Top Ten Questions About Laser Tattoo Removal

Top Ten Questions About Laser Tattoo Removal

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Most people who are thinking about removing an unwanted tattoo have a number of questions about the process. They may have had a friend who successfully removed a tattoo and they want to know how it would work in their own unique case. Or, they may have thought about tattoo removal many years ago and they want to learn what technology is being used now by tattoo removal clinics to make it easier and less expensive.

Tattoo removal experts who have completed thousand of laser treatments have heard almost every question you can imagine about tattoo removal. Here is a list of the top ten most common questions about laser tattoo removal:

10) Can my tattoo be removed? A large majority of tattoos can be removed. Black ink tattoos are the most common that are removed in, and they are also among the easiest to remove. A wide range of other colors can be removed as well - red, orange, yellow, darker green, blue, brown, purple, and colors in between. The most difficult colors to remove are light green and blue/green or teal or turquoise. These colors can be faded, but it is difficult to remove them completely. Call a clinic specializing in tattoo removal in Dallas to learn more about what colors are easy or hard to remove.

9) Is the tattoo removal laser dangerous? The medical laser used for tattoo removal should be used just for tattoo removal. Avoid clinics where they use one laser for a wide variety of procedures - like many things, specialists have the most experience and have the most appropriate equipment. With proper safety equipment (goggles to protect the eyes), tattoo removal lasers are very safe for use when used by a medical professional. The manufacturers of these tools pass through a rigorous FDA approval process. The radiation emitted by a tattoo removal laser is non-ionizing and carries no risk of cancer or other abnormal cell growth

8) What kind of laser is used for tattoo removal? Dallas tattoo removal clinics use Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers for effective and safe removal of tattoos. A leading brand is the Cynosure Affinity QS laser, which uses two wavelengths of light to break down the ink in a tattoo.

7) Will the tattoo removal procedure scar my skin? No, not if used by an experienced professional. The laser doesn't create a scarring response by the skin when used by a competent nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or physician. Be wary of clinics that use laser technicians who don't have advanced medical training.

6) How long between tattoo removal sessions? For most patients, 4 weeks is sufficient time between sessions. For some patients with very bright, colorful tattoos 6 weeks is needed. During your consultation with a tattoo removal facility you'll find out what would work best in your unique situation.

5) What possible side effects will I experience? For patients with black or dark ink tattoos, some swelling and redness are the most common side effects. These will normally subside within a week. For patients with colored tattoos, some blistering may occur - this is part of the normal healing process and the skin will heal nicely afterwards.

4) How does the laser break up the ink in my tattoo? The laser uses two methods to break up the ink - the pigment absorbs the energy from the laser and is shattered; the very fast (6 nanosecond) pulse and high intensity of the laser will cause the pigment in the tattoo to break apart.

3) Is the laser treatment painful? Most patients compare the discomfort as similar to getting a tattoo in the first place, but much quicker. Your session may take 5-30 minutes and leading tattoo removal clinics use a variety of methods to help patients limit the pain they experience.

2) How many tattoo removal sessions will I need? Most patients will need between 3 and 10 sessions. The number depends on the age of the tattoo, the coloration, and the amount of ink in the tattoo. Call a tattoo removal specialist to find out what you are going to need to remove your tattoo.

1) What does each session of tattoo removal cost? The price varies with the size of the tattoo. Of course smaller tattoos will be less expensive than removing an entire sleeve. The price is one of a number of considerations, though. The quality of the medical staff will play an important role - a nurse practitioner with years of experience and lots of concern in helping your remove your tattoo will be able to remove it much more quickly than someone who is looking to spend the least amount of time as possible.

For more information about these and other questions, contact a tattoo removal clinic that specializes in laser tattoo removal. They'll be able to use their experience in helping you make a great decision in tattoo removal.

Home Tattoo Removal AKA DIY Tattoo Removal - "What You Should Know"

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Home Tattoo Removal or DIY tattoo removal is becoming more well known, has gained respect and is greatly increasing in popularity around the world.

While it used to be a fact that most Home Tattoo Removal methods always caused scarring and severe pain, this no longer has to be true, especially with all that has been recently learned about tattoo removal.

A tattoo can turn out to be a mistake that will seemingly last a lifetime. You may have gotten a tattoo during a tattoo fad or maybe even while you were intoxicated or not in the right state of mind. Now you're to the point that you no longer want the tattoo and you are trying to find an inexpensive way to remove it.

Tattoos can be undesirable for many reasons. It makes it harder to get a job if you have tattoos and many people think tattoos are "trashy." It is ideal to think people should not judge a person for having tattoos, but in all reality many people do!

Removing a tattoo can be very expensive when done by a professional. It can cost up to triple the amount (if not more) of what you paid for the tattoo. Some of the professional tattoo removal techniques that are available are: surgical removal, skin grafting and dermabrasion.

All of these tattoo removal procedures are extremely time consuming and usually very painful. Nearly half a million people spend this extra time and money on getting their unwanted tattoos removed every single year. Even with professional tattoo removal complete removal of the tattoo is extremely rare.

This is why Home Tattoo Removal or DIY tattoo removal is becoming a more well known and respected procedure.

There are some excellent do it yourself tattoo removal techniques that are just as effective, if not more effective than getting your tattoo removed professionally. All tattoo removal processes take time and patience and it is important to stick with the routine if you want to say goodbye to your tattoo.

One of the newest and most effective Home Tattoo Removal techniques is called Fade Away. Fade Away works by applying a series of creams to the tattoo. Like I mentioned before it must be done consistently to be the most effective. The Fade Away works by breaking down the ink in your skin and letting the ink be disposed of by your body. This method seems to be the least expensive and less painful method available for DIY tattoo removal. There are many different types of Fade Away creams that can be purchased worldwide.

Believe it or not, another do it yourself tattoo removal method that is becoming more recognized is the laser removal. Laser removal was previously only preformed by licensed physicians but now can be done in your own home.

It is important to be very cautious when using a laser removal product. There must be appropriate gear worn while performing the procedure. If everything is not done exactly how the manufacturers of the laser state on the product instructions, there could be major physical injury to you and the person helping you to remove the tattoo. Laser removers can be very costly but are effective.

Laser removal equipment, when used properly, breaks down the ink in the skin to where it is small enough for your body to break it down. Laser removal methods can be very time consuming and painful.

In order to decide the best method for your DIY Tattoo Removal it is important to determine the size of the tattoo, the location of the tattoo on the body, what colors are used in your tattoo and how deeply the ink has penetrated into the skin.

If the tattoo is located in a place where the skin is very thin, like on the ankle or the top of the foot, it would be ideal to go with the Fade Away creams as they wouldn't be nearly as painful as the laser removal method.

If the tattoo is deeply penetrated into your skin it would be ideal to go with the laser removal as it can get deeper into your skin to break down the tattoo ink. Whatever the method there are health risks involved and it would be ideal to check with your physician before beginning the treatment.

Regardless of what option you would like to try, it is important that you find the removal technique that works best for you, not the guy down the street. We are all individuals, and therefore, we react differently to different products.

If you would like to get more information to help you make a more informed decision, as well as see what other options you have, visit

Tribal Dragon Tattoo - Funky Designs That Everyone Can Try!

Tribal Dragon Tattoo - Funky Designs That Everyone Can Try!

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

Dragons are unique mythical creatures present in many cultures. Due to its magical and fantastic looks, dragons have special meanings to everyone. Spiritual, powerful, marvelous and mysterious are only some of the words used to define a dragon. Although, science has no exact explanation about these creatures, many believed that dragons are associated to human's life. And now they are being immortalized by tattoo shops through tribal dragon tattoo designs.

Aside from being a famous form of art, tattoos are also meant to express one's feelings. Tattoos have been present in ancient civilization and until now used in the modern age. One of the greatest things featured in tattooing are attractive designs that audience will surely be fond of. Among varieties of tattoos, tribal dragon tattoo designs are ones with broad and excellent designs. If before, dragons are only seen in books as well as in movies, they are now available as a skin art.

As mentioned a while ago, dragons have different meanings in everyone's life. Once you think of this creature, what's the first thing that comes from your mind? For Chinese people, they believed that dragons are the ones that bring wealth. That is why, they have performed the so-called "dragon dance" during special occasions.

The creator
On the other hand, some mythological scripts explained that dragon is the one that creates the world. According to the myth, this creature has formed everything in the world such as humans, streams, rivers and mountains. Although myth has no basis, still there are a lot of individuals who really appreciated the history of dragons.

The protector
Scandinavian myth has the same beliefs about dragon. According to them, dragon is the one that protects human's life. Scandinavian myth stated that dragon is associated with life and death. In addition, the myth also stated that these lizard-like creatures have the power over four elements including water, air, fire and air.

In spite of the complements, there are also negative sites about dragons. Christians do believe that dragon means evil. In order words, this creature has nothing to do with human's life. Christians do believe on Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. However, it doesn't mean that Christians hate dragons. With the wide range of tribal dragoon tattoo designs, it doesn't matter whether you are a member of Christian religion or not.

Tribal dragon tattoo can be inked in the skin with different sizes and colors. Most of the time, tattoo artists gave meaning to dragon designs by placing other usual stuffs like circles, pointed edges, spirals, curves and Gothic designs. Often, dragoon tattoos are seen in western guys. However, it doesn't mean that dragoons are only meant for men. There are also dragoon designs ideally made for teens and young women.

Tips For Getting a Scorpion Tattoo

Tips For Getting a Scorpion Tattoo

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

Many people choose to get scorpion tattoos for several reasons. This may perhaps be because of the historical significance of the animal, who is a member of the family of arachnids. There is a huge species of the scorpion although its real beginning is not specified. But there is much evidence that points out that these animals have been roaming the planet more than 400 million years ago. With this in mind, let us take a look at the significance and meaning behind the scorpion.

With regards to Greek mythology, scorpions are indications of the readiness of the military. This is being compared to its fast bite which has poisonous results. Many constellations have been given the name after scorpions and are represented by Astrology. This is perhaps why many people have chosen this tattoo design. There are also some people who choose the design because it represents their zodiac sign, the Scorpio. It is a constant reminder of the presence of death in our daily lives.

There is also another belief that the segmented body of the animal has some healing and power senses. Many believe that scorpions represent protection and healing for the dead. Other cultures also believe that their warriors have been reincarnated as half scorpion and half human so that they can defeat their enemies. In addition, the scorpion is believed to be the reason for Orion's death, as he is now visible in the constellations. No matter what you believe in, the scorpion stands for life and death, healing and pain.

Once you have decided to get the arachnid inked on your body, you must choose an appropriate representation. In order to get ideas for the appearance you want, you can look them up online. Getting the Scorpio zodiac sign would be a good idea. You can also choose the creature to battle other animals as it is poised and always ready to strike. With more than 2000 different species, it might be a good idea to look at the kind which you are familiar with the most. But still, you will have to consider the colors, sizes, and the shapes too.

The normal body part where scorpion tattoos are being inked on is the lower back, hip, upper arm and the ankle. But if you would like to see the tattoo every day, then you might not consider placing it on your back. At the same time, consider how your appearance will look like especially if you are working in the corporate world. Nonetheless, make sure you have made your decision wisely as removing the tattoo can be painful, expensive and can even leave behind some hideous scar that you surely do not want.

Skull Tattoos - Why Are They So Popular?

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

The skull tattoo is an emerging type of tattoo nowadays. While in the past older people chose skulls as body decoration, today rather the younger generation is eager to get a skull or skeleton tattoo.

Skulls have been involved in many religious activities, and in this way they can reflect religion as well as culture. In many religious countries, skulls are seen as a sign of victory, purity, or eternity (like in Mexico).

In some cultures though, skeletons have long been associated with death: the grim reaper depicts death itself that comes after everyone sooner or later; in Medieval times skeletons on stained glass windows were meant to remind people of their mortality.

Thus, it can be seen that skulls are highly ambiguous, and it depends on the culture whether it views it acceptable in tattoo form, or rather regrettable. One thing is for sure: if you have a skeleton tattoo you can expect remarks from people daily. If you are a kind that likes to make a stir, this tattoo is a good choice for you.

Some people love to decorate their bodies with skeletons, while some prefer tattoos that use one specific body part-mostly the skull. You can occasionally see skeletal hands, femur, or other minor body parts though. If you are looking for a big elaborate design, the full skeleton is preferable, but on smaller body parts probably a skull fits the most.

After all, the most important thing is your approach to skeletons: if you think they remind you of enjoying life, don't fear that others might think otherwise. Be proud of your personality, and then you can wear your tattoo with pride.

Cross Tattoos for Women

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

Cross tattoos for women are just some of the most popular tattoo designs a woman can have. Not only does it appeal to those who are religious, but it also goes for all tattoo enthusiasts as well. The cross is perhaps the most recognizable symbol the world has ever known - and most of all, it symbolizes Christianity.

Now there are many types of crosses and each cross has different unique designs as much as its very own unique history. So it depends upon those who would like to have a cross and what kind of cross that will go well with their personality and design preference. Cross tattoos for women have also been opted by those who want to profess their faith in God and Christianity.

Aside from the popular Christian crosses that a woman can have, there are other cross tattoos for women which are sure to catch their fancy. Some of these tattoos may have predated Christianity and some Christian crosses may even have many variant designs as well. Each design is unique in its own right and beautiful to look at when worn at certain parts of a woman's body. If she is religious then she can get a simple tattoo. If she's not necessarily religious but would love to have a cross tattoo - then she can go for the Celtic tattoo, iron tattoo, Egyptian tattoo or tribal tattoo.

The Celtic cross has the characteristic of a knotted pattern as part of a prominent and trademark Celtic design. It is a simple cross over a ring while the Christian Celtic cross has a longer cross with a ring in its intersection. A Celtic cross tattoo is also a great choice that will grace a woman's back.

The iron tattoo is a cool tattoo design that has emerged just recently. It was a military decoration that honors soldiers in Germany before World War II. The iron cross symbol actually stands for courage and bravery as much as outstanding services before the Nazi rule in Germany.

The Egyptian tattoo or ankh is another cool tattoo design that came from the pre-Christian era period. It is a unique and beautiful cross that has a loop on top that signifies life which is a symbol of life. Egyptian cross tattoos for women are great for a woman's neck, ankle, on the arms or back and it is one of the most favourite cross designs.

The tribal tattoo is another popular tattoo design that identifies one's expression that signifies bond to a tribal community. It is a very unique design that also incorporates other various designs like heart or floral tattoos. When those who want to get a cross tattoo that is not necessarily Christian opts to get either a Celtic cross tattoo or a tribal cross tattoo. Whatever may be your choice - one thing is certain. And this is the fact that Cross tattoos for women will make you stand out from the crowd. The choice is now up to you.

The Art of Tribal Shoulder Tattoo Designs, From Sleeve To Back Piece To Flash Work

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

So, you want to get a tribal shoulder tattoo design. There are countless ways you can go, from sleeve, to back piece, but you will need to know some basic, but forgotten, knowledge of shoulder tattoo placement, among other things.

I assume that you have found where you would like your tattoo. You have probably scoured the internet, trying to find exactly what will look good on your body. Most of the random websites or Google lookup deigns will not be a good fit for your body, but we will get to that point in a minute. The size and shape of your ultimate choice will limit where you can place your tribal shoulder tattoo, so you should try to come to a conclusion about how big you want your tribal to be. There are literally hundreds of options for placing a tribal shoulder tattoo, so your search is not in vain.

The great thing about tribal shoulder tattoo designs is that they are very easy to cover up, but they also really stand out when you want to show them off. Depending on the shirt you are wearing and how high your tattoo is on your shoulder, you can even make it stick out through the top of your collar if you want to.

A great advantage of getting a tribal shoulder tattoo is their long life. They do not see the sun very often and won't receive as much sunlight as other places on your body, even when you do go shirtless. A tribal shoulder tattoo is also good because it you do not have to bend that part of your body very often and bending is another huge factor in how long your tattoo will stay colorful and fresh. Lots of bending and folding will ultimately create a "blending" effect on your tattoo. If you have even seen blurry tattoos on people, now you know why that happened. You don't have to worry about this happening as much with a tribal shoulder tattoo.

Yet another plus about getting a tribal shoulder tattoo is that they are very easy for your tattoo artist to draw. This is because there are not many curves and creases on this part of your body. You tattoo artist has a pretty flat surface for him/her to work their magic. Because of the ease of the work, it will take the artist less time to complete, which means less money out of your pocket. You can get twice the amount of artwork done and it will cost you the same as a smaller tattoo on your arm.

Now we come to the different places to find quality tribal shoulder tattoo artwork and designs. While you will be able to find random images of good flash tattoos, you have probably not been totally, 100% convinced that a certain piece of artwork is perfect for you. Don't worry, though. That is perfectly normal. There is a reason the images you are seeing are scattered all over the internet: They are either plastered on so many other people already, or they are very cheap designs and are not tattoo artist friendly, which means that if you bring that piece to your artist, he/she will have a very hard time trying to ink it onto your skin.

There are so many other great things about tribal shoulder tattoo designs and you probably know most of them, which is why you are looking to get one in the first place. Spend quality time trying to find the perfect tribal shoulder tattoo design for you and you will be one happy person.

Scorpion Tattoos Design

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

A tattoo or a body art has become a popular form of self expression in recent times. Although tattooing is an ancient form of art, it has gained a huge popularity these days. You can find a lot of people having tattoo designs on their skin. Some people ink themselves in order to look stylish and be trendy whereas some others get it done to symbolize the deeper meaning associated with it. This form of body art is very popular among young adults. Among the myriad of designs available, if you are looking for a body art that is attractive as well as has a strong meaning associated with it, you can go for Scorpion tattoos.

A Scorpion tattoo is mainly made by people who belong to that specific zodiac sign. People who are born within the month of 23rd October to 22nd November basically belong to Scorpion sun sign. So, these people generally ink their skin with this zodiac sign. This zodiac symbol tattoo signifies all qualities associated with the sun sign. It stands for dignity, determination, sensuality, self-confidence and devotion. A Scorpion tattoo is also the symbol of victory of supreme over evil. It even symbolizes supreme maternal sacrifice.

These tattoo designs are available in several forms such as the ones with its tail coiled or the other with its tail as pointed as a needle. These designs can also be combined with other designs such as initials of a name, flames etc for personalizing it. You can even use your imagination and creativity for creating the body art. These designs look great on any part of body. Although popular as arm tattoos, these designs can also be made in other parts of body like legs, shoulders, feet or even back. Scorpion tattoos are usually very colorful, bright, exotic and attractive and so never fails to capture the attention of people.

With a bit of research work, you will be able to find the perfect artist for tattooing different designs of Scorpio on your body. There are various Scorpion tattoo ideas for you to choose from. To make this design look realistic and natural, you need to look at the artwork considering the following things in mind. Firstly, you need to ensure that the artwork you want to portray on your skin has plenty of detail. The tattoo designs must have all leg joints and segments in tail properly reproduced. The claws must have a realistic crablike look. Next, always ensure to make use of bright colors when producing the design. Use as many stripes and patterns in design as possible for replicating the camouflage markings. Also consider the size of the Scorpion tattoo. Smaller artwork means less detail would be incorporated in the design and that won't be so appealing. So, it is always a good idea to design Scorpion tattoos on larger area.

Hawaiian Flower Tattoo Designs

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

For many people, Hawaiian flowers are a symbol of grace and beauty. They represent beautiful islands, lovely weather and they might have deeper meaning as well. Taking a look at Hawaiian flower tattoo designs might mean that you want to honor your Hawaiian ancestry, that you have important memories relating to the state, or that you are simply someone who is looking to make such delicate grace a permanent part of your life. No matter what your reasoning, you'll find that there are many different Hawaiian flower tattoo designs and flower tattoo designs that you might be interested in.

When you are taking a look around for some excellent Hawaiian flower tattoo designs, you'll find that you will have a great deal to think about when it comes to things like level of detail. When people think of flowers, they often find themselves thinking of bright and beautiful splashes of color such as the rose heart tattoos, you'll certainly find that there are plenty of reasons to look at this. Think about how realistic you want your tattoos designs to be, and think about how well it will blend in with another tattoo or modifications that you might have.

When you are considering getting a flower tattoo, you will also need to think about the fact that you want to consider color. Thankfully, when it comes to Hawaiian flower tattoo designs, you'll find that you have no limit of bright colors to choose from. Hawaii is home to an enormous number of flowering plants, and whether you are interested in bright reds, vibrant yellows, or vivid purples, you'll find that there is a good chance that you can locate it here. This makes choosing the subject of your flower tattoo quite simple, and you can take your time.

If you are considering Hawaiian flower tattoo designs, you might be interested in how you can present the tattoo on your body. For instance, do you simply want a very small and very stylized flower design like the rose tattoos that will rest on their own, or are you more interested in something that that will have several different flowers and maybe some green vegetation when it comes to providing a lovely backdrop? You'll find that it is important to think about the tattoo design on your body as a whole.

There are plenty of options that are open to you if you are considering looking for great Hawaiian flower tattoo designs, consider the rose tattoos or maybe an array of many flower tattoo designs. Take the time to make sure that you are making a good choice, but remember why you are getting the tattoo in the first place and why it is important to you!

If you would like more information please feel free to visit TattooDesignGuide

Beauty of Flower Tattoo Designs

Beauty of Flower Tattoo Designs

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

Flowers are perhaps the among the strongest object used to symbolized women and tattoos are not any different. For centuries, women have been coming up with more creative and illustrious flower tattoo ideas to add to those that are already in existence. One of the main reasons for this is flower tats will never be out of style in any day and age. What this means is, these tattoos and ideas will be around and tattooed by women all over the globe in years to come yet.

When it comes to flowers, there are really no limitations as to what can be tattooed. No matter what, flower tats will almost always look great on a woman especially when tattooed by an experienced tattoo artist/tattoo parlor using quality tattooing techniques. What this means is there are really no right or wrong when it comes to flower tat ideas. It is more a question of whether these designs suit the woman in question. We do have some flower tattoo ideas to help out women out there wanting to get one (or even in multiples).

First of all, the most obvious would be to choose between a black inked flower tat or a colored flower tat. While flower tats can still look good in black, flowers do bring out the life in these flowers especially when the flower tattoo ideas and designs are in 3D.

Next, flower tattoo ideas can also revolve around the type of flower itself. Although the most common and popular flower used in tattoos are roses, there are also many other flowers that have been tattooed and actually with great results to boot. They can include (but not limited) to orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, lilies and sunflowers.

Flower tattoo ideas can also come in the form of the number of flowers used in the design. For instance, a single rose may look good but when coupled with another bud, it can have adverse effects. On the same note, bouquets or bunches of flowers can also have positive effects. These flower tat ideas may also include other objects or even an image of a person on it. Guns, skulls, sun, women or body part can go well with these flower tats.

Among the most overlooked of flower tat ideas lies in the form of the placement of the tattoos in itself. Having the flower tattooed on the appropriate part of the body can accentuate that body part in question. It really comes down to the issue of how revealing the tattoo is intended to be and for whom the tattoo is targeted at (private or public).

The next tip or advice we have where flower tattoo ideas are concerned lies in the tattoo artist/parlor itself. An experienced and skilled tattoo artist can give you great ideas on the actual design or/and placement of the tattoo based on individual characteristics/personalities and other factors.

The above are only a handful of flower tat ideas and tips to help all those with interest and intentions in acquiring one. The best thing about them is they are constantly evolving in line with the current fashion and trends. In other words, one can almost never go wrong with a beautiful flower tattoo design!

Rose Tattoo Designs - The Meaning Behind the Beauty

Rose Tattoos
Rose Tattoos

The English Rose

Do you recall Shakespeare's famous line: O my love is like a red, red rose? He was refereeing to his beautiful English love. An English woman is often referred to as an English Rose.

The roses is not only famous for its romantic connotations but have been used in more aggressive situations. Two famous families in England have a rose as part of their families symbolism. The Lancaster's emblem is red rose and The York's use white roses in their coat of arms.

One of Britain's dominant parties is symbolized by red rose. (The Labor Party).

Rose tattoo designs have been used as a sign of masculinity. They are not just for women. Take the famous rock band Guns And Roses. Each of its members wears a rose incorporated with a gun.

Meanings Of Color

The color of rose tattoo designs will have a different meaning for the person who wears it. Here is something you may not have been aware of:

Red- symbolizes loveliness and pureness, often in the form of a single bud

Dark red- unconscious beauty

Light Pink- represents understanding and sweetness

Pink- will convey friendship, grace, appreciation, gentle ness and happiness

Yellow- this color will symbolize joyfulness, happiness, apologetic or jealousy on some level

Lavender- will represent fascination

Coral- will show desire

Gold- indicates achievement or prosperity

Blue- will represent impossibility

Black- is traditional to show sorrow, death and loss

You can use color to represent your birth month as well. Whatever color you choose can have special meaning for you on some level. The above list is a reference of traditional meaning for you to use as a guide.

Some use rose tattoo designs as a way to identify family members. Much like a family tree, by creating a bouquet of different colored buds, each bud represents a different family member according to their birth month color.

Other popular rose tattoo designs consist of the arm band which incorporates veining rose buds encircling the bicep. Ankle designs are also popular. Some have virtual rings tattooed on the fingers.

There are many ways to incorporate a rose into body art. For a masculine touch on a guy, a snake curled around a dagger sticking out of a rose bush has been popular.

The options are endless, but think about what rose tattoo designs mean to you on a personal level. Remembering a loved one who has passed on or simply because you adore this breed of flower, perhaps even grow them in your garden. I have seen a person take a photo of a beautiful rose they grew and have it tattooed to remember the perfect flower they grew.

Whatever your reason, rose tattoo designs are a mark of beauty and growing in popularity.

Do Cross Skull Tattoos Symbolize Fear, Danger, and Death?

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

The real meaning of cross skull tattoos have been misunderstood for a long time. Depending on how these tattoos are used, they have a wide variety of symbolic meanings. Skull designs are a universal symbol and can mean anything from a religious, political, or simply just an artistic expression.

If you want to stand out then a skull tattoo is a design you should go for because it represents a certain degree of individuality. A skull tattoo which is highly decorated with an original blend of color are popular among women. These colorful tattoos are meant to honor someone who died and represent a celebration of that person's life. This is one of the few instances that a skull tattoo is seen as a positive image.

Frequently skull tattoos are seen as dark and threatening tattoo images. To many people these images represent fear, death, and danger, but rarely do these people know the true meaning behind these tattoos. These tattoos were not originally designed to represent these negative things. Instead they were originally used to represent a symbol of change. Traditionally the skull tattoo was related to a great change but over time these tattoos were eventually used to express person's dark side.

Either way, skull tattoos have become increasingly popular and none more popular than the cross skull tattoo design. These tattoos are also known as crossbones tattoos. These are one of the best known skull designs and its image usually has a black flag as the background. These tattoos can be modified to adapt many different characteristics. Other cross skull tattoos include the flaming skull or the skull with crossbones and a pirate's flag.

5 Trendy Custom Tattoo Designs

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Visible tattoos on your body reflect an important aspect of your personality. This is the reason that different people opt for different tattoo styles, sizes and colors. Some like big, bold tattoos that are very visible while some go for intricate designs strategically placed on their body. Though many people like to get a traditional tattoo done, there are a few hot trends that you can follow if you want to get a custom tattoo designs inked on your body.

1. One of the hottest trends in custom tattoo designs is Japanese designs. These tattoos have been around for quite a while now and have gained popularity among tattoo enthusiasts. The most crucial things in getting a Japanese design is finding an expert and skilled designer who can offer quality work for these types of custom tattoo designs. Dragons, samurais, koi fish, and Japanese (or Asian) writing, or text, for such things as love, strength, peace, and any number of other meaningful sayings are some of the most popular Japanese tattoos.

2. Another trend that is picking up quite well is the retro theme in tattoos. These include the 1940s and 1950s great American symbols and classics. Tattoo experts can suggest you some of the old-fashioned pin-up models, panthers, eagles, and other symbols as tattoos that take you back to those times. If you find the right designer to do your custom tattoo design, there is a lot of scope to represent your choice in your personal style. Check the online websites for the best deals.

3. Arabic and Celtic tattoo designs are also becoming very popular these days, especially in Hollywood. They are simplistic yet tasteful. These include one word tattoos, foreign language tattoos, or tattoos of poems or particular sayings and proverbs. Any custom tattoo design that features writing or letters as the main part is currently one of the hottest growing trends in the market. Let the simplicity of your saying define your custom design tattoo.

4. Something for the ladies. One of the fastest growing trends in custom tattoo design for the ladies are flowers. They are delicate and feminine and each flower has a history behind it that can be used to express one's feelings. Find an experienced and a knowledgeable designer to help you find the right design that expresses who you are and suits your body style the best. What's more, choosing vibrant colors and adding vines and stems can give you an incredibly feminine looking custom tattoo design. Let your imagination run wild on this one as you have a lot of options to choose from.

5. There is another popular style in custom tattoo designs that is hard to explain, but is really cool and exciting to look at. It is called the Ambigram. An Ambigram is made by aligning words in an extremely creative manner. The design is then tattooed on the body with such a style that if you see it from a different angle, if looks and means special every time. However, it takes a good, creative tattoo artist to design and ink a nice looking Ambigram tattoo.

You can check the online tattoo sites to know more about any of these styles of custom tattoo designs.

Tattoo Machines Are a Safe Way to Apply Tattoos

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Tattoo guns are the machines that are used to create and apply tattoos. These guns are also referred to as tattoo machines. They have been used for years to create stylish and beautiful pieces of body art. Today, tattoo machines are used in shops and parlors around the world.

The tattoo gun was invented in the 1870s. It was invented by the famous inventor Thomas Edison. But it was not intended to be used as a tattoo machine. Edison intended the machine to be used as an engraving machine. However, in the 1890s another inventor found that Edison's gun could be used as a machine to introduce ink into a person's skin for tattooing. Thus, the first tattoo gun was created.

Since its creation in the late 1800s, tattoo guns have gone through a process of modernization. Guns today now use electromagnets. Electromagnets allow the tattoo artist to control the tattoo process. The artist can control the depth of the tattoo needle, the speed of the needle and the force of the tattooing process. They are an effective and precise way to create and apply a tattoo of any size.

Tattoo machines or guns are made in different sizes. Some machines are meant to apply one color and other machines can be used to apply multiple colors. Regardless of the size and use of a tattoo gun the right care and maintenance is important. Guns that are maintained and cared for properly will produce high quality and beautiful tattoos.

Some people choose to make a tattoo gun at home. A homemade gun can actually be made rather easily. However, unless a tattoo machine is made properly it can be very dangerous. Both tattoo and medical professionals do not recommend the use of a homemade tattoo gun.

Tattoo machines are the modern way to apply tattoos. Before the invention of tattoo machines tattoos were applied by hand. Hand applied tattoos often looked sloppy. The designs were not as accurate as they could have been. Plus, the tattooing process was usually not very safe. Some people who received a tattoo ended up with skin problems or other infections.

Once the tattoo machine was invented incidents of problems related to tattoos decreased tremendously. Tattoo guns created a sterile application process for tattoos, at least when they were used properly. Even today tattooing is not one hundred percent safe. Artists need to be trained in appropriate sterilization and use of tattoo supplies. Appropriate training will always ensure a safe and healthy tattoo application process.

Tattoo machines can be sold separately and they are often sold in tattoo kits. Guns that are sold in tattoo kits are a great choice for small tattoo shops or beginning artists that are learning the trade and art of tattooing. Tattoo kits often include other items besides guns. These items include inks and other items that an artist needs to successfully operate a tattoo gun and complete the tattooing process.

Back of the Neck Tattoos - Finding Boat Loads of Great Artwork

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

Any back of neck tattoos you're thinking about getting will be very visible. This is not a good place to get inked with a generic design that you don't even fully like. So many people are doing exactly this, though, just because they couldn't find the sites that have original, higher quality designs. If you're having this problem also, here's the instant fix for pulling up amazing back of neck tattoos.

This has more to do with finally getting to the bigger, higher quality artwork sites out there. It doesn't matter which style of tattoo you prefer. It's just that back of neck tattoos are usually so prominent, that it easily falls into the category of "needed" the best artwork. With that said, 90% of the population could avoid so much of the generic, cookie cutter designs if they just stayed away from search engines. They should never really be used to locate good artwork galleries, because none of them are coming up in their search results. None.

Since so many people keep using them, though, so it's no wonder why tons of folks are settling on generic tats. Most of them regret ever putting such a cookie cutter piece on their body in a couple of years, too. Don't worry about that now, because there's a quick fix for this. All you need to do is head over to any bigger forum you happen to see. It will be your fast and easy way to find sites that have crisp, well drawn back of neck tattoos.

How is this possible? It's possible because these big sites have huge archive sections, which are littered with various topics about tattoo art. This is golden, because so many of the topics are filled with valuable info, including tons of posts where artwork lovers talk about the names and links of the great galleries they have run across lately. It's this type of hidden gallery that will have back of neck tattoos that aren't in the least bit generic. Unlike the bland stuff you find in the first 10 pages of search results.

Back of neck tattoos can be a wonderful choice if the right artwork is chosen, so make sure it happens.

The Truth Behind Flower Tattoo Designs

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

Flower tattoo designs are actually quite popular among women simply because they can be quite beautiful and they are a great way to express one's femininity. Since the world is full of many different flowers, each flower tattoos symbolizes something different. Regardless of whether you want a tattoo that reminds you of something in your life, or design that marks a new chapter in your life, then a flower tattoo design is a great way to accomplish this. There is plenty of artistic freedom associated with flower tattoos which allows them to be made into something that is unique to you. Here are some of the most common flower tattoo art and their meanings so you can choose the one that means the most to you.

First and one of the most popular is the rose. Many of the old school flower designs incorporate some form of a rose. If you prefer more of an old school flower tat design some roses on their own can accomplish this task. Flower tattoos that include roses are commonly known as one of the more attractive tattoos with red being the most popular color in this flower tattoo design. You also have the option to choose from roses that are in full bloom or rose buds that are most commonly used to symbolize youth and beauty. Some of the most popular colors are pink which represents grace and admiration, red for love and passion and while represents eternal love and innocence. Red is one of the most common colors for this flower design but you are free to choose any color you would like to make this design unique to you.

Second on the popularity scale are cherry blossoms. This flower is very popular in flower tattoo designs and they are commonly seen in Asian style. If you are looking for a flower tat art that flatters a woman's curves than this would be the one since a woman's body, particularly the back, is the perfect canvas for these delicate flowers. In China the cherry blossom symbolizes love and female beauty, while they symbolize the short and sweet nature of life in Japan. The pink color of this flower tattoo design also makes it popular with women.

Third is the lotus flower. This flower tat design is also quite popular and it symbolizes purity. The lotus holds deep meaning in both Buddhism and Eastern culture because a lotus flower has the seeds, roots and petals all at the same time. This flower tattoo design works well in either color or black and white.

Lastly, and no less popular is the lily. While the lily may not be as common as the others in flower tattoos, it is still rich in meaning. The lily can represent innocence, purity, happiness, and even prosperity depending on the type and color of the lily that is chosen.

These are just a few of the most popular flower tattoo designs. As with any other tattoo design, take your time when choosing your flower tat design and you are sure to find at least one that is the best possible expression of you.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

The Sleeve tattoos are becoming increasingly popular amongst men these days and is probably due to the increasing number of celebrity males getting this sort of ink done. A sleeve tattoo can be described as a tattoo which wraps around the upper part of the arm from shoulder to elbow. This is some times referred to as a half-sleeve tattoo while a tattoo which wraps around the arm and extends all the way down to the wrist is known as a full sleeve tattoo. If the tattoo starts from the elbow area to the wrist then this is called a quarter sleeve tattoo.

These types of tattoos mean you are making a bold statement due to there size and complexity. This means you will need to have a through consultation with a tattoo artist you know has a good reputation for going this type of tattoo. This is not a small girly tattoo to get.

It is essential find out the time and cost for a sleeve tattoo. The time taken will depend on the complexity of the design. The longer it takes will of course mean more cost to you. You must discuss this with your tattoo artist. A typical sleeve tattoo is done over a number of sessions which last about two hours. A full sleeve design are done over multiple sessions and may involve over twenty hours of work.

Popular sleeve tattoo designs include -

  • Tribal Tattoo Sleeve - These look fantastic from a distance due to their bold dark lines.
  • Flame Tattoo Sleeve - The most extravagant of flames start from the wrist area then up along the forearm over the shoulder and down one half of the body.
  • Japanese Designs - The Japanese are known for their detailed designs and have deep symbolic meanings. At the same time they are exceptionally beautiful. They make an excellent choice for a full sleeve tattoo.
  • Celtic Sleeve Tattoos - The intricate knot work of Celtic designs often make a great design. They usually have a load of detail in the interweaving lines.

Please remember that you should not ever get a tattoo because you spotted your favourite celebrity with a sleeve design you thought was great. You should instead find a design that appeals to you by doing you own research. It should have a powerful and symbolic meaning to yourself only.

Sleeve Tattoos - Why Sleeve Tattoo Designs Are So Great

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

Sleeve tattoos have become immensely popular among both male and female tattoo enthusiasts. The term 'sleeve tattoo' refers to a tattoo design that runs a significant length down the arm. The majority of sleeve tattoos cover either half of the arm or the whole arm. Half sleeve designs generally cover the skin between the elbow and upper arm, or between the elbow and wrist. Ultimately though, the area that a sleeve design covers is completely up to the individual.

In addition to being incredibly flexible in terms of size and positioning on the arm, sleeve tattoos can also be extended to other body areas. For example, some people ink incredibly striking designs that extend right up to the top of the shoulder, and then down the shoulder blade and back, or down the chest. While some people plan such large designs in advance, many people start with a smaller design, such as a half sleeve tattoos, and then keep adding to the original design over time.

Tribal and Celtic design styles tend to be the most popular options for sleeve tattoos. Both of these design styles tend to be composed of bold patterns and iconography, usually inked in black. Such designs tend to be fairly easy to extend, which explains why many people end up with such elaborate Tribal and Celtic tattoos, often incorporating a full sleeve design into a larger design.

Sleeve tattoos are a great choice for people who work for an employer with a no tattoo policy due to the ease with which they can be hidden. Wearing a long sleeve sweater or shirt will completely cover a design inked on the arm. Away from work, sleeve designs can be shown off to the world by wearing short sleeve t-shirts, vests, or by not wearing a shirt at all. For people like to show off their ink at the gym, or during the summer months, sleeve tattoos provide an excellent option.

In summary, sleeve tattoos are incredibly striking and provide tattoo enthusiasts with enormous flexibility in terms of size, positioning and the possibility of future extension. If you are strongly considering getting a tattoo, I recommend taking your time choosing a design that you really love, and that really has some significance to you and your life. Take the time to browse through as much high quality tattoo art as possible in order to build up a selection of designs that you really love. It is upsetting to think that so many people end up regretting their tattoos because they did not take the time to plan properly.

Tribal Skull Tattoo - Tips on Your New Ink!

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

So you've decided that you want a tribal skull tattoo. It's easy to see why you want a skull tattoo. The skull as a symbol carries a lot of meaning behind it. And just think about how menacing it will look. But there are some things you need to consider before you get such a permanent piece of artwork on your body.

Let me ask you this. I bet in researching your new tattoo you have already gone to Google images to find pictures. Don't you think other people have already done this? Do you want to end up with the same tattoo as someone else or do you want something unique? I know the reason that you are getting is tattoo is to stand out and be unique. So make sure you do your research before getting your new tattoo.

There are a lot of free galleries online dedicated to tribal tattoos. But I would highly recommend that you use a pay site because of the features that they offer. If a site is free everyone else is going to be using it. Paying for a site gives you access to great tattoo artists as well as a community of dedicated tattoo enthusiasts. You will also get access to an updated list of quality local tattoo artists. You want to find a tattoo artist that has experience and runs a clean shop. You are about to spend a lot of money and time, so do yourself a favor and do plenty of research before you get your new tribal skull tattoo.

The Meaning Behind Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

Flowers are one of nature's most beautiful creations and have reigned for centuries as messengers of love, friendship, gratitude and remembrance. That is why it would be no wonder that flower tattoos are one of the most sought after designs of all time. This tattoo design has a connection with nature, bringing up thoughts and images of life and vitality.

Flower tattoos are common with women since generally, they are an expression of one's beauty and femininity. However, it should also be noted that a lot of men go with flower designs as well with cherry blossom and rose as being one of their top choices. Other popular flower tattoos are the Hawaiian flower called hibiscus, lotus and tulips.

Various colors and flowers on tattoos will symbolize different things. White flower tattoos symbolize purity, while red flower tattoos can symbolize a burning passion. Yellow rose can stand for jealousy while violet flowers can mean as someone who is shy and timid. There are many colors and designs available, giving plenty of meaning to those desiring flower tattoos.

Roses are the most common flower design for tattoos and have been tagged as symbols of love and passion. The lotus flower is another popular design especially with women and it stands for absolute truth and purity. Lotus tattoos are also known to symbolize fortune, peace, beauty, and goodness. The hibiscus which is the state flower of Hawaii is another famous flower tattoo. It is a symbol of delicate beauty and it is believed that a gift of hibiscus might suggest "seize the opportunity". Cherry blossom another fragile flower is thought of as a symbol of feminine strength and love. It can also represent a fleeting moment in one's life with its petals blossoming only for a few days.

Flowers with their natural beauty and essence will always be an interesting tattoo designs. They can be inked large or small and as bold as you wish them to be. No matter which flower you decided to use with your tattoo, you can always rely on it to express the statement you want to convey.

The Skull Tattoo - Make a Dramatic Statement With This Design!

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

Of all the the tattoos one can have inked on their body, the skull design makes one of the most dramatic statements. What is it about this particular design that makes people want to make it a permanent part of their body? Is it merely the aura of death or are there more sinister meanings behind it?

While the skull has been tattooed on the human body for centuries, most people are not sure why it has always been one of the main choices when it comes to tattoo design. Let's explore some of the most common meanings behind this symbol.

Death. This is probably the most obvious connection with the skull. When one sees a skull the first thought is that of the dead and dying. The skull tattoo design can mean mortality. In this context one can symbolize the fact that none of us "are going to get out of here alive". It could also mean immortality. The challenge to beat mortality, to live forever, look death in the face and walk away. Either way, the tattoo design suggests strength against the oppressor and a display of ones feelings towards death. The Nazi's used the skull on their hats and badges as a symbol to fear death. Bikers often use the skull tattoo design to symbolize cheating death.

The Jolly Roger. Often associated with the flag flown on pirate ships. The flag, usually a black background with a white skull and two long, white human bones crossed under the skull, was actually used by at least four infamous pirates of the day. The pirates used it to show their lawlessness and total disregard for rules as a way of instilling fear in those they attacked. Today, this design symbolizes rebellion and sometimes to instill fear. Some military units have used this design as a symbol of victory or strength.

Skull and Bones. The skull and bones symbol is similar to the Jolly Roger. It appears almost the same but is missing the lower jaw bone. This design is used by any number of "secret societies". Of course the Yale secret society, Skull And Bones, comes to mind but the Illuminati as well as the Freemasons also have used this design. The exact meanings behind these symbols are mostly known only to the society itself.

No matter what your particular reason is for tattooing this design on your body, make sure the design accurately represents your desire. They can be whimsical, sinister, angry, crystal, decorated, smiling, laughing, breathing fire, you name it. Take the time to choose the correct image - you will be happy for a long time.

Japanese Tattoo Designs and Their Meaning

Japanese Tattoo Designs and Their Meaning

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Japanese Tattoo

If you live in the western part of the world, I am sure you are fascinated with the Japanese culture from the east. Having the unique and awesome type of art, Japanese tattoos are widely admired and seen as a flexible tattoo design.

You can actually choose from the Japanese characters or the symbols with certain meanings. Popular designs like that of the typical Japanese house during the Meiji era, faces of some excellent representations of samurais, the ever famous "Sakura" flower, dragons and fire with a Kanji symbols with them are still in style.

Don't know exactly what these things are? Well, if this is your first research in choosing a Japanese tattoo then you have to read all your researches carefully so you could choose the right tattoo for you. Continue reading and know more about the Japanese tattoo perfect for you.

If you prefer a simple but striking Japanese tattoo, a Kanji character is just right. Japanese writing is in two forms, Hiragana and Katakana. The cursive way of writing is Hiragana, which is most popular among women, and the simpler type is Katakana. Both of these styles of writing descended from Kanji. Kanji are the characters that came from China which are also used in the modern Japanese art of writing.

Aside from that, the ancient or traditional Japanese house is also another possibility. The houses are built with that remarkable scale-looking rooftop, wooden walls with a thin paper-designed sliding doors and large stone footpath leading to the front door. Typically, traditional houses have great landscapes outside their territories. Bamboo trees are often seen in the surroundings.

This bamboo tree can solely be another Japanese tattoo design for you. If you tend to be closer to nature, Sakura flower is the trademark of the Japanese culture. The tree bears eye-catching flowers and it is indeed magnetizing.

For a strong-willed type of person, images of a samurai or even the sword alone can give you the right attitude. In Japanese history, the art of tattooing is also prevalent in the old times. This is a sign of bravery and belongingness to a certain group. But then, tattoos became out of the picture that Japanese use tattoo for criminals.

They brand them with these markings to give an identification of a wrongdoer. As a result, these people bearing tattoos formed a gang that became known as the yakuzas.

Sounds great, right? It's time you decided from those varieties of tattoos mentioned and feel the culture in the deepest of your skin. Choose well on the design for your tattoo means "Japanese forever".

Scorpion Tattoos - Are They For You?

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

Life gets boring for some. Doing the same old routines again and again every single day and looking the same and like everyone else all the time. Are you one of these people? Well, do not worry if you are as your problems will be solved today! Why not try getting a tattoo to change your boring and colorless life? What is a tattoo you may ask? Well, a tattoo is basically a design embedded on a person or animal's skin. They can range from being very small and simple to as large as the body with complex ideas. A tattoo procedure includes mixing the colors of choice, very sharp and pointed needles, a good design, a master tattoo artist, and of course, a willing soul - you!

The needle with the color is repeatedly inserted into the skin until the dermis or inner layer is reached by the needle. This then causes a permanent color embedded on your skin that would stay and not go away for years depending on care. Do take note however that some tattoos used with low-quality indelible ink may have a possibility of fading overtime.

Probably, one of the most in-demand tattoos of the century is the ever present scorpion tattoos. This type of animal tattoo gained its popularity way back in the ancient times where the scorpion symbolized power, authority, and masculinity. Originally, tattoos with scorpions were given to the male members of the tribe to help signify their strength and masculinity. This is because the scorpion is linked to the male sexuality before. Nowadays, modern society has caught up and a trend is seen in female tattoo enthusiasts to have one if not more tattoos with the scorpion as the sole focus.

Men that have scorpion tattoos on their body are said to be very macho and "strong" this can be true because most men that get this kind of design have big, large, and buff body. You would not want to get in a fight with them just like how you would avoid a contact with a scorpion. A scorpion's tail can sting and cause a lot of pain and so does the procedure of tattooing it into your skin. Due to the scorpion's intricate make-up and complex body, tattoo artists have labeled this animal as one of the most difficult to do. You have to have a really steady hand, a good understanding of the animal, and of course talent for the art. Female tattoo enthusiasts are slowly getting hooked to this design because they say that the scorpion empowers and ignites their inner sexuality, helping them to have more confidence and self-assurance.

Now, are you the type of person to get a tattoo design inspired by a very powerful animal? Yes, the scorpion is a small one but it is filled with so much power that you can be drowned in it so to speak. Scorpion inspired tattoos can represent you full but it can also ruin your reputation. The choice is yours. Always keep in mind that a tattoo is permanent and will most likely be with you for life so make sure that the tattoo design you are about to get is what you truly want.

The Symbolism of the Cross Tattoo Meaning

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

The cross tattoo meaning centers around the culture of its origins, the time frame of its original design, and the personality of the person who has one applied. While the cross tattoo symbolism is mainly regarded by people as being of religious origin, it actually has roots in the Pagan world. The cross tats meaning has a variety of origins; the people who choose them usually do so for the same reasons. Those reasons are based on religions, traditions, cultures, and simple liking of the intricate designs.

Latin Cross Tattoo

Cross tats meaning for those of the Christian Faith, centers on the crucifixion of Christ. His death on the cross, and resurrection are the backbone of their belief systems. The Latin cross skin image meaning forms around its structured design of three equal points of the cross placed on a long downward pointing point. This cross tattoo is usually depicted as rough wood, and is empty; unless the person chooses to add embellishments of a draped cloth, or a crown of thorns hanging from the top point. Sometimes the cross tattoo meaning is shown with the sign that declared Jesus the King of the Jews. Meaning of these tattoos is further carried out by depicting Christ still hanging on the cross; this is usually worn by more orthodox Doxology, such as those of the Catholic faith, and features a cross that is a crucifix.

Celtic Cross Tats

The Celtic cross tattoo is based on the Druidic version of the Pagan cross which pre-dates the Latin cross. The Celtic cross is designed with four equal points, on two cross names, with a circle placed at the crossing point. The four equal points stand for the natural elements of earth, wind, fire, and water, and the circle for the never-ending circle of life. The cross tattoo is based on the belief that the life and earth are entwined, and are natural in the elements of nature. They are considered a powerful protection symbol, which is doubled when a dragon is placed as a part of the Celtic Knots that form a design that runs through, around, and over the points. Like a maze of beautiful lines that have no beginning, and no end.

St.Andrews (Saltire) Cross Tats Symbolism

The meaning of the Sal-tire lays in the belief that St. Andrew the first called of the Disciples of Christ, did not feel worthy to be crucified on a cross like the one that bore Christ, so in 69 AD, he was crucified by the Roman's in Patras on a cross in the shape of an X. The Saltire, St. Andrews Cross, is the Flag of Scotland. In 832 AD, King Angus Mac Fergus was in a battle for North Umbria, and it is said St. Andrew appeared to Angus in a vision, and on the battlefield the next day a Saltire, the X shape cross appeared in the sky and spurred on the Scots, and Picts, and caused the other army to flee in fear. Thereafter the St.Andrews cross was the emblem of a free Scotland. The valiant courage of the Scottish people is depicted in the cross tats meaning of the St. Andrews cross.

No matter which cross tats explanation speaks to you, each one can be a thing of beauty when designed and applied by a true artisan of the art of tattooing.

Arm Sleeve Tattoo Ideas For Guys

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

Looking for the baddest ass arm sleeve tattoo? What do you think you are going to do, look up something on the internet and bring it to the tattoo shop? Do you not think EVERYONE has done that? If you really want the best arm sleeve tattoo, the best arm tattoo band, or a little something sweet for your shoulder, you need to do your research.

An arm sleeve tattoo or arm band tattoo is a serious commitment. Really, any tattoo should be well thought out, well planned, and most importantly, will executed. Give some thought to your tattoo design. Will your tattoo design hold special significance to you or are you just going for a cool look? Look into your heritage and check the tattoo designs from your ancient culture. Almost every culture has tattooing in its history. For instance, the extremely popular arm sleeve tribal tattoos are deeply rooted in different cultures.

Tribal tattoos were used in different cultures to separate the members of the tribe. They were used to distinguish between classes or rank within the tribe. Everyone in the tribe had some form of the tattoo. In most cultures, the tattoos were given in a ceremonial way, to celebrate the passage from childhood to adulthood.

It is widely thought that some of the most popular tribal arm sleeve and arm band tattoos have their roots in the Polynesian culture. The Samoans, the Maori, and the Hawaiians. The most detailed of these are the Maori. These tattoos are intricate and curvilinear in nature. They are based on the spiral which give them such powerful movement within the design. The design begins in the center and radiates out, forming beautiful curves that are filled with pattern. The tribal tattoos were carved into the skin and rubbed with ash. Maori tattoos were placed on the face, back, chest, and arms. The more important you were, the more tattooing you had.Modern tattooing is not nearly as painful and time consuming as getting your skin carved as with the Polynesian Cultures.

The Celtic cultures have also brought many and varied arm sleeve tattoo designs. Intricate knotwork, shields and crests adorned the ancient Celts. Like the Polynesian culture, the Celts also used arm tattoos and arm band tattoos to identify their clan and rank within that clan. The tattoos had meaning as a way of identifying members and also identifying who not to mess with.if you are looking for really colorful and detailed arm sleeve tattoo designs, check out the Asian cultures. The Japanese Culture has been doing full arm sleeves for centuries. They are beautiful and colorful. Most tell a story or have a theme.

If you are going to get a full arm sleeve, take time to have a good plan. Many people have their arm sleeve tattoos done in sections. Great tattoos are expensive and time consuming and if your design is very intricate, it may take several sittings to complete it. Do it the right way. Plan the entire arm sleeve tattoo, find a great tattooist, (you will pay for the best) and do it in sections if need be. An arm sleeve tattoo is a very large commitment, and a very visible spot, so make sure you get the best tattoo design, the best tattooist, and don't cheap up! Spend the dough on the design and the artist. You will never regret it.

Peace always

So, if you are looking for a culturally significant arm tattoo, research your past. Find a cool looking design and personalize it. Find some elements that you like and add to it.

Back of Neck Tattoos - Finding Quality Designs For Your Neck

Back of Neck Tattoos - Finding Quality Designs For Your Neck

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

The average internet surfer will spend about two days looking for back of neck tattoos before settling on one. This would be fine if most of these people where finding exactly what they wanted, but they aren't. Many are simply "settling" on something that looks half way decent, because they can't get a hold of the quality designs. Here's how to change that around and find the good back of neck tattoos available to you.

Before we get started, I just want to make one quick point. No sane person should "settle" on a tattoo. This is something, a piece of art, that will be inked on your body for the rest of your life. Why would you want something on your body that you don't 100% like? It just doesn't make sense. With that said, so many people continue to do this. One of the big reasons this continues to happen is because 95% of the general public will strictly use search engines to find back of neck tattoos.

Search engines are just terrible most of the time when it comes to showing you where the great galleries are that have quality designs. What you usually get is this huge, random list of low end places. These places are filled with a gigantic amount of generic, cookie cutter designs and not much else, even for back of neck tattoos. Many people think this is all they have to choose from and go ahead and "settle" on one of them, which his a shame.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's concentrate on the good part about locating quality back of neck tattoos. To do this, you need a good alternative to search engines. The best alternative is going to be internet forums. The larger forums around the web are absolutely great for finding out where people are finding some of the better, hidden tattoo galleries out there. The bigger forums are usually jam packed with past topics on the subjects about tattoo art, which his exactly what you need. Yo simply stick your head inside of these topics and get a quick peek at where people all over the world as coming up with superb artwork for their tattoo. You now have great places to look for back of neck tattoos and any other styles you might be looking for.

Wherever you wind up hunting for back of neck tattoos, take you time finding exactly what you want, because you just might thank yourself in the near future.

Scorpion Tattoos - Behind Their Meaning

Scorpion Tattoos - Behind Their Meaning

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

As a member of the arachnid family, the scorpion has a massive amount of species. While its beginnings aren't completely known, there is evidence that they are over 400 million years old. In Greek Mythology the scorpion represents the military-like readiness, seen in its quick bite and poisonous results. Constellations have been named after scorpions, and represented in Astrology. It's no wonder that many enthusiasts today desire obtaining scorpion tattoos.

Whether a representation of your zodiac sign, Scorpio, or as a reminder that death walks with us everyday, it's presence on your skin permanently is an everyday reminder of what the creature stands for.

A sense of power and healing come from the scorpions segmented body. Many believed that they represented healing and protection for the dead. Some cultures even believed that warriors were reincarnated as half-human half-scorpion to defeat their enemies with their combating expertise. It is also believed that this creature was the reason for the death of Orion, who is now seen in the constellations. Whatever your beliefs, this creature conveys death and life, pain and healing.

Many individuals get tattoos today and often enough the meanings behind their art run beyond skin deep. Mothers mark their bodies with permanent representations of their children, loved ones, or lost ones. The daily reminder seen on your body is, to some, a truer depiction of their love and admiration. Not to mention the honor involved. Pain inflicted by the tattooing needle, the time and effort into the creation of the art, all have a lasting affect physically and mentally. Some find solace and peace resulting from their body art.

Once the decision has been made to have a depiction of this arachnid on your body, a proper representation must be found. Online resources are the best to get an idea of what you want. The Zodiac sign Scorpio could be a choice, or battling creatures, poised and ready to strike, or rising from the ashes; the options are endless. With over 2,000 different species, you might want to look for a version that you are most familiar with. There are, however, different colors, shapes, and sizes to choose from.

Online research will prove to be your best bet when finding the right representation of the arachnid. Sometimes tattoo shops will allow you to bring in your own depiction you want, but they might not be able to get the representation correctly. Therefore, look into online sources, often requiring payment, for their printable and transferable images. Print and stencil, that's all you need to do! They are easily used in a parlor and you are sure to get an exact match. There is nothing worse than getting inked, and not liking the outcome. Removal is expensive, so that's why you need to make sure your decision is a correct one. Doing proper research will ensure this.

Now for the location of the tattoo; where will you put it? The ankle, lower back, upper arm, and hip are common choices, especially for women. If your true intention is to see it everyday, then placing it on your back might not be a good idea. Some employers might be weary of employing someone with multiple tattoos visible to the public. Thinking of your future career should be taken into account. Times are changing, however, and society is starting to recognize the art in the depictions and also the overall acceptance that millions have tattoos.

Getting scorpion tattoos on your body can be your constant reminder of peace, death, and healing. Be one of the millions to get inked, and join the club! Just make sure you decide on the right depiction, because you don't want to have to go through the process of removal. It's expensive, painful, and can leave hideous scaring.

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

The Scorpion is one intense little creature and not to be taken lightly and scorpion tattoos are one of the more intriguing choices of design!

Scorpion tattoo designs remain consistently popular around the world, being adorned by men and women throughout many different cultures. From traditional scorpion tribal tattoos designs in Africa, all the way to the Middle East and South East Asia. In Europe and the Americas scorpion tattoos are almost universally Tattooed alone, rather than being part of a larger, more ornate piece of artwork or set against a background of some type.

Scorpions are one of the planets most evolutionarily successful creatures, with over 2000 different species currently on record. Thought to have originated over 430 million years ago, firstly as sea dwellers, before making their way onto land by clutching onto rocky shorelines or dredged seaweed with their powerful claw like appendages.

Scorpion tattoos are sure to attract attention wherever you may roam. They are versatile enough to be interpreted in a number of ways visually and literally. A Scorpion can be seen as either a ward against evil spirits, a spiritual guardian, a symbol of Astrology, protection or as a powerful warning to those who would harm you. By many peoples reckoning, a Scorpion is a creature to be respected or feared.

As with any tattoo, the meaning you decide to attach to it is entirely personal. The scope for interpretation of the Scorpion is wide, varied and steeped in history.

Scorpion tattoos uses as an Astrological Symbol
Astrology states that those whose birthdays fall between the dates of Oct 23rd to Nov 21st are said to be 'Scorpios,' which is the 8th sign in the Zodiac. Traditionally the planet Mars is thought to be the ruler of this Star Sign, and the general personality traits of a person born throughout this period are said to be known for their sharp minds and shrewd intellects. Scorpios are also effective puzzle solvers and counsellors, and have an uncanny knack for getting behind the true meaning of a situation or event.

Scorpios tend to be extremely intuitive. Which can make them compassionate and understanding or come across cruel and vindictive, as they are easily able to single out a persons weak points.

The other aspect that they are known for is their extremism. Tending to be 'all or nothing' risk takers and masters of their own destiny.

It is for these reasons that people choose to express themselves with Scorpio tattoo designs.

Meanings of Scorpion Tattoos
The exact meaning of Scorpion tattoos differs around the world. However the overarching belief that is held both in the East and Western hemispheres is that a Scorpion tattoo acts as a guard against bad luck, as well as affording protection to the wearer.

Its reputation within both human society and the animal kingdom in general as a feared and powerful creature also gives the Scorpion a level of respect that few other creatures of its size can command so universally Scorpions have also featured in myths and legends throughout time. In ancient Egypt for example, the Goddess Isis had two giant Scorpions that acted as bodyguards.

In Tibet, Scorpions were embossed onto the hilts of swords, wheel-charms and woodblock prints as a protective charm. In fact, wearing a Scorpion Amulet is said to serve as protection against bad luck and will keep those who wish to do you harm at bay. This age old tradition continues even in today's modern times.

The Scorpions powerful pincers and potentially deadly sting have also led it to be perceived by some as a sinister creature. Someone who is said to be envious or willing to double cross you is said to have 'A sting in the tail.'

Standing opposite to this view, Scorpions are also said by some to be guardians of gateways to the underworld or tombs of Kings long passed.

As you can see, The symbolism of the Scorpion is powerful in itself - and its fearsome reputation proceeds it worldwide. Scorpion tattoos look great in simple outlines, block colors or as shaded pieces.

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