Skull Tattoos |
Of all the the tattoos one can have inked on their body, the skull design makes one of the most dramatic statements. What is it about this particular design that makes people want to make it a permanent part of their body? Is it merely the aura of death or are there more sinister meanings behind it?
While the skull has been tattooed on the human body for centuries, most people are not sure why it has always been one of the main choices when it comes to tattoo design. Let's explore some of the most common meanings behind this symbol.
Death. This is probably the most obvious connection with the skull. When one sees a skull the first thought is that of the dead and dying. The skull tattoo design can mean mortality. In this context one can symbolize the fact that none of us "are going to get out of here alive". It could also mean immortality. The challenge to beat mortality, to live forever, look death in the face and walk away. Either way, the tattoo design suggests strength against the oppressor and a display of ones feelings towards death. The Nazi's used the skull on their hats and badges as a symbol to fear death. Bikers often use the skull tattoo design to symbolize cheating death.
The Jolly Roger. Often associated with the flag flown on pirate ships. The flag, usually a black background with a white skull and two long, white human bones crossed under the skull, was actually used by at least four infamous pirates of the day. The pirates used it to show their lawlessness and total disregard for rules as a way of instilling fear in those they attacked. Today, this design symbolizes rebellion and sometimes to instill fear. Some military units have used this design as a symbol of victory or strength.
Skull and Bones. The skull and bones symbol is similar to the Jolly Roger. It appears almost the same but is missing the lower jaw bone. This design is used by any number of "secret societies". Of course the Yale secret society, Skull And Bones, comes to mind but the Illuminati as well as the Freemasons also have used this design. The exact meanings behind these symbols are mostly known only to the society itself.
No matter what your particular reason is for tattooing this design on your body, make sure the design accurately represents your desire. They can be whimsical, sinister, angry, crystal, decorated, smiling, laughing, breathing fire, you name it. Take the time to choose the correct image - you will be happy for a long time.