished.

Having a cross tattoo placed upon one's body is an accomplishment in itself. Getting any tattoo requires a willful act. This is a potent manifestation of personal choice. This makes this special and rare. All tattoos are methods of expressing one's self. They are the most visible way by which a person conveys his or beliefs to society as a whole. This is because it is engraved on one's skin.

When a person gets a cross tattoo he or she shows his or her affinity towards triumph. This is rationalized by the fact that the cross pattern in the past has meant achievement in one way or another. The "ankh" of Egypt and the cross in Christendom validate this idea. Getting cross tattoos are also intrinsic accomplishments. They belong in the realm of self-expression. A good means of conveying one's beliefs is via visible means. A tattoo is with the cross design is able to do this better than most other means.

Cross Tattoos - Heritage, Religion Or Love of Artwork?

Cross Tattoos - Heritage, Religion Or Love of Artwork?

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

Because of its flexibility, cross tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo designs available online. The reason for choosing this tattoo design varies, but many pick cross tattoos because of heritage, religion or love for the artwork. The Celtic cross and tribal cross tattoo are other well liked tattoo variations. There are also shield tattoos which have different meaning for different people. Have you thought about what your cross tattoo might symbolize? To some degree this will determine what type of body art you will ink on your body. Another question to ask oneself is, "How much do I know about the history of this tattoo design?" Let's take a closer look.

Pictures of cross tattoos began to emerge throughout the fifth century. It is a representation of Christianity nowadays, although it might have resulted from the earlier pagan wheel symbol of the sun. The iron cross, now a tattoo design, was most frequently used to mark gravestones in Scotland & Ireland; and also placed at sites of hostility or accidents. The Celtic cross, sadly, has been accepted by white supremacists and the neo-Nazi, as well as the Ku Klux Klan. The Celtic cross tattoo is a very accepted way to present a visual representation of your conviction and tradition; and can be a perfect way to symbolize your birthright. Fortunately though, the cross tattoo design for the most part, has provided comfort and a connection to heritage for millions of people.

Because the Holy Cross tattoo shows Jesus and the crucifixion, the bearer of this cross tattoo easily reveals their devotion toward their religion and faith. This tattoo design is also tremendously flexible and customizable, and there are many body part locations that hold this design well; including arms, lower legs, shoulder, back, and forearms. If you are serious about cross tattoos, whether Celtic or Holy cross, it's important to choose a quality tattoo design.

Besides heritage, there are many other reasons you may get cross tattoo designs; one being your love for the artwork. Celtic cross tattoos and their designs are extremely flexible, and nowadays (especially because of the internet) you have the ability to customize the tattoo artwork. You can truly give it meaning and personalization, which is what leads so many people toward inking themselves with this versatile tattoo design.

Considering A Tattoo Should Be Serious Business

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Tattoos are a design in ink, normally symbolic or decorative, permanently placed under your skin. Tattoos are more popular today than at any time in recorded history. They are quite popular among many different age groups and are a common thing these days. Once confined under suits and ties from 9 to 5, tattoos are now out in the open for all to see. If tattoos are becoming more mainstream, the tattoo industry is growing up as well.

Choosing a design is obviously the first decision to make for most people, and there are thousands of designs to choose from. How much you enjoy your tattoo for years to come is all in the tattoo design and the artist's skill of course. Picking a mythical creature for a tattoo design is a great way to express your individuality and creativity. Entire galleries shows are being dedicated to tattoo art and are focusing on not only the quality of the tattoo design, but also on the value of the human body as a medium for fine art. Find a good tattoo portfolio online and take a good look at their portfolio. Make sure that you see a sketch of your design before getting it inked, because you want to be completely satisfied with your tattoo and not take any unnecessary chances. When making the decision to get a tattoo design inked, always ask yourself for what reason you're doing it.

The most popular tattoos are still tribal designs but dragons, lotus flowers and eastern symbolism seems to be popular as well. Tattoo lovers are looking in many new directions for new ways to express themselves. This may explain why celtic tattoos are being mixed with tribal tattoos creating a style of tattoo known as tribal celtic tattoos. Hawaiian Tribal and arm band tattoos are what's in and popular yet still liked.

Tribal tattoos can be traditional 'black work' on the arms and legs or more colorful styles characterized by the 'Modern Primitive' look covering the entire body. Tribal tattoos are symbols of the Native American culture Tribal Tattoos. Tribal tattooing was originally performed as a camouflage and then, later, as a symbol of loyalty. Today we find the tribal aspect of the designs very beautiful and powerful. Though there has been a recent resurgence in native and tribal tattooing, most tattoos today are done strictly as a way of decorating one's self in an artistically expressive manner. If looking for an Indian tribal tattoo with an authentic flare, consider having the tattoo designed by an artist trained in tribal tattoo.

Mind you, tattoos are not only for men. Girly tattoos are best known to feature small designs that cater to the woman who wants to add a small image without going overboard on the idea. Female tattoos or feminine designed tattoos are usually favored by women or girls. Tattoos on women are becoming increasingly familiar as tattooing has become more socially acceptable, largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos. Flower tattoos are mostly favored by women, they are like clothes accessories except that you can wear your tattoo to bed. A lot of men find women with tattoos more appealing, sexier, more feminine and more powerful. Heart tattoos on the chest of the women are said to create a sexier image. Lower back tattoos are also very common for women. The lower back is one of the most sexual and sensual areas on a women, making the ideal spot for a tattoo. Often times, women tend to include a tribal that spreads, covering the base of their hips as well.

Do your homework before you trust someone to mark you permanently. They are permanent, and with today's divorce rate, you can see that permanent is not something that we tend to deal with very well. While lovers come and go, tattoos are intended to be permanent. You must remember that tattoos are permanent and once you get them, they are hard and costly to have removed. Tattoos are expensive and, more importantly, permanent; so choosing an image is a very big decision.

Tattoos can be found on men and women of all ages, most professions, and most walks of life but three out of four respondents believe that visible tattoos are unprofessional. A study by Careerbuilders shows the perils of tattoos for aspiring professionals, and conforms the conventional wisdom that Tattoos are a sign of immaturity, bad judgment and bad taste. Over 42 percent of managers said their opinion of someone would be lowered by that person's visible body art. It's no surprise that tattoos are more popular among the poor and under educated.

Seriously open your eyes and see the real world, tattoos are just art that people get put onto them it doesn't mean they are evil or idiots. Other people besides sailors, bikers and soldiers are allowed to express themselves using body art. I think tattoos are incredible expressions of ones personality, as long as YOU do the expressing, not the tattoo artist who came up with some idea that he thought would be cool, and 50 other people come in and get the same exact tattoo. I think tattoos are a personal choice. Don't panic it you can't locate lots of tattoo's of dragons and numerous tribal design keep looking and believe me you will find many. Before choosing a design, it may help to browse the various tribal tattoos online. No matter man or woman the right tattoo design has to look good and should be something that means something to you, is an extension of your character and something to be proud of.

Complex Rose Tattoo Design Ideas

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

A very popular tattoo image is a rose tattoo design. This can appear in many different styles and designs with some images looking like single roses and others looking like bunches of flowers. Sometimes the rose tattoo design appears as a border around other tattoo designs as ornamentation. Almost every tattoo shop in the world has this sort of flower design within their tattoo image catalog. Because of its popularity the rose tattoo design is very familiar to these tattoo shop artists. For many years the rose tattoo was one of the most popular designs for men and women tattoo shop customers alike.

Some tattoo artists become specialists at this sort of tattoo deign and have many customers that return for additional flower tattoos over the years. The flowers may all be the same type of flower or some people even get tattoos of various types of flowers on their bodies. As the vibrant colors start to fade over time as all tattoo images do, the customers will go back to the tattoo shop artists and have the tattoo image re-inked to bring back that vibrancy and sharpness of color to the images. This is becoming a very common thing for many people to have done to keep the vibrant colors in their tattoo images. It doesn't take nearly as long to recolor a tattoo as it does to have one done initially. Sometimes the whole process takes only an hour or so to accomplish.

If you want to have a rose tattoo design on your body you can search online for any web site that has these sorts of images, whether the images are drawings or photographs. Any photos can be brought to the tattoo shop and the artists can create a tattoo image from the photo and add any elements the customer wants to add in. The artists can also remove any elements that don't fit in the design or to make it a better tattoo image for the customer. The customer may also want to have the rose tattoo design as a border for another tattoo image which is always popular with customers.

It's no longer only women who have flower tattoos on their bodies. Many men have started having flower tattoos inked onto their bodies though the design may be part of a larger design which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with flowers. Maybe it's a tattoo image of a dragon with roses in its teeth or a scene of a castle with roses flowing down over the sides. The main thing to remember is that the rose tattoo need not be just for women or just for men either. There's no reason that both sexes can't have a rose tattoo design on their bodies.

Choosing the Rose Tattoo Designs That Are Right For You

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

The rose has been a symbol for many things in many cultures all over the world for many centuries. One of the most popular ways to display the images of roses is through tattoos on the skin. What would be the meaning behind your rose tattoo designs?

The color of a rose is significant to its meaning. If you are going to include a rose into a tattoo, make sure that you choose the right color. That color will be determined by what the part the rose plays in the design. Lots of designs are out there that include roses or maybe you would like to come up with your own rose tattoo designs.

If you chose a red rose for your tattoo, that design should have something to do with one you love or one that you loved and is lost. Many people do not realize that red roses are strong symbols of love. You would not want to put a red rose in the tattoos that do not have anything to with a theme of love.

If you are using yellow roses in your tattoo, you should remember that yellow is a symbol of unwavering friendship when it comes to roses. In the early days, yellow used to mean intense jealousy, but it has been changed over the years to mean the best of friends stay the best of friends forever. Keep this in mind when you are choosing the kind of rose tattoo you want.

For the ladies, getting a pink rose tattoo would be appropriate. This is because pink roses signify feminism and female passion. If you choose to have rosebuds in pink, you are also saying that you are young and frivolous as well as feminine. The kind of rose you choose means a lot as well as its color does.

If you see a tattoo with large purple roses in full bloom, remember that rose is sending a message to you. Lilac or lavender roses send the message of enchantment that one should go in with precaution. The wide open bloom means a heartfelt and deep gratitude while tiny closed up rosebuds mean new and young.

Many people have rose tattoo designs on their body. The kind of roses that you choose for your tattoo should be significant and have lifelong meaning to you, whether it is about another person or something else altogether. You will have a rose tattoo forever and the meaning of it as well.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs Are Very Popular and Amazing

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

When done by a skilled and talented artist, a tattoo design can be a magnificent piece of art. However, what really makes a tattoo interesting and outstanding is the fact that it is inked into your skin. You can truly turn your own body into a canvass.

You can actually put tattoos on any part of your body. As it is, the placement of the tattoo design is really up to you. One type of tattoo art that is gaining plenty of popularity is the tattoo sleeve design.

What is a tattoo sleeve, exactly?

A tattoo sleeve, as its name suggests, is a type of tattoo design that covers a large area of your body. The part of your body that the tattoos cover shows very little of your skin. This is due to the fact that the entire area is covered with intricate designs, patterns, and symbols.

Sleeve tattoo designs are obviously found on the arms. It is pretty common for people who have these types of tattoos to have one of the following: quarters sleeve (shoulder to bicep), half sleeve (wrist to elbow), and full sleeve (shoulder to wrist).

Now, a sleeve tattoo doesn't have to be limited to just your arm. You can also have this type of tattoo on your leg. You must take note of the fact that sleeve tattoos don't just go on one part of the skin. A sleeve tattoo must wrap entirely around the leg or arm.

A tattoo sleeve design can be extremely beautiful. Imagine having such amazing artwork on your body. However, the search for the best design possible can sometimes be challenging. While it can obviously be time consuming to plan out what kind of tattoo sleeve you want, it is essential that you take some time to do so. This is something that you really can't rush through. While a tattoo sleeve may seem amazing, it can be a disaster if you don't plan it out well.

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo sleeve, you need to be prepared to pay the costs associated with it. These tattoos obviously aren't in the very least cheap. The more intricate and colorful the tattoo, the more you will have to pay for it. In fact, sleeve tattoo designs can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand!

Because of the nature of these tattoos, you probably won't be able to get it all done in just one sitting. You'll need to have multiple sessions if you want it to be completed. A full sleeve tattoo can take upwards of twenty hours or more. Your artist will probably break it up into one hour sessions. Thus, a full sleeve tattoo will require that you sit in a chair for twenty hours or more before it's finally done!

Making such a commitment to get such a tattoo is a big decision. Popular choices can be anywhere from an angel to a tribal sleeve tattoo. It'll take a lot of money probably, and you may have to sit in a chair for twenty hours altogether, but as long as the tattoo is carefully worked out and planned, you'll be amazed at the results!

Rose Tattoos - A Meaning In Every Petal

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Roses have always been associated with love and death. The ancient Greeks believed that the first rose was created when Chloris, the goddess of flowers, came upon a dying wood nymph and transformed her into a flower. Then the goddess of love, Aphrodite, gave the flower its beauty, and the god of wine, Dionysus, contributed an intoxicating fragrance. Beauty, love, intoxication, and death, all in one package; add thorns for a hint of sorrow and danger, and you have the perfect symbol of the human condition

So is it any wonder that the rose tattoo has, for both men and women, become one of the most widely requested of all tattoo designs? Not only is the rose loaded with symbolic meaning; its can be represented as anything from a single small bud or open bloom, or as a garland or bouquet of blossoms, and with or without thorns. It can have flowing ribbons with names of loved ones, tattooed in remembrance or as a pledge of eternal devotion.

One ancient Roman legend is that the god of silence, Harpocrates, happened to witness Venus, the goddess of love, engaging in an illicit sexual encounter. Venus' son Cupid, the god of love, bribed Harpocrates with a rose to guarantee his silence. The Romans took their myths seriously, and the ceilings of Roman banquet rooms were festooned with roses as a reminder to those reclining at the tables. What was revealed from wine-loosened lips of wine was heard "sub rosa," and would remain confidential.

A rose tattoo positioned in a very private place and known only to a lover can honor the tradition of the rose as a symbol of secrecy. But rose tattoos can also be worn visibly and proudly, as most men wear them, on the arm.

Even the color of a rose tattoo can add layers to its meaning; the Victorians actually had a "language" of flowers and by sending different varieties of blooms in different colors to those they admired could communicate symbolically all the romantic feelings their conventions would no let them say in person. Rose tattoos, alone or combined with other flowers, can communicate a very private message in a very public way.

While the most requested color for rose tattoos is red, signifying love, romance, courage, and beauty, the blue rose tattoo is gaining in popularity, and has an intriguing history. There are no naturally blue roses, and although research is ongoing to create one, the blue rose tattoo represents mystery and the quest to achieve the impossible. Some legends suggest that the blue rose can magically grant wishes or restore youth.

Rose tattoos, like the actual flowers, can beckon and entice, or hint of danger. Rose tattoos can suggest purity and innocence, or unbridled passion. Rose tattoos can be worn in remembrance of loved ones who have moved on or as pledges of undying love through all the years ahead.

A rose tattoo, in other words, can speak volumes about you, and all you need to do is tell your tattoo artist what you want yours to say!

Do Dragon Tattoos Represent Anything?

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Dragon tattoos are very popular in a way that spans social barriers and defies gender profiling when choosing ink. Dragons aren't just for the fantasy set or soldiers anymore; they are filling the biceps and calves, chest and even the private parts of people who can appreciate such a strong creature. Remember, dragons are supposedly mythological creatures that date back Anglo centuries and are even revered in Eastern culture. Strength and power are the main representations with dragon tattoos but mysticism and the allure of the unknown are often alluded to when struggling with a reason to define the meaning behind getting these creatures tattooed on your body. Dragons have a meaning all of their own and it is important to look at these factors when you are analyzing the popularity of these creatures as tattoos.

In Eastern cultures, dragons represented the emperor of the country and are sometimes so closely associate with the Chinese that they represent the entire culture. Eastern dragons are considered powerful but benevolent, often representing different elements and aspects of the culture. In European cultures, dragons were considered evil brutes and were generally hunted. (Supposedly; after all, a dragon is supposed to be a mythical creature.) This is not atypical of the kind of behavior displayed in the past eras of European history. In tattoo culture, dragons are personal; some folks get dragons to show that they are beasts themselves, large wings and gnashing teeth included. Others get a Chinese design, perhaps for their Zodiac, but more often to show that they are strong and kind as Asian dragons generally are.

The attraction to these kinds of tattoos is the mysticism and unknown compilation of origins on the creature itself. Strength, power, desire, and a representation of the beast within are just a few of the reasons that people get these. In modern Pagan religions and criminal circles, the dragon has other meanings, and this combination of people interested in dragon designs makes it an extremely popular tattoo piece. Colour and design make a big difference in what these tattoos can mean to people and it is not uncommon for there to be a story behind each piece or even for one person to have multiple tattoos of dragons that are all different.

The popularity is apparent, when you look around. Many people have dragon tattoos already or want one, no matter the reason. If you want one, there is a ton of designs online and in history books or just about anywhere. The dragon is a historical figure and is largely used in advertising today to give companies a sense of being large and in charge - and in the tattoo world it certainly is. It means something different for every person that has one. With such a rich history and a long list of options to choose from as far as design, getting a dragon tattoo would be a wonderful addition to a collection of tattoos.

3 Famous Japanese Tattoo Designs

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Japanese tattoo designs were regarded to have started ever since 5000 BC. All Japanese would wear the body design that had a religious theme in it. Nowadays, the tattoo is still famous because of its unique appeal that everyone appreciates although they do not come much with religious meanings.

Here are the options for you:

1. The Japanese Koi Tattoo

It is well known that the koi fish is regarded as sacred animals in the land of Japan and it is even used throughout their native arts and designs. It is believed that the koi fish is a kind of fish that would eventually turn into a dragon. In view of this, it is regarded to symbolize a sense of strength. Also, this is used to represent the act of finding one's right path.

2. The Japanese Dragon Tattoo

The dragon is very famous among Japanese and this is regarded as a symbol of strength and power. Taken for consideration the shape of the body of the dragon which is both long and skinny, the animal can be used as a beautiful tattoo for the arm.

3. The Japanese Gods

For a different look, the Japanese gods work as amazing Japanese tattoo designs. There are some of these gods and spirits who are good-natured while there are also some who are bad. Most of the time, these gods are used as a protection thus they are normally used as tattoo designs in Japan as a means of protection as well.

Now you know the 3 of the most famous Japanese tattoo designs with great themes. It is up to you to decide which one to choose. After all, no matter what you choose, you are bound to enjoy a fantastic look that people will appreciate. Plus, because these tattoos come with amazing meanings behind, you can find something which will mirror your own personality.

Rose Tattoos - What You Need to Know

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

The most popular flower tattoos are rose tattoos. Rose is a popular flower used in different important occasions and events in a person's life. People give roses for several reasons but the most common reason is to show them how much they love and care for them.

In tattoos, a rose could hold different meanings and there are also several different rose tattoo designs to choose from. If you want to have rose tattoos on your body, here are some important things you should know.

• Rose is a symbol of womanhood or femininity. In some commercials or advertisements that sell feminine products, they sometimes use the rose to represent the female organ. Also, rose is a delicate flower and very soft to the touch. The plant ahs velvety petals and has thorns to protect the whole plant, especially the flower. All of these are very similar to female traits. Some think that women are very delicate and still needs to be protected. This is one of the reasons why females choose rose tattoos.
• This flower also signifies love. In courtship, if a man like a woman, he will give her roses to show the lady how much he adores her. Because of this, roses have always been associated with romance, love, dating, and courtship. You are one lucky girl if you have already received several dozens of roses in your life. If you will have it as a tattoo, it could mean that you are in love or you believe in the magic of love.
• Rose tattoos are also sexy, especially if you have them done on your ankle or lower back, with the vines in swirl design. It looks very sexy especially the red rose. You can also place them on different parts of your body like arms and shoulders.
• The best color for a rose tattoo is red. It looks very romantic and mysterious. Black roses are also popular but you may regret having it a few years from now. A red rose is classic. You can never go wrong with the color red. Yellow rose tattoos suggest happiness and gaiety.
• You can choose whether you want to have a single rose or several roses inked on your body. You can also choose fully bloomed roses or rose buds. This all depends on you. Maybe the number has a significant meaning in your life or something.

Rose tattoos may be common but they will remain popular even after several years, which will make you glad that you have chosen that design.

Japanese Sleeve Tattoos - The Coolest Japanese Tattoo Designs For Men

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

A lot of guys out there these days are looking for something unique different and cool looking.  Often guys get skulls, flames and sexy pinup girls as a sleeve tattoo design.  However, recently there has been more and more men interested in Japanese sleeve tattoos.  This is great because the Japanese have a long history of full body tattoos and therefore they are very advanced in their sleeve tattoos.  These designs are cool and they make a great tattoo design for men also.  Here are some ideas to help you get started on your own full sleeve tattoo design.

Koi Fish

Koi fish are an ever popular theme for sleeve tattoo designs.  The beautiful oranges of the koi fish and the blue water background lend themselves to the perfect tattoo design for a sleeve.  By wrapping the fish around the front of the arm the fish looks dimensional and really pops out and comes to life.  Thus it makes a cool looking tattoo with a lot of life.  However, more then that the Koi tattoo represent strength, power and individuality.  It represents the struggle of going through life and striving to be better.  You see the Japanese myth is that the koi fish try to swim upstream.  Not all of them make it but the ones that make it to the golden bridge become dragons and fly off into the sky.  This is a way cool symbolism and a deep meaning and the chicks will go wild with how thoughtful and deeply emotional you are when you show off your tat and explain why you got it and the dudes in the group will admire it as well.


Of course there is always the dragon.  This is only second to the koi fish because dragons have been so common place.  However,  a powerful fierce dragon in red or black makes for the ideal tattoo design for men.  It looks rough and tumble and ready to throw down or just breathe fire on a person.  The dragon is a very mystical and mythical beast that is filled with all kinds of magic and great lore.  The symbolism is of course of power and strength.


Samurai and gods are always very popular in traditional Japanese sleeve tattoos.  These designs of course feature either fierce samurai in the heat of battle of gods fighting off evil spirits.  Either way you end up with a way cool dude tattoo.  What can be more guy then a man swinging a huge katana sword and slaying a dragon or a demon.  It is the ultimate.  The reason the Samurai is so popular in Japanese tattooing and traditional arts is that the samurai is seen to embed everything that is important to the Japanese male.  The samurai carries the Japanese culture as well as being a strong and fierce warrior in battle yet is always mindful and follows the code of bushido.  This is what every Japanese male wants to be deep down.

Hannya Masks

The Hannya mask was originally used in Kabuki plays in Tokyo.  However, the masks were such beautiful yet haunting piece of artwork that they became stand alone pieces of art.  Many Japanese would collect and display them in their house and they believe it would ward off evil spirits.  The Hannya masked represents a scorned women that has been overcome by her rage that she has turned into an evil demon.  These are also very popular in traditional Japanese tattoos and tattoo in the West.  It is hard to make a full sleeve of one mask but it can easily be combined with other Japanese designs and symbols.

Rose Tattoo Designs - Why You Should Get a Rose Tattoo!

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Rose tattoo designs are great ink ideas for many reasons. Many do not realize how powerful this design really is. Here is why the power of the rose is so strong, and why you should consider this:

1. Strongest Flower Design Available!

The rose is usually considered the best and most popular flower tattoo available. It has a long history to it, as roses were used for centuries in medicinal, religious and spiritual contexts, as well as a universal symbol of beauty. As far as flowers and ink goes, you can't beat the rose.

2. Variety of Design!

Because rose tattoo designs have been so popular, there has become available enormous amounts of variation and rose styles to choose from in tattoo form. While it may be the most common tattoo in the flower category, it may also be one of the most diverse tattoos with it's many styles.

3. Can go with anything!

Rose tattoo designs are excellent for another reason: they can go with most other tattoos. That is, if you have an existing tattoo, chances are you can somehow implement a rose in the design. Or, if you plan on getting other tattoos in the future, the rose design is perfect to add other ink to it later.

4. Strong Symbolism!

My favorite aspect to these tattoos are the variety of symbolism that it can stand for. Since the design and imagery itself is centuries old, it has many different meanings which have been applied to it. Everything from nature, individual growth, God, martyrdom, and memory and respect for lost loved ones, you can find a personal and strong individual meaning in the rose.

Full Half and Quarter Sleeve Tattoo Designs A Complete Guide

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Wondering what the heck a sleeve tattoo is? Well they are one of the most popular of all tattoos and they look great. Very basically a sleeve tattoo is any tattoo design that covers up the majority of the skin in a certain area. For example a full arm would be a full sleeve tattoo. These are becoming increasingly popular as the overall trend for tattoos rises and people discover more and more about body art. They can be a wonderful tattoo design if you have carefully thought about what you want to get and the artist you are going to work with. Here is some more advice about getting sleeved.

What Is A Sleeve Tattoo?

Some of you might be wondering where did they get their name and how it is different from regular tattoos? Typically sleeve tattoos are done on arms can also be done on the legs. They are any type of tattoo that fully covers this can so that little to no skin is showing through the tattoo. They're often called sleeve tattoos because they look very some similar to wearing a long sleeved shirt. Fact, you have probably seen fake or sleeves being sold on eBay and these are just the sleeves of a shirt with an intricate tattoo design.

Popular Designs And Ideas

Of course if you're getting a sleeve that to an article at the time that you want it by all means go with that design. However, if you are still contemplating what you want to include in your design are the exact details of your design are some of the more popular ideas that people use with getting sleeve tattoos.

1. Traditional Japanese Designs - another very popular theme for sleeve tattoos are traditional Japanese designs. The Japanese have a long history of tattooing and theme of the designs of koi fish, samurai, and cherry blossoms can often be interwoven beautifuly.

2. Floral Patterns - there are many different floral patterns and can easily be adapted or tweaked into a tattoo. These are typically more delicate feminine nature but don't necessarily have to be.

3. Celtic Designs - Celtic knotwork often lends itself to tattoo designs. The intricate nature of the interwoven knotwork could make a beautiful design. Since there is so much space or canvas available on your arms often one can include knotwork animals and even calligraphy into an overall Celtic design.

4. Tribal - These take large tribal tattoo designs and spread them out over the large canvas. These are often very popular ideas for guys as the bold strong black lines of a tribal design can look pretty cool. You are thinking about getting tribal design then you want to carefully consider the culture and the style you want. Many of the native cultures have very developed tattoo designs that have been carried over into modern tattoo art. For example, you can get a Maroi Tattoo or possibly a Hawaiian tattoo.

Time, Cost and Commitment

sleeve tattoos are typically very large and intricate designs which can take a long time to complete. Therefore they compete more expensive and require a great deal of commitment. So you might be wondering how much will sleeve tattoo design costs? This could depend on a variety of different factors such as the popularity of the tattoo designer, the type of design that you want, and if you decide to get a custom tattoo versus standard flash. All prices can range greatly and there is no set amount typically full sleeve tattoos can run between $500-$2000.

Typically ssleeves are done over multiple sessions lasting about an hour each. Most full sleeve to designs can be done with about 20 sessions over 20 hours of total work. Depending on the availability of your tattoo artist as might be scheduled at one session per week so a full sleeve tattoo could take easily over 20 weeks.

You are considering getting a full sleeve tattoo you want to carefully consider the design in the tattoo artist. Spent some time before hand considered both these factors could play major role in your overall experience of getting a full sleeve tattoo. Try to find an artist does want to work with you and listen to your ideas and a design that you are happy with.

The Symbolic Meanings Behind Skull Tattoos

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

When a person wants to choose a tattoo in order to look and make him feel tough, it is common for them to choose skull tattoos. There are several varieties of these tattoos available in the tattooing world. Even though the general public may currently associate skull with fearless attitude and death, it is not always true.

According to its modified designs in the present times they may also look cartoonish or even at times cute. It is interesting to see as to how by the change of its colours and design skull tattoos can break through its envisioned darkness and gloomy forms and extend its symbolic structure even for a delightful meaning.
A few notable symbolic meanings of the skull tattoos are as follows:

1. In the past skull tattoos were singularly designed for men, but with the advent of the recent unisex world, skull tattoos are worn both by men and women. In order to bring feminine touch, contemporary tattooists even may add a bow to the pre-existing anatomy of the skull - colour it in pink or purple to make it more acceptable to their women clients. These tattoo designs are often worn by committed couples where the tattoos remain the same but appear in varying sex forms to symbolise eternal love for each other beyond the grave.

2. In Christendom, the skull has always represented human vanity, repentance and eternity of the soul. However a skull with a serpent appearing through its eye sockets is symbolical of knowledge and immortality of the human mind.

3. In the old days, during battles; decapitation of the head of the vanquished enemy was common in order to provide a solid proof that the enemy is dead. It not only did display power and superiority but the sight of a beheaded skull brought fear in minds of the enemies.

4. During the dark ages the Celtic lords symbolized the skull as a form of greater changes rather than danger or death which gives skull tattoos a more positive spin in the recent times. In the modern times skull is seen as a symbol for power, protection and strength. It can also symbolize a time when you had been able to overcome a tragic circumstance or a life threatening obstacle in your life which depicts the strength and inherent determination of the tattooed person. As above all the skull tattoos makes you look tough.

5. Among the Mexican peoples skull tattoos are extensively used to commemorate two extremely important days i.e. 1st November and 2nd November, which represents the mourning day for the death of young children and adults respectively. The Mexicans decorate their skull forms with happy friendly touches with flowers, butterflies and other natural elements to show the immortality of the soul amidst nature which also makes them look more attractive and even more beautiful to wear.

The Rose Tattoo Designs - So Many Meanings In One Simple Flower

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

Without doubt the rose is the most adored breed of flower throughout the world. One would have to guess that the popularity of this exquisite flower has been linked to the romantic connotations that roses have between lovers. Every woman would appreciate a beautiful bunch of even a single rose from their lover as a token of their love and affection. The red rose in particular undoubtedly the most popular color and relates strongly to romance as well as sexual relationships.

To other people this flower rose may have other symbolic meanings. For example it is claimed in folklore that both Aphrodite who was the Greek Goddess of Love, and Venus who was Aphrodite's Roman equivalent, revered the red rose. It also has religious connections and is known to be symbolic of the Virgin Mary. The people who claim to have witnessed a vision of Mary say that her appearance is always accompanied by the smell of roses.

If you are considering having a rose tattoo design, but are reluctant to because of the romantic implications, don't worry - I have seen many masculine guys wearing a rose tattoo, often as a reminder of departed loved ones. Some creative guys have even incorporated it into a multi-image tattoo such as having a snake curled around a dagger embedded in a rosebush.

English Roses

Here is a bit of history for you! Do you know why a beautiful English woman is typically referred to as "An English Rose"? Well it is related to some of Shakespeare's writings where he refers to the rose and compares his love (lady) with a red rose in the line, "O my love is like a red, red rose".

As well as having a romantic connotation this flower is also reflective of more aggressive situations, for example, two of England's most famous families both have this delightful flower as part of their family symbolism - the Lancasters (whose family emblem is the red rose) and the Yorks (whose coat of arms is made up of white rose).

In addition to this one of Britain's dominant political parties, the Labor Party, is symbolized by red roses.

Another more masculine use of the rose tattoo design involves the 1980's rock band 'Guns 'n' Roses', The members of the Band were well known for their hard rocking music and lifestyle yet they all wore tattoos incorporating the image of the rose albeit with tattoos of guns. As a result many fans both male and female emulated the band members by getting tattoos with images of guns and roses.

Choose Your Colors Wisely

The color of a rose has significance and meaning, so before you commit to a particular design you should choose the color that best represents the symbolism of your tattoo.

* A red rose embodies the conventional color choice and exemplifies beauty, love, bravery, passion and romanticism

* A red rose bud constitutes a symbol of pureness and loveliness

* A dark red rose stands for unconscious beauty

* A gold rose represents accomplishment

* A pink rose bespeaks friendship, appreciation, grace, happiness and gentleness

* A light pink rose symbolizes understanding and sweetness

* A white rose conveys sinlessness, innocence, silence, privacy, reverence, humbleness, youthfulness and charm

* A yellow rose personifies joyfulness, happiness, jealousy or an apology

* A lavender rose intends fascination

* A coral rose symbolizes desire

* A blue rose represents impossibilities

* A black rose traditionally represents sorrow and death

For those considering having a rose style tattoo, but are concerned that the design does not reflect their true way of life or image, just consider some of the historical facts regarding this magnificent flower and feel comfortable with having a tattoo incorporating a rose in the design.

The Art of Tribal Shoulder Tattoo Designs, From Sleeve To Back Piece
And Flash

The Art of Tribal Shoulder Tattoo Designs, From Sleeve To Back Piece And Flash

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

The tribal shoulder tattoo design is one of the best pieces of artwork you could get. From a sleeve piece to back art, whether flash or a drawing, you will need to know these basic tips and knowledge of this wonderful choice.

I will go ahead and assume that you have found the general area which you would like your tattoo. I will also assume that you have scoured the internet for tribal artwork and have come up empty, or just not fully impressed with what you have found. I know this because I have first hand knowledge. The good thing is that you don't have to settle for this. There are much easier ways to find tribal shoulder tattoo designs that looking through a Google search, or looking on random, cookie-cutter at websites.

To do this, all you need to do is take a bit of time and look through a bunch of internet forums. You will not believe the wealth of truthful information you will find there. Remember, people love to brag when they find a great website, or strike gold when they are searching for something, even the perfect place for tribal shoulder art. Men and women love to tell other people what they have found and there is no better place to do this than on a forum, which is filled with tattoo knowledge.

Now, on to some great things about tribal shoulder tattoo designs. For one, since they are on your shoulder they are very easy to cover up. Depending on the shirt that you wear, you can also show them off if you want. Another great advantage of getting tattoos on your shoulders is that they tend to have a very long life. For one, they do not see as much sunlight as other place on your body. Secondly, that part of your body does not have to bend and fold very often. This is very key, because bending and folding of the skin can have a detrimental effect on tattoos. You may not know this, but constant bending can cause a blurry, faded effect on tattoos. Have you ever run across someone tattoo and it was blurry? Maybe you even tried to squint your eyes to see if it was just your vision? Now you know why! There are so many other great things about a tribal shoulder tattoo design, but the ones about are more than enough. Just take your time and search in the right places and you will be sure to get to the good stuff.

Spend some quality time trying to find the perfect tribal shoulder tattoo designs and you will be well on your way to being one happy person, whether it's a back piece, sleeve or flash artwork.

Tattoo Ideas: Significance of the Rose Tattoo

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

You can get tattoo ideas from everything and everyone around you. Rose tattoos are probably one of the most popular and significant ones being showcased in almost all tattoo parlours around the world. The rose to the west is what the lotus is to the east: it symbolizes love. It has also been closely associated with beauty and women. During the 40s, sailors would have rose tattoos on their upper arm or on their chest to signify a loved one usually their wives, girlfriends or mothers whom they had to leave behind in order to serve their country. For these men life at sea was rough and these tattoos gave them the peace they needed in a highly symbolic manner.

Rose tattoos represent both the inner and outer beauty of women and life. There is just something about a rose that seems to exude everlasting beauty and what best way to express this by a permanent reminder of something beautiful on someone's skin. And with little accents to a tattoo you can easily change its meaning.

A tattoo of a rose with thorns can mean that the person who had it done does put too much emphasis on the external beauty but rather shows of a strong willed personality. It says, "You can look but you cannot touch."

The simple addition of the thorn can reveal how people perceive love. Just like the rose, love is wonderful but you can get hurt or pricked. The thorns are reminders that love and life is not always easy.

The colour of the rose tattoo more often than not hold a meaning as well. It could be the favourite colour of the person to whom they are dedicating the tattoo. Or they could have simply based it on the emotions and meanings assigned to by the Victorians for each rose colour examples of which are:

  • Red for love, passion, romance and respect.
  • White for purity, spiritual love and innocence.
  • Pink is for youth, tenderness, grace and elegance.
  • Yellow is for friendship, joy, and devotion. Although historically the yellow rose depicts jealousy.
  • Purple is for enchantment. Sometimes used to represent love at first sight.

Memorial or sentimental tattoo ideas almost always involve a rose. Mothers usually choose a rose for each child while children also choose a rose to remember their mothers by. Spiritually, the rose can also signify religion or the Virgin Mary to be specific. Catholics hold the Virgin Mary in the highest regard, she is the mother of mothers and so the tattoo of a rose in her honour is a sign of respect and love.

Getting a tattoo is not an easy process; in fact it is a very painful procedure. That is precisely why you should think about what you really want to get for a tattoo regardless of whether it is a rose or something else altogether. Remember that the process of removing a tattoo is more than twice the pain of getting it. And make sure that you go to a reputable tattoo parlour or artist who can help you with your tattoo ideas.

Back of the Neck Tattoos - Locate Higher Quality Artwork Right Now

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

When did looking for back of the neck tattoos become such a tedious process? It's tedious for so many people, because they keep getting led to these awful galleries, which post nothing in their database besides generic, cookie cutter art. You can cut all of this out of the equation by taking the easier route to big, quality galleries that post high quality back of the neck tattoos.

I don't know how you like to skim the web for tattoo art, but I am going to take a wild guess and assume that it's not working. Sure, you might be finding a lot of artwork for the styles you like, but they are probably very generic pieces. This happens all the time to people, because 95% of us still use search engines to look for tattoo galleries. If this is how you general jump online to find back of neck tattoos, it might be time to change it.

The lists that search engines throw out there now are just horrible. It's one long list of generic laced sites. Cookie cutter back of the neck tattoos will be yours for the taking, but that's about it. That's why it's time to do something about it. Even better, you can bypass that generic artwork pretty easily, while finally getting to the better galleries that post fresh, crisp, well drawn tattoo art. You do it by using the assistance of forums. It's all you will need, especially if you stick with larger forums.

Large forums have enormous archive sections, which is the perfect place to uncover huge amounts of pin point info about tattoo artwork. Hundreds of tattoo related topics should be available to you here. All you have to do is skim some of them. Nothing more. You'll encounter a whole new world of inside info and input, including people posting about the hidden, higher quality galleries they have found recently. These are the sites that tend to post back of neck tattoos that are original and made by real tattoo artists. You can leave the generic stuff behind for somebody else to pick through.

There is another level of artwork out there for the back of the neck tattoos you want, and this is how you'll find it.

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