Back of the Neck Tattoos - Locate Higher Quality Artwork Right Away

Back Piece Tattoos
Back Piece Tattoos

The sizes, shapes and personal preferences of back of neck tattoos will change from person to person. Everybody has one thing in common, though. We want fresh, high quality artwork. 90% of people never find those galleries, though, and instead wind up at tons of places that post hideous, cookie cutter images and generic designs.

This is not something you have to settle for. Nothing is worst than hopping onto your computer and spending the next four hours picking through the same type of generic tattoo art. This is exactly what happens to most of us, though. Why? Because as a whole, we are too reliant on search engines. It's always our main way to find websites and even tattoo galleries. The bad part is that it won't work and the lists will be full of sites that have nothing but cookie cutter back of neck tattoos. It happens all the time.

Search engines always leave out the bigger, higher quality artwork galleries when you use one to look for back of neck tattoos. There's a quick way to reverse this trend, though. You do it by using the strengths of forums. Large forums to be more exact. It might seem like an odd ball way of finding good artwork, but I assure you, it's a piece of cake. It's a piece of cake because all the info you need is tucked inside of the archive section. Hundreds of tattoo related topics are available to read through here, which instantly lead you to sites that are sure to post amazing back of neck tattoos.

If you skim through just a small portion of them, you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find. All types of posts have valuable info, which includes many posts that contain info on where other tattoo enthusiasts have recently found loads of amazing artwork. People are constantly sharing this sort of knowledge, because they also know how difficult it can be to find a gallery like that. You now have a direct path to galleries with back of neck tattoos that are far better than the generic junk you usually sift through. It's that simple.

The cookie cutter back of neck tattoos can be left for the people who don't care about the kind of art they ink on their body.

Smell The Scent Of Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

The women of today have no qualms about going under the knife for vanity's sake. They are not scared of knives. Neither are they with needles. Tattooing is increasingly getting popular among women as more and more female celebrities flaunt their body accessories in the form of tattoos. What makes it so popular?

Tattooing is a form of self-expression. In this era, women have their say on just about anything and they have the freedom to do what they like. Unlike before when tattoos on women were looked down upon by society, it is now something women can be proud of. Tattoos mean strength, power, beauty and sensuality. And these are the things that women want.

Women generally favor more colorful, fun, and intricate tattoo designs such as butterflies, fairies, and flower tattoos which is probably the most sellable among women especially the younger ones. These tattoo designs bring out the beauty and sensuality in them. But there are men who also wear flower tattoos and this commonly symbolizes someone close to their hearts and may even be accompanied with a name or initials of that woman.

Flower tattoos come in all forms, colors and sizes. The size would depend on the person wearing the tattoo. Whether she want it to be small, cute and inconspicuous and sexy, or big and obvious to prove a point or make a statement, is totally up to her because tattoos also spell freedom.

Any flower design that you think of can be made into a tattoo. The rose is undeniably one of the most popular flower tattoos to date. But any flower that you want can be recreated into a tattoo by a talented tattoo artist. Different flowers have different symbolisms. Here are a list of common flower tattoos and their meanings:

Baby's breath: Innocence, everlasting love

Bells of Ireland: Good luck

Carnation: Luck, health, affection, true love, woman

Chrysanthemum: Truth, cheerfulness, optimism, peace

Daffodil: Respect, new beginnings, happiness

Daisy: Innocence, purity, loyalty

Dandelion: Faithfulness, wishes come true

Forget-Me-Not: Remembrance, hope, true love

Freesia: Innocence

Gladiolus: Beauty, infatuation, strength

Hibiscus: Delicate beauty

Hyacinth: Playfulness, carefree

Iris: Wisdom, friendship, faith, valor

Jasmine: Sensuality, elegance, wealth

Lavender: Devotion

Lilac: Confidence

Lily: Wealth, innocence, modesty

Magnolia: Dignity, beauty, love of nature

Orchid: Rare beauty, refinement, long life, many children

Primrose: Youthfulness, love

Rosemary: Remembrance, hope, purity

Sunflower: Adoration, loyalty, luck

Tulip: Fame, beauty, love, charity

Violet: Faithfulness, innocence, modesty, calm

Weeping willow: Remembrance, affection, friendship

The color of the flower used in the tattoo could also determine its meaning. A rose, for instance, means femininity, eternal love and beauty; but a dark crimson or black rose could mean death or deep sorrow. You can research for the different meanings of different flower tattoos before you get one for yourself unless it has a personal meaning to you.

A tattoo is a personal thing; whether you want flower tattoos or any design you want or the meaning you want to convey is determined solely by the person who will wear them, you. If you want to express something though a tattoo, go ahead. If you want to get one as an accessory or to raise your sexiness level up one notch, no one's stopping you. It is your prerogative. Nothing beats the smell of freedom.

Cross Tattoos Designs - What Do They Mean?

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

What's the first thing that comes into your mind when you saw the figure cross? Well, crosses have different meanings in life. As the most popular religious symbol, the cross has been used in all types of Christian faith. After so many years until now, the symbol cross is already present and now seen in may tattoo parlors by means of cross tattoos designs. Despite of the various designs present in the modern age, still cross remains to be the main-stream among tattoo artists.

What's in cross design tattoos that you can't find with other designs? It's about the sentiment made by several ancient generations. Since then, the art of tattooing has been performed by Ainu tribe in Japan. And from generation to generation, tattooing becomes a part of fashion. You may think that tattoos are just simple form of decorations in the body, but would you believe tattoos have its real meaning?

If you will base the statement in the bible, cross is a figure that portrayed Jesus Christ's suffering against roman soldiers and Pontius Pilate. In other words, cross symbolizes pain and suffering. But above all love. According to the bible, Jesus Christ sacrifices in the sake of many, because he loves humankind.

Iron cross tattoos

Have you even seen a man who has an iron cross tattoo in his chest? Is it just part of his fashion or is there an alternative meaning? Well, Iron cross is a simple yet striking figure which has been used commemorate Germany's Armed Forces for gaining the triumph against France. Among cross tattoos designs, iron cross has the simplest design. This form of cross figure symbolizes power and sometimes mistaken and called
Maltese cross.

Rebel flag tattoos

Rebel flag tattoos southern location of its users. In English term rebel cross is known as Southern Cross which is named after the constellation found in the southern hemisphere, often known as Crux Australis.

Celtic cross tattoos

Celtic is the most popular among cross tattoos designs. Celtic cross design tattoos are usually seen at the back or in arms of men. This form of cross involves different designs including circles, curves and spirals. The circle in the middle of the cross represents that halo of Jesus Christ and also interpreted as God's eternal love.

Crosses have different meanings depends on how you look upon it. Whether you're a member of Christian religion or just want to enjoy cross tattoos, it is important to choose attractive designs when getting inked.

Meaning of Skull Tattoos - Skull Tattoo Pictures

Meaning of Skull Tattoos - Skull Tattoo Pictures

Skull Tattoos
Skull Tattoos

A recent phenomenon in tattoo designs is the use of skulls and dungeons. The skull design symbolizes many meanings one of them being the termination of one's life. But besides that, skull designs can also be understood as rigid or tough. Over the years the perception of a skull is synonymous to danger. But the world of tattooing has given it a different meaning.

This transition has lead to the emergence of various kinds of skull designs. The first one to be dealt with is the girly skull design. Skulls earlier were usually worn by men. But the world of unisexual items has created a lot of items both common for man and women, the skull design has got a different look just by making it more feminine. In this a bow could be added on the design to add a extra girly touch. The color combination adopted should be in accordance with the colors which are most likely accepted by girls like pink and purple. This tattoo design is used by committed couples where the tattoos are the same but it has varying sexes.

Secondly, in Mexico sugar tattoos are used extensively to emphasize two very important days that are celebrated i.e. 1st November which is mourning day for deaths of young children throughout the year and 2nd November which is mourning day for the adults. In Mexico these designs are used which pictures, a skull like design that signifies the immortality or also the revival of life. Another form of skulls is the decorated form. In this the design does not reflect a gothic touch rather a friendly or a happy touch. Skull is usually associated with a scary picture but in the decorated form the skull is accompanied with flowers, butterflies and other forms of nature to make it more attractive. Skulls can be also merged with other forms and designs i.e. we provide an extra element to the design. The skull can be depicted in a dragon form with wings, or a head of a skull and the body of a snake.

The Mormon Tattoo & Piercing Controversy

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

For many years tattoos and decorative piercings weren't a real issue for members of the Mormon Church. Until the year 2000, there was only one reference to tattooing in all of Mormon teaching and that was in the 1965 unofficial personal publication Mormon Doctrine by Mormon Apostle, Bruce R. McConkie. It states; "Tattooing is a desecration of the human body and should not be permitted, unless all that is involved is the placing of a blood type or an identification number in an obscure place. Latter-day Saint servicemen in particular are counseled to avoid the pitfalls of tattooing. Persons who are tattooed are not, however, denied the ordinances and blessings of the temple."

In the October 2000 General Conference the first of many "councils" against tattooing was announced.

"We--the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve--have taken the position, and I quote, that "the Church discourages tattoos. It also discourages the piercing of the body for other than medical purposes, although it takes no position on the minimal piercing of the ears by women for one pair of earrings." President Gordon B. Hinckley

At the time my husband and I were very active, temple recommend holding members of the church and had been operating a tattoo studio without any prejudice for many years. We were never treated poorly or shunned by the members of our Ward or Stake. Our Stake President's wife more than once brought her children to our studio to get tattoos. It was such a non issue that one of the ways I billed myself in advertising was Kita Kazoo the Mormon Girl Tattoo Artist.

Since then we both have been subjected to many discussions and debates on the right or wrong of getting and doing tattoos and piercings. At first I would defend my choice of profession using the scriptures, but eventually I got tired of it and began asking those who questioned me to explain to me, what horrible thing would happen in our society if everyone had a tattoo? After all, sins are those things that violate the golden rule and keep us from loving one another, not things such as, what clothing we wear or how we do our hair.

Now, 8 years later the whole subject of tattoos and piercings has in my opinion gotten out of hand. Now it is not so surprising to find that the local church authorities, such as bishops, stake presidents and temple presidents are taking it upon themselves to punish members who choose to get a tattoo. Not just in Utah, but all over the world. This has become such a big issue that people are leaving the church over it.

Some people who have tattoos are told not to take the sacrament and others are not allowed access to the temple. Some are being counseled to not marry those who have tattoos and piercings. As having been a 30+ year student of Mormonism and its history I feel that this behavior is not in line with the teachings of Mormonism or Christianity in any way.

Mormons aren't the only religion that superstitiously believes that tattoos are an evil and to be avoided as they supposedly will lead to worse sins. Many Christian Churches and Jewish Rabbi's do also. And there are good reasons for a religion to not want their flock to get tattoos or piercings.

Getting a tattoo not only changes the way you look but it also changes the way you think and feel about yourself. It is a clear message that you feel that you are the owner of your body and worse of all (to religious leaders), your mind!

Historically tattoos have been used as an expression of faith and commitment. One would think that getting a symbol of your beliefs tattooed on ones self would be encouraged. However, because of the recent history of American tattooing and the popularizations of tattooing, tattoos are being presented by the media and politicians as a dangerous amusement. It is not new for counter-culture decorations to be viewed as repulsive to many of the elders of our society.

When I heard at General Conference that President Gordon Hinckley (the current Mormon Church President) does not like tattoos and some piercings I was not surprised. The tattoos he has been exposed to in his youth were usually not very well done or artistic. Unlike today, tattooed people of his generation, especially in socially backwards Utah may have appeared attractive only to criminals or rough military men, not average everyday people with families and lives of good account.

To further the injury of one's personal opinion of fashion being stated as if it is a law from God, President Hinckley allows for one sort of permanent decorative change to ones appearance and not another, which seems hypocritical to me. Mr. Hinckley allows within the church for women to have their faces tattooed with permanent cosmetics and wear pierced earrings, (but one pair only - one in each ear) as those are socially acceptable with in his peer group.

I feel that these religious leaders are ignorant of tattoo history as a spiritual practice and generally trivialize tattoos and piercings as immoral and frivolous behaviors of rebellion because they do not want their followers to look like everyone else. It is a power game and nothing more. If they can control the way you look they will control the way you think and feel.

I suspect that the shunning of persons with tattoos and piercings is really a part of the whole elitist thought pattern of Mormonism in Utah. Those who have not done their homework are sure to believe that if you look like a Gentile (any non-Mormon) you will act like a Gentile, which means to Mormons that you are without God and are basically led by the Devil.

However it has been my experience that tattoos do not lead to sin. Being uninformed and willing to blindly follow without question is what leads to sin and personal disgrace.

If you are LDS and still considering a tattoo you should first be asking yourself these questions. Does my tattoo choice reflect my beliefs or will they distract from my message of who I am. Am I getting tattooed because I want to immortalize an event in my life, a belief or to rebel against the mainstream culture? Will this tattoo or piercing prevent me from being a good person? The answers to these questions will let you know if you are doing the right thing or reacting poorly to your society. It is my opinion that if you feel having a tattoo would be a healthy positive thing for you, then by all means exercise your own good judgment and free agency and get one.

Keep in mind that in reality "Tattooings are not only ornaments...they are not only emblems of nobility and symbols of rank in the social hierarchy: they are also messages fraught with spiritual and moral significance...not only to imprint a drawing onto the flesh but also to stamp onto the mind all the traditions and philosophy of the group."- Claude Lévi Strauss

Personally I believe that tattoos in and of themselves can not be evil and I don't believe that God cares one way or another if you have one or not, unless you got that tattoo to alienate and hurt other people. Then the real problem is how you feel towards your fellow men and not the tattoo in itself.

People have a right to decorate themselves how they want to. Some people like to put pictures on their bodies and some people don't. It is all a matter of personal taste. I feel it is wrong to subject my taste on others and I expect the same courteousness in return.

This attitude is healthy and normal. This is how it is in the big world where the Mormon lifestyle is not practiced by the majority. Wouldn't the world be great place if we could all mind our own lives and appreciate the good things out there instead of picking on others for being different?

You can do good or evil with everything on this earth. As a heavily tattooed person I have had many more opportunities to love and serve others through tattooing and having tattoos than before I had them. I have had to become more patient and tolerant. Especially have I had to learn to be more patient and tolerant with those who claim to be "spiritual leaders" as they put words in God's mouth rather than follow what they claim God has already spoken.

I have found that most people who have tattoos are more open and friendly towards others. I have found that for the most part people who wear tattoos are very nice people. There are a few people that I have met to whom their tattoos serve more as warning to stay away than an invitation to meet them. Which I feel is also a good thing as it has saved me a lot of time by helping me to avoid an unpleasant interaction with them.

Most people have their personal spiritual philosophy tattooed on them and it becomes a way of opening the opportunity to speak about spiritual things. In this world where we are taught to be afraid of our neighbors it is nice to have a way of really getting to know the people around you. It is nice to have a common bond despite all other social differences.

If you already have a tattoo and are experiencing social rejection issues it is wise remember that things in the church change quickly. I would not be surprised to find that in 20 years having a tattoo won't be an issue at all. The evil music that was preached against in the 60's and 70's is now played regularly at church dances and the Coke and Pepsi drinkers that were denied temple recommends in the 1970's can now go to the temple in spite of their soda habits. It is all a matter of generational perspective, which is bound to change as the old guys finally die off.

Top Tattoo Designs For Men and Women in 2010 - Early Predictions I
Stake My Reputation On - Part 1

Top Tattoo Designs For Men and Women in 2010 - Early Predictions I Stake My Reputation On - Part 1

Samurai Tattoos
Samurai Tattoos

Yup you read that title right even though it is still very early in the year it is easy to spot to top tattoo trends and what will be the hottest in tattoo designs for 2010. These trends are so hot that one cannot ignore the big spikes in searches that will produce this year's top tattoo designs for both men and women. So here is our vote or prediction for the whole 2010 and even into 2011 year in the world of tattoos.

There are so many here it is a bit hard to narrow them down as it look like the entire field or world of tattoo designs will continue to grow by leaps and bounds throughout the next two years as it has for the past 5 or so years.

Japanese Tattoos

Japanese tattoo designs are catching on big time. They have always been around and there have always been artists that specialize in creating authentic Japanese tattoo designs here in the west however, it has typically been more a fringe movement and had fewer devotees. However, this will change in fact it already has. Right now it is a micro trend of sorts with some short spikes of growth but it is going to catch on huge over the next year. This will include Japanese cherry blossom tattoos, koi fish, Geisha and Samurai as well as dragon designs. Most of these will be used on the popular locations on the body found below.

Ambigram Tattoos

Ambigrams are hard to explain if you have not seen them before. It is a very visual puzzle that just can't explain or translate well in words as funny as that might seem since they are made up of words. Ambigram tattoos are essential the art of taking two word designs and then putting together so a person can read one word when the tattoo is held upright and another word when it is flipped over. These are very popular and tie well into the whole literary and word tattoo trend as well as they work and look great on the forearm which is also a pretty popular location right now.

Literary And Word Tattoos

Of course there are so many different ways to refer to these tattoo designs there are the simple one word tattoos on the wrist that celebrities like to get. There are the foreign language tattoos and even the sayings and poem tattoos. This would also include the whole kanji, Arabic and Celtic tattoo designs. Anything that features writing or letters as the main part of the tattoo would fall into this category and it is currently one of the hottest trends and quickly growing bigger by the day.

These are some of the most popular trends right now based on what people are looking for, search engine trends and feedback from tattoo shop owners. They are provided here to give some ideas to those looking for what to get tattooed. However, it is never advisable to just jump blindly on the bandwagon because someone said it was popular. Instead find thing that you like and if it matched with one of the designs then great. These are meant to spark your own original and unique tattoo designs and ideas. These are trends that interestingly enough are equally popular with both sexes male and female.

If you are seriously considering getting one of these hot tattoo ideas then it is best to check out online the huge amount of tattoo design resources out there. They can give you more ideas and resources and even designs to get started in creating your own unique high quality tattoo.

Locating Japanese Tattoo Designs - Where's the Superb Artwork?

japanese Tattoos
japanese Tattoos

Looking for good-looking Japanese tattoo designs can be one of the more frustrating things to do on the net. They are wonderful images for the most part, but the fact is that there are so many generic, low end tattoos that men and women should never settle on. That's all most people seem to run into, though. The good news is that there is a slew of fantastic artwork out there that you are missing out on and here is how you can find it.

The reason I say that you are missing out on the great Japanese tattoo designs is that you are probably using the wrong tolls for finding them. If you are like 95% of the men and women on the web, you are choosing to use a search-engine to locate the tattoos you want. While they are enticing tools for finding anything you want in the blink of an eye, they are actually very bad at pulling up the quality tattoo-galleries. All that seems to rear its head are the same type of generic, low end galleries and that are packed full of eight year old images. On top of that, most of the images they have are already posted on about a hundred other galleries. There is not one tiny ounce of originality in any of those Japanese tattoo designs.

Ok, enough about that. Let's get to the point about finding the truly great Japanese tattoo designs out there...

It can easily be done by implementing the power of internet forums. It's an amazing alternative to the search0engiens when it comes to finding out where the quality tattoos are. Tattoos happen to be a very big subject in many forums, so you better believe that you will be able to find tons of posts which contain links to some of the galleries that you have missing out on. Finding new, fresh Japanese tattoo designs will be fun once again, because you will be able to locater link after link to tons of websites that have artwork that is not spread all over the internet already.

It's just a simple solution to finding many of the superb Japanese tattoo designs you want. Not matter which tattoos you are considering getting inked just make sure that it is the perfect one for your tastes and don't settle for less.

Tribal Dragon Tattoo - How to Choose Your Tattoo Without Regrets

Dragon Tattoos
Dragon Tattoos

A tribal dragon tattoo makes for an excellent choice of tattoo design for your next tattoo. But what about other types of dragon tattoo? In this article, I'll tell you all about the tribal dragon tattoo but also talk about other, similar possibilities so that you make the right choice for you and one that you will never regret.

Tribal Dragon Tattoo

A tribal dragon tattoo makes for an excellent choice for your next tattoo. Tribal tattoos generally are simple but make a big impact. Sometimes, you can be limited in the designs available to choose from but this is not so for dragon tattoos of this style.

Dragons are drawn differently by different cultures. Hence, there are many types of dragon tribal tattoos. The standard S-shape is very popular. Some people prefer one where the dragon spreads its wings in a symmetrical manner - this can look great when positioned on the body's centre-line.

Another variation is to have the body of the dragon forming an outer boundary in a circle. Sometimes, the dragon's head alone is used for the tattoo!

Tribal Dragon Tattoo Meaning

Tribes have existed all over the Earth for a long time. When people mention "tribal tattoos", they usually mean tattoos that are done in the Maori style. As far as I know, the dragon did not have huge significance for the Maoris.

The dragon does have significance in other cultures though, particular in East and South-East Asia. Here, the dragon is revered and not feared. It is seen as a long living, wise and intelligent bird.

Tattoo Of A Chinese Dragon

This is the more common type of dragon style tattoo that you might have seen people wearing on their skin while out and about. Dragons like this have a very dynamic look to them. Rarely is the dragon sitting down. More usually, they are snaking around in mid-flight.

These dragons are highly detailed with a complex face, scales all over and wings to contend with too. Only trust an experienced artist to do such a tattoo on your skin.

Tattoos (Celtic Style) Of Dragons

Celtic dragon tattoos are highly unique. A wide variety of colours is not important here. Celtic dragons are often depicted as looking from one side to the other (usually right to left). They are done in black ink only or with few colours. They may also be drawn with relatively few lines - sitting somewhere between tribal and Chinese/Japanese style. As is common with many celtic tattoos, the dragon may be depicted inside a circle.

Floral Tattoos - Different Types of Flower Tattoos and Their Meanings

Floral Tattoos - Different Types of Flower Tattoos and Their Meanings Behind

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

As you may know, the art of floral tattoo has been around for as long as the art of tattoo-making itself. Flower tattoos are popular all over the world not only for women but also for men. Flowers are colorful, soft, delicate, pretty and short-lived. Maybe because of that reason flowers become a sexy symbol for all tattoo designs since everyone has that special blooming moment in life. However, many flower tattoos represent different meanings and all different from each other which make it more fascinating to know about it.

Sunflower is one of the common tropical flower tattoos you can find among others like hibiscus flower, daisy flower, tuberose flower, orchid flower... Sunflower tattoos symbolize strength because of the character of the flower always stand up and follow the direction of the sun. It also means you are splendid.

Rose tattoo is the most popular among all the flower tattoos because of its timeless beauty and rich meanings. Nowadays, red rose tattoos symbolize beauty, love and romance while other color can have different meanings. A yellow rose means friendship, white represents purity and innocent, pink is for grace and gentility, and black symbolizes death (although not always necessary mean death depends on different culture and belief).

Hibiscus flower tattoos or also known as Hawaiian flower tattoos because they can be found a lot in Hawaii. Hibiscus represent the delicate, soft beauty and because or its short life, Hibiscus tattoo also mean to enjoy your beautiful moment in life because it is short. Hibiscus flower has many different colors like red, pink, orange, purple... which I think doesn't have any significant differences in meanings.

Flower Lily tattoos symbolize virginity, purity, and the radiant soul of Virgin Mary.

Lotus flower tattoos symbolize two different things if you see it from a Western side and Eastern side point of view. In the East, lotus is viewed as similar meanings as the rose from the West while on the other hand it symbolizes the clarity of mind as well as the heart.

Cherry Blossom tattoos are originated from Asia, particularly Japan simply because of its beauty and delicate nature. For the Japanese, the cherry blossom is a very delicate flower which only blooms for a short period of time therefore represents the transient of life. This concept also is also reflected deeply the Buddhist culture belief that life is suffering and transitory.

Combine floral tattoos and other tattoo designs like skulls, stars, swallows, and butterfly are really common in the tattoo community. Butterfly and flower tattoos are really sexy for women while the skull and rose tattoo designs can be found more on men.

Hawaiian Flower Tattoos - Exotic Flowers, Yet Simple

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

Hawaiian flower tattoos are becoming very popular. Hawaii is one of those places people dream about going to or living. If you've been there, you want to go back. The climate is perfect nearly all the time. The people are beautiful and friendly. It seems natural to want to express that feeling with a tattoo.

The state flower of Hawaii is the hibiscus. Hibiscus come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. If a woman wears a hibiscus behind her ear, she is either saying she is taken or is looking, depending on the ear. Hibiscus petals are only open for a short time during the day. A Hawaiian flower tattoo with hibiscus could symbolize the shortness of life.

If you've ever visited Hawaii you have been presented with a lei. Leis are generally made from plumeria. They bloom all year and they have a very sweet scent and a variety of colors. Plumeria can be used as an accent to a tattoo with hibiscus or on its own to signify warmth and welcome.

Hawaiian flower tattoos can be very simple or combined with other elements to make an intricate design. Someone who has visited the island may want a simple reminder of its beauty and get a Hawaiian flower tattoo. On men you might see hibiscus flowers surrounding some tribal art. Hawaii is one of the Polynesian islands and tribal tattooing has a deep history.

Combining different symbols of the island can make a unique tattoo design. You can combine the plumeria or hibiscus with dolphins, water or waves, surfboards or even beautiful women. Plumeria and hibiscus are not the only flowers that can be used in Hawaiian flower tattoos. Hawaii is full of gorgeous flowers such as the lily, orchid and rose. All of these can be used to make a beautiful tattoo.

Because these flowers are so simple, you want to take your time and figure out how your tattoo is going to be unique. You don't want to just go into a tattoo parlor and say you want a Hawaiian flower tattoo. You will be left with a generic tattoo that you may regret.

Tattoos of Scorpion - Designs, Ideas, and Meanings of Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpion tattoos are one of the more popular tattoo designs in a number of different cultures. The tattoos of a scorpion is believed to be a symbol that protects the wearer of the tattoo.

There are a variety of different meanings for tattoos of scorpions such as danger, death, hatred, envy, evil, pain, and the belief that strength cannot be decided by size alone. These different meanings are a result of the sting of the scorpion's tail. Scorpions have ancient symbolism and they have many ties to mythology, with Egyptian gods and other cultures.

Most of the scorpion designs are done in black and gray and can also have hints of color mixed in with it. More detailed scorpion tattoos are in full color and some of the more common colors seen with the scorpion designs are, tan, gold, neon green, crimson red, bright blue, and purple.

The design of a coiled scorpion represents that the wearer is a fighter and someone you shouldn't mess with. Most women tend to get a design displaying a small scorpion which can be placed attractively on their foot or ankle. A small scorpion tattoo design serves as a reminder that despite your size you are still strong and should be reckoned with.

The most popular areas to place scorpion design include the arms, back, and shoulders. Although scorpions are small creatures they can still be deadly. The same goes for scorpion tattoos, they can be both attractive and intimidating at the very same time.

Expressing Yourself With Tattoos

3D Tattoos
3D Tattoos

Have you noticed that there are a lot of people that have Tattoos these days? In the past you may have only seen tattoos on people such as sailors, outlaws, and biker gangs but now tattoos are a very popular body decoration for many people. The types and styles of tattoos has also come a very long way. It is no longer crude pictures of pinup girls, skulls, and anchors. Tattoos have developed into very sophisticated art work ranging from Celtic crosses to very personalized symbols. People have found and created designs that express themselves in a very personal way.

What is a Tattoo?

Very simply a tattoo is a puncture wound made in the skin that is filled with ink. Although done differently today than in the past the technique is still somewhat similar. Today, tattoo artist use a tattoo gun that has one or more needles that penetrate the skin and delivery ink into the skin. Tattoos last a very long time due to the fact that the ink is placed deeply into the skin. The top layer of skins is called the epidermis and it is constantly shedding and being reproduced. If the ink from a tattoo was in this layer of skin it would not last very long. The layer of skin that the ink is injected to is called the dermis, which is a deeper layer of skin that is very stable and makes the tattoo stay visible almost permanently.

Tattoos in the past were done manually with a tool that they tapped on the skin to make the puncture wound and then the ink would be injected by hand. Most tattoo shops today have tattoo guns or machines to do this today, although you can still find areas around the world that still use the older style of tattooing. The tattoo guns make tattooing much more quickly today because the machine is able to deliver the ink into the skin as it is puncturing the skin. The tattoo artist can change the tip of the machine to contain one needle or group of needles depending on if they are drawing the outline of the design or shading part of the design. Most tattoo artist today are very skilled and know just how far to drive the needle into the skin to produce a good tattoo. Not going deep enough can result in ragged tattoo and going to deep can result in excessive bleeding, not to mention the pain would be much worse.

Does It Hurt?

Getting a tattoo can hurt and can take several hours or even days to complete depending on the size and design of the tattoo you are getting. The amount of pain can and will very depending on the location of the tattoo. Everyone has a different threshold to pain also. The art has a bit to do with it also. A good tattoo artist can provide less pain over a new or less experienced tattoo artist.

So you want a Tattoo!

First and foremost, if you are going to get a tattoo, get it done safely! Remember, a tattoo is a puncture wound that needs to be taken care of just like any other scrape or cut that you may get. By taking care of your tattoo you will be less likely to have it get infected. It may sound a little silly but you need to make sure that your immunizations are up to date. Tattoo shops today have implement steps to help you avoid infections and disease but it doesn't hurt to take an extra step for your own safety. Have a plan to get medical care if your tattoo does get infected. Some signs of infection are excessive redness, prolonged bleeding, pus or changes in your skin color around the tattoo.

If you have a prior or existing condition such as heart disease, allergies, diabetes or a condition that effects your immune systems by all means consult with your doctor. He may be able to recommend precautions that you can take before getting your tattoo.

Choosing the place to get your tattoo is very important. You want to be sure the tattoo shop is clean and safe. Things such as needles, gloves, mask should all be disposable and should never be used on more than one person. The guns themselves and other equipment that is not disposable should be sterilized after every use. You can contact your local government agencies(county, city, local health department) that can inform your on licensed tattoo shops, standards or complaints against a specific tattoo shop.

Here are some things to look for:

Does the tattoo shop you are looking at have an autoclave to sterilize equipment? An autoclave is a piece of equipment that uses steam, pressure and heat to sterilize with.

Is the shop licensed? You can check this through you local government agency and the tattoo shop you are looking at should be able to provide you with references.

Make sure the tattoo shop the regulations that outline procedures to be followed when dealing with bodily fluids that are provided by the Occupational Safely and Health Administration's Universal Procedures.

Just keep in mind, if the tattoo shop you are considering looks dirty or just doesn't feel right to you for any reason it would probably be best to find a tattoo shop you are more comfortable with.

What to expect

First of all you will need to find your design that you are wanting tattooed on your body. The tattoo shop you are going to will most likely have thousands of designs that you can look through. You may also be able to have the artist create a unique design for you. There are also may designs to choose from on the web. Once you have decided on a design you will need to decide on a location. You may already have a location in mind and be able to choose the tattoo you will be getting for that particular location. The tattoo artist will then clean and even shave if necessary to area getting tattooed and apply a type of stencil of the tattoo on that area and allow you to see it. This will give you a good idea of what it will look like. As the artist is getting the ink and gun ready they will explain things about the needles and the procedures in order for you to become more comfortable with the whole process. When you are both ready they will begin the outline. Once the outline is finished the tattoo artist will once again clean the tattoo area and most likely change the needles in the gun to do the shading or fill in. After finishing the tattoo the artist will again clean the tattoo area and apply some type of antibiotic ointment and then it will be covered with a bandage. Congratulations! You now have a new tattoo. It will take a few days to heal but soon you will be able to remove the bandage and show off your new art.

Tattoo Care

The last step you will need to follow in very important. That is taking care of your new tattoo until it is fully healed. The tattoo shop will give you instructions that you should follow and will most likely give you ointment to use on your tattoo. Just remember to contact your doctor if something about your tattoo seems out of the ordinary (as discussed earlier). Make sure that you keep your tattoo bandaged for the first 24 hours. This will help in the healing process greatly. You will want to avoid touching the new tattoo and picking at any scabs that may form. After all, it is a wound and will most likely form some scabs in places. When you wash it for the first time try to use an antibiotic soap and just pat it dry. Re-apply some antibiotic ointment and also re-bandage it. This will only help your tattoo to heal. You want to avoid getting your new tattoo wet(pools, hot tubs, long showers) until the tattoo has fully healed. The other important step is keeping your tattoo out of direct sunlight. Even after it is fully healed the sun can cause fading of your tattoo a great deal. So it is suggested to use a sun screen on your tattoo for quite some time so that your new tattoo does not begin to fade to soon.

Scorpion Tattoo Design and Meaning

Scorpion Tattoo Design and Meaning

Scorpion Tattoos
Scorpion Tattoos

Scorpions are small creatures that have fierce stings. Maybe this is why some people choose to get a scorpion tattoo to show that although they may appear feeble, they can actually hold their ground. Tattoos look awesome in color, but may look tougher in black ink. The choice is yours, but color tattoos often give a softer appearance and add more detail.

Reasons people choose a scorpion tattoo vary. Some get a scorpion portrait because they are a Scorpio, as it relates to horoscopes. Others get the tattoo because a scorpion is a fierce creature, with a tough appearance. The purpose of a tattoo is usually either to represent ones personality, or to show off a neat looking portrait. Often, tattoo artists are able to give the appearance that the scorpion is coming out of your bellybutton or other area on the skin. Without a doubt, the amount of creativity is up to you!

Tattoos represent something about you. A picture of a scorpion inked onto your skin will let others know you mean business. Although scorpions are "tough" looking, they also have a soft side. For instance, some girls have scorpion tattoos on their ankle, which still looks "tough" but adds a soft side to the image as well. A scorpion portrait placed on an arm, shows strength. Guys will often pick a place such as an arm or leg to show they are tough. Using large tattoos is generally considered masculine because the tattoo will cover an entire muscle, instead of being hidden. A tattoo on an ankle, or stomach, is often chosen by girls to show a strong, yet delicate persona.

Since scorpions often live in hot and tough areas, the image of a scorpion shows a person has strength and is able to live through tough moments. This may be why people get scorpion tattoos, to show they are able to make it through difficult situations, and stay strong. The scorpion represents power and force, and proves that size does not matter.

Cross Tattoo Designs And Meanings

Cross Tattoos
Cross Tattoos

The Cross Tattoo is one of the most popular tattoo designs these days and has been through out the ages. It has a strong religious connection and meaning, and comes in many forms. The Cross Tattoo represents eternal life and immortality, faith and the union of heaven and earth.

To help you in your search for a Cross tattoo design I will look at the most common cross symbols and their meanings, giving a brief explanation of each. When you have an idea of what you want, the most successful way to find a good cross tattoo gallery, is to look for one of the larger tattoo galleries. The larger tattoo galleries divide the tattoo designs into different genres, so you can easily find the cross tattoos.

    I will look at the design and meaning of the following Cross Tattoos:
  1. Christian or Latin Cross
  2. Tau Cross
  3. Anchor Cross
  4. Greek Cross
  5. Cross of St Andrew
  6. Celtic Cross

One of the most recognizable crosses today is the Christian cross on which Jesus Christ died. For that reason it is very symbolic and holds a lot of meaning, allowing people to show their faith. It is also know as the Latin cross, with a shorter horizontal arm than the vertical arm.

Another famous cross is the Tau cross. It is in the shape of a T and is named after the Greek letter which it resembles. The Tau is an ancient symbol of eternal life, and is also steeped in religious meaning. Christians also refer to this cross as the cross of St Anthony, as he died on such a cross.

The anchor cross is the combination of a cross and an anchor. This cross represents faith and hope. The anchor cross is believed to be a Pagan symbol and predates Christianity.

The Greek cross, also known as the Cross of St George has equal length arms, and was used by the Greek Christians, as they preferred symmetry in their designs. In 1100AD the Cross became the symbol of England.

The Cross of St Andrew, now the flag of Scotland is in the form of an X. St Andrew was crucified on the X cross rather than a Latin cross, because he believed he was not worthy to die on the same cross as his lord.

The Celtic Cross is a Latin cross with a circle within the upper cross. The circle represents eternal life as a result of Christ's death. The Celtic Cross was used by missionaries in Ireland around 800AD to mark places of worship.

I hope this review of cross symbols has helped you in your search for your new Cross Tattoo.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Everything You Need to Know About Sleeve Tattoos

Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Everything You Need to Know About Sleeve Tattoos

Sleeve Tattoos
Sleeve Tattoos

Tattoos are becoming more and more popular for both men and women. Out of all the different types of tattoo designs, I think that sleeve tattoos are among the coolest. They can cover just your forearm or as much as both your arms and legs and extend to the rest of your body.

The reason why I love sleeve tattoos so much is that there are almost endless possibilities. You have so much 'canvas' to use your designs on and you can build the tattoo up over a number of sessions or even over a number of months, adding a small part of your 'sleeve' every time you go to the tattoo parlor.

What Is A Sleeve Tattoo?

In case you are still wondering what a sleeve tattoo is and why it is named that way, let me explain. Usually sleeve tattoos are inked on the arms (forearm or the entire arm) but can also be done on the legs. They are any type of tattoo that fully covers a limb. Often all the skin is covered in tattoos which is why the tattoo is called a sleeve tattoo.

What Kind Of Designs To Use?

There are of course an infinite amount of designs and possibilities that you could choose from. Often it is nice to make a combination of some of your favorite things in life that have meaning to you and blend them all into one awesome-looking tattoo.

Among the more popular choices are Tribal tattoos, Japanese tattoos and flower tattoos. Tribal tattoos are not always just black,bold lines in a pattern. Pretty much any image can be converted into a tribal design, so you can get tribal tigers, tribal flowers and so on.

The Japanese designs are ones like cherry blossoms, samurai and koi fish. Besides the fact that these designs look very pretty, they also symbolize many things. The koi for instance is a symbol of strength and adversity since it is a type of carp that can be found swimming upstream, against the current.

Just A Word Of Advice

Sleeve tattoos are rather large and intricate designs. This means that they will take a long time to get inked, and it will usually take many sessions with your tattoo artist before your sleeve is complete. This is not a problem at all, but you need to be mentally prepared to persist in getting your tattoo completed. If you give up when you are 20% done with the tattoo, its going to be rather odd-looking.

But...the reason why sleeve tattoos are so cool is that you can design the entire thing before-hand in such a way that every tattoo session completes the sleeve in such a way that it looks like a complete tattoo every time at every stage of the way through.

Learn All About Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

With the variety of flower tattoos available, there's nothing more important than looking at the many different designs to make sure you choose something you love. Flowers are especially difficult. Each flower tattoo has a different subjective meaning attached to its design and purpose. Unless you have an absolute favorite flower with a personal meaning, it can be very hard to decide which one is right. A good place to begin is to consider what different flower tattoos traditionally signify.

Common Flower Tattoos

  • Jasmine: Cheerful, light-hearted, innocence. Joy in all things.
  • Hibiscus: Beauty, timelessness charm and delight. Classic beauty.
  • Carnation: Pride, faith, beauty. Patriotism.
  • Lilac: Innocence and purity.
  • Begonia: Imagination, creativity. Flower of writers, actresses, actors and move directors.
  • Apple blossoms: Good luck, knowledge, wisdom, prophecy.
  • Red Rose: Love, passion. Flower of lovers.
  • Lavender Rose: Pure love, untainted by selfishness or self-interest. Pure innocence.
  • Yellow Rose: Cheerful, bright. Need to be loved and cherished. Sociable.
  • Lily: Quiet, solitude, reminiscence. Humble and cautious.
  • Water Lily: Missing someone. In love even though you're far apart.
  • These are just some of the most common flowers chosen for tattoos. Of course, every flower will have a personal meaning to you, and you should review many different designs of the flower you are interested in. You can find online tattoos, or even purchase packages of these various flowers for unique and professionally colored designs.

    Flower tattoos are great for color because their colors are usually very vibrant and exotic. Greens and oranges clash wonderfully with reds and yellows. If you want an eye-catching tattoo that everyone stops to ask about, a flower design may be for you!

    With the various meanings and designs, there is a flower tattoo design for everybody, including males. Contrary to popular belief, flower tattoos are just as popular with males as it is with females. However most males use flower tattoos as more of a compliment to an existing tattoo opposed to a focal primary tattoo.

    Armband Tattoo Designs - How to Choose the Best Armband Tattoo?

    Armband Tattoo Designs - How to Choose the Best Armband Tattoo?

    3D Tattoos
    3D Tattoos

    The use of tattoos has different meanings. Today it is considered a cosmetic fashion for status symbol. It can be mark of status and rank, spiritual devotion, sexual lures and marks of fertility, decorations for bravery, pledges of love, amulets and talismans, protection or marks to distinguish. The symbolism and impact of tattoo varies from place to place and from perception to perception. Today there are different forms of tattoo designs which are inscribed in different places of your body. Of all these the armband tattoo designs are the most popular form of tattoos which people go for with unintended consequences. This is particularly popular among young people and those who love to flaunt their tattoos.

    Today tattoo has experienced some kind of resurgence especially in North American, Europe and Japan. The growth of tattoo culture has an influx of new artists into this industry and people want more innovative and unique tattoos for themselves. The armband tattoo designs are inarguably the most popular tattoo designs that people seek. Just look around and you find the them everywhere, the bikers, the CEO's, the young women next door, the old man who is still young at heart, the young school teens and even the wild crowds in the pub. Besides armband there are ankle tattoo designs, wrist tattoo designs which are equivalently popular.

    Why are armband tattoos so popular?

    For most people the armband tattoo make a great first tattoo before they experiment somewhere else. The other reason for popular of armband tattoos is its variety and versatility. The available designs can make one feel unique and personal. You find a lot of armband tattoo designs which include intricate Organic tribal patters, feather motifs, Celtic knots, Hawaiian theme bands, feminine armband tattoos which include flower with vines which usually encircle the entire arm and others.

    How do you choose the armband tattoo design?

    Armband tattoo designs are there for all ages and all people. No matter who you are - a college guy, a middle aged office executive or a rock star of your colony or a simple guy who has a fascination for armed tattoo. Here are few tips which you should keep in mind while you find a perfect armband tattoo design for you-

    Are you looking for a tattoo design you are infatuated with? Do you wish your tattoo to speak about you personality and other feature? Then you must choose your tattoo very carefully. If you want your tattoo to tell rich stories and meaning of it the search for such armband tattoo like the Celtic tattoos, the Japanese tattoos or like the Cross tattoos properly on the web.

    While you go for armband tattoo designs talk to your artist about the variety, size and color combination of your tattoos. Your skin color is very important to match the tattoo colors. Choose the colors which contrast well with your skin.

    Do you wish to mix up themes? Then choose two different armbands which make proper armband designs. For instance you can choose Celtic knotting with a tribal horse at the centerpiece which makes a good combination of armband tattoo designing.

    Your armband tattoo design can be a great tattoo if you choose them correctly and go to a good artist to inscribe it. No matter whether you have biceps or normal arms an armband tattoo design would suit your arm very aptly.

    Full Half and Quarter Sleeve Tattoo Designs A Complete Guide

    Sleeve Tattoos
    Sleeve Tattoos

    Wondering what the heck a sleeve tattoo is? Well they are one of the most popular of all tattoos and they look great. Very basically a sleeve tattoo is any tattoo design that covers up the majority of the skin in a certain area. For example a full arm would be a full sleeve tattoo. These are becoming increasingly popular as the overall trend for tattoos rises and people discover more and more about body art. They can be a wonderful tattoo design if you have carefully thought about what you want to get and the artist you are going to work with. Here is some more advice about getting sleeved.

    What Is A Sleeve Tattoo?

    Some of you might be wondering where did they get their name and how it is different from regular tattoos? Typically sleeve tattoos are done on arms can also be done on the legs. They are any type of tattoo that fully covers this can so that little to no skin is showing through the tattoo. They're often called sleeve tattoos because they look very some similar to wearing a long sleeved shirt. Fact, you have probably seen fake or sleeves being sold on eBay and these are just the sleeves of a shirt with an intricate tattoo design.

    Popular Designs And Ideas

    Of course if you're getting a sleeve that to an article at the time that you want it by all means go with that design. However, if you are still contemplating what you want to include in your design are the exact details of your design are some of the more popular ideas that people use with getting sleeve tattoos.

    1. Traditional Japanese Designs - another very popular theme for sleeve tattoos are traditional Japanese designs. The Japanese have a long history of tattooing and theme of the designs of koi fish, samurai, and cherry blossoms can often be interwoven beautifuly.

    2. Floral Patterns - there are many different floral patterns and can easily be adapted or tweaked into a tattoo. These are typically more delicate feminine nature but don't necessarily have to be.

    3. Celtic Designs - Celtic knotwork often lends itself to tattoo designs. The intricate nature of the interwoven knotwork could make a beautiful design. Since there is so much space or canvas available on your arms often one can include knotwork animals and even calligraphy into an overall Celtic design.

    4. Tribal - These take large tribal tattoo designs and spread them out over the large canvas. These are often very popular ideas for guys as the bold strong black lines of a tribal design can look pretty cool. You are thinking about getting tribal design then you want to carefully consider the culture and the style you want. Many of the native cultures have very developed tattoo designs that have been carried over into modern tattoo art. For example, you can get a Maroi Tattoo or possibly a Hawaiian tattoo.

    Time, Cost and Commitment

    sleeve tattoos are typically very large and intricate designs which can take a long time to complete. Therefore they compete more expensive and require a great deal of commitment. So you might be wondering how much will sleeve tattoo design costs? This could depend on a variety of different factors such as the popularity of the tattoo designer, the type of design that you want, and if you decide to get a custom tattoo versus standard flash. All prices can range greatly and there is no set amount typically full sleeve tattoos can run between $500-$2000.

    Typically ssleeves are done over multiple sessions lasting about an hour each. Most full sleeve to designs can be done with about 20 sessions over 20 hours of total work. Depending on the availability of your tattoo artist as might be scheduled at one session per week so a full sleeve tattoo could take easily over 20 weeks.

    You are considering getting a full sleeve tattoo you want to carefully consider the design in the tattoo artist. Spent some time before hand considered both these factors could play major role in your overall experience of getting a full sleeve tattoo. Try to find an artist does want to work with you and listen to your ideas and a design that you are happy with.

    Tribal Shoulder Tattoo - Finding Designs From Sleeve To Back Piece

    Back Piece Tattoos
    Back Piece Tattoos

    A tribal shoulder tattoo can truly be an amazing choice of tattoos, but finding the top of the line designs online can be a real hard thing to do, as you may have noticed. Well, you don't have to settle for generic artwork on the web. Here is what you need to watch out for when it comes to most of the cookie-cutter art that litters the internet, as well as how to bypass it while getting to the good stuff.

    What you need to remember first is that a tribal shoulder tattoo is not something you just "settle" for. You don't settle for a generic design that looks half way decent just because you couldn't fins something better and you are tired of searching. That will no doubt turn out to be something you will regret, sooner rather than later. To avoid this, you don't want to rely on a Google search to find your tribal shoulder tattoo design. You also should not rely on the random, cookie-cutter websites on the internet just because they have a bunch of tattoos and artwork to choose from.

    These websites have art that is well over four or five years old and the content is already plastered all over the internet and on so many other websites. Who knows how many other people already have that tribal shoulder tattoo inked on their skin? That's not a design that you want on your body. You want your ultimate choice of tribal shoulder tattoo to be great quality and you want them to be original.

    That's the other problem with artwork from those places, especially for any tribal shoulder tattoo designs, which can be complicated pieces. The artists that submit most of the work do not have much knowledge about tattoos. This means that there are a lot of them that do not know what it takes to draw something that will look just as good once made into real life tattoos. While they might be very good at what they do, which is draw, they don't have what it takes to make designs that will look even half as good once inked on a person's skin. Is that a tribal shoulder tattoo design you want on your body?

    There is an easy way around that type of content, while getting to the tribal shoulder tattoo designs that are top notch...

    The way around that generic crud is by using a little thing called an internet forum. Not just one of them, though. Feel free to use as many big forums as you wish. I can't tell you how many times in the past where I have used them to locate fresh designs and artwork at some of the most amazing websites you will ever find. This is how you locate the underground artists that have designs that are not plastered all over the web and this is also how to locate the artwork that is actually drawn to be implemented as tattoos. Real artwork for tattoos made by real artists. Forums are filled with information on websites that have tons of tribal shoulder tattoo designs.

    Finding that quality tribal shoulder tattoo design on the internet doesn't have to be hard, so please, don't settle for the generic, cookie-cutter designs that flood the web.

    Are Flower Tattoos for Men?

    Flower Tattoos
    Flower Tattoos

    The answer to the above question is yes, an increasing number of men are opting to get flower tattoos done. Usually men prefer getting flower tattoos as a combination with other tattoos. It isn't necessary that only women get flower tattoos done, many men also get them done but in a more masculine theme. Flowers can be romanticised or could represent beauty, the colourful scheme can enhance the tattoo tenfold. Usually men get flower designs with other masculine symbols like skulls, shamrocks, guns and dragons, this takes away the femininity of the flower but the beauty of it remains.

    Some men prefer getting these kind of floral tattoos with Koi fish, angels and tribal designs. Some prefer representing a difficult life journey through thorny flowers. A lot of the times, when men get sleeve tattoos done up on their arms, they put in some flowers in it to enhance its beauty. Some Hawaiian flower tattoos are also suitable for guys. Some Borneo flowers are specifically designed for men. Borneo flower tattoos are done in the shape of an eggplant flower. It is usually done to mark the rites of passage from boyhood to manhood. These tattoos that are done in Borneo are used as a journal, the experiences a man goes through; he tattoos it on to his body. Apart from physical aspects, there are tattoos in Borneo that can be done for killing a person and also one specific type of tattoo done at the throat that represents protection from anyone beheading you.

    They can represent various things, depending on the design and placement. One of the most common places to get these tattoos is the shoulders and arms. Full sleeved flower tattoos look masculine and extremely appealing. As stated above, Hawaiian flower tattoos done in black look extremely charming and masculine and when combined with tribal designs look extremely appealing. Sometimes men use different colours for flowers which do not exist in nature like blue roses, it romanticises the whole aspect and gives it a dreamy quality. Hibiscus and roses are two flowers that are extremely sought after for tattoos. Usually, these tattoos are done up on the arms, shoulders, chest and calves. Flowers can be alone or they can have vines and blooms alongside them to increase the whimsical feeling. One very different floral tattoo is drawn on the side; it shows pollen flying away from the flower, with the flowers roots underneath the ground being shown as well. It represents the changes constantly in life but how if you are deeply rooted to your culture and traditions, you bear through the harsh climate and atmosphere to bear fruit to beautiful little buds everywhere else which even though apart from you, still carry a piece of you within.

    Skull Tattoo Designs - The Different Meanings Of Skull Tattoos

    Skull Tattoos
    Skull Tattoos

    When tattoo enthusiasts decide on a tattoo hoping to send out a rebellious and tough vibe, they usually lean towards a skull tattoo design. Skulls are always associated with death and fearlessness. Skulls and crossbones are used in chemistry labs to depict hazardous and deadly substances in the nearby area. As this message is commonly understood through our culture, skull tattoos can also suggest meanings that are more delightful. In fact, skulls tattoos are not always requested only to look grim and chilling. Some tattoo recipients actually prefer a more cartoonish style to give off a cutesy and innocent feel. Therefore the meanings of skull tattoos can vary depending on how you choose to interpret the design.

    As we should all know by now, skulls are viewed negatively because it is the ultimate symbol of death. For that reason, during Halloween, it is common tradition to decorate our house with spooky objects such as skulls and skeletons. Similarly, it is believed that pirates utilize an image of a skull on their flag to bring about fear to other travelers of the sea. In relation to death, the skull is also understood as a sign of triumph. During important battles in the past, it is common for the king to request the head of the person they wish to see dead. This is a way to show solid proof that the enemy is dead while displaying the superiority and power of the king. Consequently, through past events, the skull has gained the reputation for being frightening. But did you know that is not always the case? Believe it or not, skulls are also pictured in a positive light.

    During ancient times, skulls were a symbolization of big changes rather than death or danger. This meaning has been adapted over the years and tweaked. Now, skulls serve the important meanings of power, protection, and strength. Additionally, sporting a skull tattoo can symbolize your ability to overcome death and tragedy. Therefore a skull tattoo can be contrasted against the popular meaning of death and represent determination, strength, and toughness as a person instead.

    Alternatively, in Christian culture, the meanings of skulls are slightly more complex. Skulls are a symbol of eternity, repentance and human vanity. Many times we see art pieces of a serpent slithering through the eye socket of a skull. In this particular design, the snake is a symbol of knowledge while the skull resembles death. Combining the two together creates a modified meaning of immortality. Although there are many different meanings of skulls, both positive and negative, the only thing important is what a skull tattoo means to you.

    The Most Popular Side Tattoo Ideas and Designs For Men and Women

    The Most Popular Side Tattoo Ideas and Designs For Men and Women

    Samurai Tattoos
    Samurai Tattoos

    Side tattoos are currently really hot. They are one of the top most requested tattoo designs by both men and women these days. They are easy to cover up when needed but also very easy to reveal when it is desired. They have never been incredibly popular before but have been in the world of tattoo designs for a long time. Thus side tattoo ideas and rib cage tattoo designs have become some of the most searched for and requested tattoos out there.

    Here are some popular and cool ideas that can work well for both men and women to get your own ideas going. These of course might not be exactly what you are looking for but they will at least get your own ideas going and get some thoughts rolling through your head to help you over the creative block. You can then take the ideas you like and tweak them to fit your own unique tattoo design.

    Japanese Tattoos

    Of course it is hard to miss the quickly growing trend of currently hot Japanese tattoo designs. Those of us here in the west that have always loved Japanese tattooing arts are finally cheering as the rest of the tattooing world realizes and now better appreciates the beauty of traditional Japanese tattoo designs. The Japanese have been tattooing for centuries and way before the Americans and those of us in the West. They have therefore further perfected their art and the elements of design. The deep symbolism and foreign feel about these designs give them an air of mystery and a real lure for anyone casually looking through a series of Japanese tattoo designs. Not only that the themes and designs in most Japanese tattoos can work equally well for both men and women. Koi fish, Dragons and Geisha all work well for both sexes. Samurai and Angry Gods work well for men while cherry blossoms and goddess work well for women.

    Literary Word Tattoos

    Literary tattoos have been titled or called many different things yet they are all kind of one and the same design. Any tattoo design with a word or words right now is very hot. IT doesn't matter if you call it a saying tattoo, a word tattoo or a literary tattoo they all are basically incorporating words into the design as the prominent feature. This is relatively new in the area of tattoo designs since in the past tattoos were always graphical pictures with a few words as embellishment at most. Now the main part of the design and the embellishment of it is all a word or lettering design. It seems that literary tattoo designs work very well coming on up the side of the body. It provides a large canvass area for extensive and intricate work to be done on the font.

    Old Classics In Retro Styles

    Another very popular trend and series of designs for the side tattoo that is great for both men and women alike is the old classic tattoos. Things like nautical stars, pinup girls, anchors, and sail boats are the types of designs that being talked about here. Now these are not the same exactly as the ones your grandfather that was in the Navy has. Although they give a throwback to these times and tip their hats off to these early tattoo pioneers and designs. Instead they take many of the same designs, tweak and update them a bit with more detail and then add color ink to the designs that were originally done in black only. This really breathes new life into some beautiful classic tattoo designs and they are very popular among men and women alike.

    Flower Tattoo Designs - Discover the Beauty and Diversity of Flower Tattoo Designs

    Flower Tattoos
    Flower Tattoos

    Flower tattoo designs are very popular among females. A lot of women who want to have a tattoo will most likely choose flower designs. Flower tattoo designs are feminine, and they remain as one of the most common options among women who embrace the art of skin tattooing.

    There are several reasons why flower tattoo designs offer a good choice for permanent body tattoo. Flowers are not only beautiful, they are also timeless. They signify a woman's femininity and diversity. More often than not, flower tattoo designs are colorful, bright and very attractive. They make a good impression on a woman's skin. The choice of colors is essential in coming up with a great looking tattoo.

    Flower tattoo designs are sizable. Depending on your preference, you can choose to cover one entire area of your body with the design you want or you can choose one cute, small flower for one area of your skin. You can also opt for sprawling flower tattoo design to be positioned on your lower back. This is both sexy and feminine. If you want a smaller design or just a single flower for a tattoo, you can have it placed on one side of your upper back or on your upper arm - a common spot for tattoos.

    There are a lot of add-ons that you can incorporate in your flower tattoo design. You can choose to add thorns, leaves or even ribbon details. Butterfly and birds designs can blend well with flower tattoos. Fairies can also be added to create a fantasy theme. You can also choose your own concept such as adding words or names.

    There are also many ways to enhance flower tattoo designs. You can start with a single flower and then, after sometime when you have decided to have a bigger tattoo, you can choose to add more flowers and have a crawling design or other fancy details. These designs can also be easily customized and the possibilities for color combinations are endless. This shows just how flexible and diverse flower tattoo designs are.

    Depending on your personality, you can choose a particular flower tattoo design that suits you. One of the most common is the hibiscus flower design. It presents a summery, Hawaiian theme that is both laid back and relaxed. Hibiscus flowers have a tropical and exotic island flavor and they symbolize an easy-going, fun-filled lifestyle.

    If you want a more unique flavor, the Lotus flower is also an excellent choice. This flower starts as a bud against the mud down in the bottom of the river and it slowly rises up on top of the water for sunlight. Soon, they unfold into a beautiful and lovely flower. Based on the beliefs of Hindus and Buddhists, this flower symbolizes the soul's journey towards enlightenment. The lotus flower tattoo design can be used to symbolize a person's deeper persona and spiritual attributes.

    Other popular choices include orchids, cherry blossoms and other small oriental wildflowers. In general, flower tattoo designs are excellent and timeless choices for tattoo art which you can cherish for the rest of your life.

    Flower tattoo designs can symbolize different things for different people. It is important to find a design which best depicts what it is you wish to express. If you're looking for the perfect flower tattoo, check out one of the internet's Top 3 Tattoo Galleries - each of which contain thousands of high quality, unique tattoo designs.

    Finding A Tribal Shoulder Tattoo Design, From Sleeve To Back Piece

    Back Piece Tattoos
    Back Piece Tattoos

    A tribal shoulder tattoo design can be one of the more amazing tattoos there is, but locating the top notch artwork can be a pain. The good news is that you don't have to settle for generic artwork, and I will shows you how to avoid that stuff, while getting right to the quality designs online.

    I assume you already know the general area you would like your tribal shoulder tattoo design. What I will also assume, if you were like me, is that you scoured the web for tattoos and ideas, only to come up just about empty. This happens because the internet is filled with generic stuff that is spread all over the place. You should not settle for Google search or artwork from some random, cookie-cutter website that happens to have some decent art. A lot of the designs from these places are over six or seven years old and the artwork they have are already plastered all over the web already. Who know how many people have that tribal shoulder tattoo inked on their skin already? That is not something you want when looking through tribals.

    One more thing about those generic websites with tattoos, especially when it comes to a tribal shoulder tattoo. While they may have some good artwork in them, a lot of the designs were not actually drawn to be implemented as tattoos. While the artist that happened to draw it may be good at what they do, which is draw, a lot of them do not know what it takes to draw something that will look good once made into real-life tattoos. Sure, the design might look good on your computer screen, or even on paper, but their lack of skills when it comes to tattoos makes it a poor choice for real tattoos.

    Getting a quality tribal shoulder tattoo can be easy, though....

    Getting straight to the great designs starts with using internet forums. Forums are wonderful places when it comes to finding any and all information when it comes to tattoos, and just about any other subject for that matter. Even for websites with tons of tribal shoulder tattoo designs. I can't tell you how many times forums have led me to exactly where I needed to be. Remember, people love to brag to others when they find a hidden gem, such as a websites with tons of artwork that will make a good tribal shoulder tattoo design. There is not a better place for people to spread the word to a select few about their findings and you can reap the benefits.

    Getting a quality tribal shoulder tattoo online doesn't have to be that hard anymore and it can actually be a bit fun, so go ahead and get the original artwork that you have always wanted.

    Scary Pictures of Skull Tattoos

    Skull Tattoos
    Skull Tattoos

    Some people, when they decide on a design for a tattoo may choose to have a picture of skull tattoo applied to their body. Many tattoo shop customers choose this sort of design especially if they like designs that are a little macabre or odd. Skulls, crossed bones and other scary tattoos have been popular with tattoo shop customers for as long as tattoos have been around. Having images as tattoos that have something to do with death, such as a skull, shows others that the customer isn't afraid of death or that he or she is filled with life and has no time for thoughts of death.

    Many skull designs have other elements added to them to create new and unique tattoo designs. Sometimes it's a banner that wraps around the skull and has someone's name printed on it. Other times the skull is wrapped in flames or even flowers depending on the taste of the customer. Many tattoo shop customers want to have a skull tattoo to show that they like to live life on the edge a bit maybe. This is especially true of those people who enjoy dangerous sports or hobbies and who want to show everyone else that they're not afraid. Skull tattoos aren't just for male customers though. Many women have skull tattoos on their bodies, perhaps with flowers around the design or the skull might be smiling or a little more light-hearted than the male customer's version of the design.

    The skull design that some people may bring to the tattoo shop artist may have been found in a search online going through web site databases of images. Once the customer finds an image that might look nice as a tattoo design, they take that image to the tattoo artist and have a sketch made of a unique design that has the skull image in it. The design may be altered and modified to more closely match the idea that the customer has for the tattoo, with some line or color changes.

    Once the design is finalized and the artist is ready to begin, the choice of location on the customer's body needs to be made. By using line sketch copies of the actual size tattoo design and placing it on various areas of the customer's body, the tattoo artist can suggest what location may be best for the customer to have it. It's important that the choice of location on the body doesn't interfere with the person's ability to do his job properly. Some companies have strict policies against visible tattoos showing on their employee's bodies when dealing with the public. So be sure that it's all right with your boss before you get any sort of visible tattoo.

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