Cross Tattoos |
There are many designs and inscriptions that are encountered daily. However, they are more than just markings. They have meanings that go beyond what they look like. Their uses are dependent on their many meanings and ideas they represent. One of these symbols is the cross. It has several meanings from different contexts. This means that the same can be said of cross tattoos. People who have them have a connection to the many ideas linked to it. There are also diverse reasons why people get cross tattoos. But it is certain that each one has well thought of meaning behind it.
The symbol of the cross is usually associated to Christian belief. It is very important in that religion. However, it is also relevant in other cultures and beliefs. This makes the cross an interesting symbol. It is closely linked to ideals that have general appeal regardless of culture and faith. This also means that cross tattoos are not necessarily manifestations of being a Christian. Although having it might be an indication of this.
The cross is also used to represent triumph. This is a common symbolism attached to it. This extends to cross tattoos. Individuals who get this kind of tattoo usually do so to signify their adherence to the idea of triumph. This concept is not exclusive to Christian beliefs. It occurs in other cultures. An example of this is the Egyptian "ankh." The cross therefore may mean triumph in a religious sense or overcoming death. This is still triumph despite nuances attached to it.
Having a cross tattoo placed on one's skin is a manifestation that one adheres to triumph. This can be interpreted that he or she is pursuing this idea or has already attained it. The cross pattern for a tattoo is a good way to demonstrate this. Individuals often get this tattoo as a form of celebration for their achievement. This is the kind of manifestation that is meant to last. People who usually get this tattoo seek a long-term remind of what they have accomplished.
Having a cross tattoo placed upon one's body is an accomplishment in itself. Getting any tattoo requires a willful act. This is a potent manifestation of personal choice. This makes this special and rare. All tattoos are methods of expressing one's self. They are the most visible way by which a person conveys his or beliefs to society as a whole. This is because it is engraved on one's skin.
When a person gets a cross tattoo he or she shows his or her affinity towards triumph. This is rationalized by the fact that the cross pattern in the past has meant achievement in one way or another. The "ankh" of Egypt and the cross in Christendom validate this idea. Getting cross tattoos are also intrinsic accomplishments. They belong in the realm of self-expression. A good means of conveying one's beliefs is via visible means. A tattoo is with the cross design is able to do this better than most other means.