Smell The Scent Of Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos

The women of today have no qualms about going under the knife for vanity's sake. They are not scared of knives. Neither are they with needles. Tattooing is increasingly getting popular among women as more and more female celebrities flaunt their body accessories in the form of tattoos. What makes it so popular?

Tattooing is a form of self-expression. In this era, women have their say on just about anything and they have the freedom to do what they like. Unlike before when tattoos on women were looked down upon by society, it is now something women can be proud of. Tattoos mean strength, power, beauty and sensuality. And these are the things that women want.

Women generally favor more colorful, fun, and intricate tattoo designs such as butterflies, fairies, and flower tattoos which is probably the most sellable among women especially the younger ones. These tattoo designs bring out the beauty and sensuality in them. But there are men who also wear flower tattoos and this commonly symbolizes someone close to their hearts and may even be accompanied with a name or initials of that woman.

Flower tattoos come in all forms, colors and sizes. The size would depend on the person wearing the tattoo. Whether she want it to be small, cute and inconspicuous and sexy, or big and obvious to prove a point or make a statement, is totally up to her because tattoos also spell freedom.

Any flower design that you think of can be made into a tattoo. The rose is undeniably one of the most popular flower tattoos to date. But any flower that you want can be recreated into a tattoo by a talented tattoo artist. Different flowers have different symbolisms. Here are a list of common flower tattoos and their meanings:

Baby's breath: Innocence, everlasting love

Bells of Ireland: Good luck

Carnation: Luck, health, affection, true love, woman

Chrysanthemum: Truth, cheerfulness, optimism, peace

Daffodil: Respect, new beginnings, happiness

Daisy: Innocence, purity, loyalty

Dandelion: Faithfulness, wishes come true

Forget-Me-Not: Remembrance, hope, true love

Freesia: Innocence

Gladiolus: Beauty, infatuation, strength

Hibiscus: Delicate beauty

Hyacinth: Playfulness, carefree

Iris: Wisdom, friendship, faith, valor

Jasmine: Sensuality, elegance, wealth

Lavender: Devotion

Lilac: Confidence

Lily: Wealth, innocence, modesty

Magnolia: Dignity, beauty, love of nature

Orchid: Rare beauty, refinement, long life, many children

Primrose: Youthfulness, love

Rosemary: Remembrance, hope, purity

Sunflower: Adoration, loyalty, luck

Tulip: Fame, beauty, love, charity

Violet: Faithfulness, innocence, modesty, calm

Weeping willow: Remembrance, affection, friendship

The color of the flower used in the tattoo could also determine its meaning. A rose, for instance, means femininity, eternal love and beauty; but a dark crimson or black rose could mean death or deep sorrow. You can research for the different meanings of different flower tattoos before you get one for yourself unless it has a personal meaning to you.

A tattoo is a personal thing; whether you want flower tattoos or any design you want or the meaning you want to convey is determined solely by the person who will wear them, you. If you want to express something though a tattoo, go ahead. If you want to get one as an accessory or to raise your sexiness level up one notch, no one's stopping you. It is your prerogative. Nothing beats the smell of freedom.

at 7:32 AM
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